
"Mrs. Romero! You're supposed to be at the breakfast table, this hour!!",I groggily opened my eyes to meet with a pair of irritated eyes staring down at me.

I hummed looking at the maid who was impatiently tapping her heels on the floor and again drifted to sleep.

"Mrs. Romero!!",she yelled killing my eardrums with her piercing voice only to jerk me out of bed instantly.

I huffed annoyingly at the lipstick bimbo who dared to disrupt my peaceful sleep. She grinned ear to ear on seeing my scrunched eyebrows, my eyes throwing thousand daggers at her direction.

"Sir has directed me to run a warm bath for you and to bring you at the breakfast table, before 9",she blurted scanning my smudged mascara and messed up hair, my wedding gown dumped in a nook like a pile of garbage.

I yawned nodding while slipping out of my duvet only to notice my body clad in a piece of see through lingerie. Instantly a wave of embarrassement hit my body like a storm, instantly making my hands to cover my naked front with the comforter...

"I'll b-be there in a minute",I whispered biting on my inner cheeks to prevent myself from blushing when I noticed her intense gaze on my face. It's not what it looks like, I felt like to shout out aloud but restraining my inner feelings, I tried to maintain a poker face.

She instantly left, but not before throwing a manual at me. I cocked my eyebrows in confusion seeing the cover that reads "The perfect wife to be".

Opening the front page, my gaze got stuck on a lady who was concealed in a high tone makeup with her long golden blonde locks dangling in air, her waist thinner than it should be while her lips were painted cherry red.

Maybe the men liked such kind of ladies but it somewhat made her uncomfortable. The fake smile and makeup cannot hide the sadness behind that professional facade. She can't be that women neither she wanted to be. Afterall this wasn't a marriage, indeed an arrangement to save many lives from slavery as well as a chance to save her family...


"I'm sorry baby!",she stiffened hearing his croaked voice and tears trailing down her exposed shoulders.

Looking at his teary face, unknowingly her heart felt a weird sensation. As she lifted her hand to touch his wet tears, he instantly held her hand in a tight hold and twisting it behind her back, he whispered", I'm sorry to my deceased mother for marrying a whore like you".

His words were aimed at my heart but more precisely my self respect and dignity.

He was not a human but a pure demonic Avatar of evil. Feelings of warmness and respect cannot be expected from his side.

"I fulfilled your promise of freeing the slaves but...",he instantly turned me around and grabbing my nape, he looked deep into my eyes as if he's searching for something and as if he noticed something, his emerald orbs darkened in a flick, my heart clenching at the deadly smirk plastering on his lips.

"But the promise of leaving your dad alive will also have a price",his words made the floor beneath me slip and instantly as if my world came to an end, a loud sob recked through my throat, quivering my whole body with the jolt that I straight landed on the floor on my knees in front of the devil, helpless.

"W-what price, bastard? Isn't it enough that you already destroyed my life!!",I couldn't control my surfacing anger and I blurted out everything furiously while wanting to leash my whole anguish by choking him to death.

"Mind your tongue! Believe me there much to destroy. Marrying you only made a worthless shit like you somewhat dignified otherwise after I'm done with you, you would be rotting somewhere on the streets...",I internally cringed at his malicious tone.

"Though you are entitled as my wife, you're a slave to me and I want you to remember this till your grav..."

"I also don't want my name to be attached with your filthy n...",he instantly grabbed my throat and constricting it to an extent that I couldn't move my head, he uttered loudly almost barking on my face with his eyes bloodshot", I'm not fuckin' done with my statement!!!"

"You will follow certain rules and if you break one rule, you'll get a punishment and the number of times you'll repeat it, it'll get doubled!",he looked at me while removing his hand from my slick neck that was now imprinted with his finger marks.

"Rule number 1: Obey my orders without any negligence, hesitance or denial.

Rule number 2: Address me as Sir when we're alone.

Rule number 3: Don't touch me unless I direct you during our sexual intercourse",I cringed at his selective use of words.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in having sex with you!",he shot me a glare and gritting his teeth,he proceeded",You broke one rule! Get ready to face the punishment after we're done"

"Rule number 4: Attend media or press conference, parties and formal meetings with me.

Rule number 5: No talking to men except me. If you want something, tell it to me or Daniel who's your personal bodyguard from now onwards.

Rule number 6: You'll pleasure me and fulfill all of your duties as my wife without any questioning though I won't everytime return that favour and lastly...

Rule number 7: You'll bear my child very soon so your diet and behaviour will be under control. You'll be in supervision of my men.."

"The fuck I'll bear your child. We haven't discussed it before our marriage! This isn't acceptable!!",I glared with equal intensity while rising on my feet and pushing him abruptly, I walked near my bed and sat on it's edge while holding my throbbing forehead in my palms.

"You'll and I'll also see what you can do to escape this truth that you're my wife now and sooner or later, you'll be the mother of my child. I've already said that I'll never divorce you, neither you'll be able to escape from here so the only option left is to be a good women and listen to your men!",he whispered calmly but this was the silence before the storm.

"Now is the time for your punishment sweethearts. Strip and lie on your stomach and remember, one fuckin' denial and your punishment will get doubled!!",he chuckled maliciously while unclipping his cufflinks and rolling up his sleeves, unveiling his massive bulky and tattooed arms.

I shook my head while whispering a low No. I can't do this. I'm not ready to stand stark naked in front of a devilious stranger.

"Oops! Double punishment. It'll be great fun to teach you a lesson, tonight", without giving me a second to digest his words, he lunged towards me and tearing my corset back of the strapless gown within seconds, he flipped me over while straddling my back and pinning my both hands above my head, my face dipped against the mattress.

Before I could even protest, his hands slid in my bare thighs and caressing them gently, he whispered leaning forward while fanning his minty breath near my ear",Soft as satin but I'll love to make it rough and swollen"

His hands went on my butt and instantly terror groped my senses. In a go, I was left only in a price of lingerie with him sitting on top of me, eyeing me with predatory gaze.

"Don't worry, it'll hurt for the starters like you but then you'll crave for more. You'll scream my name whole night. The erotic moans that can get any men on their knees. It won't be a punishment any longer after you'll start to enjoy it",my heart started thumping loudly against my rib cage and in a brief fragment of time, his hands rose up from my butt cheeks and after few seconds, I felt as my flesh was burning on fire.

"No!! St-stop, it's hurtin'!!!",a shriek escaped my lips with tears slipping down my lachrymal ducts and vanishing in the satin sheets, but to muffle my sobs, he pushed my face more into the mattress while increasing his intensity of vileness and torture.

Hola lovelies,

Happy Mafia Sunday,

My updates are late but please understand my situation as a student. If you loved it then don't hesitate to press on the ⭐ button and give your feedbacks in the comment below.

Love you... :)