After the long tiresome and mute ride, I finally stepped in front of a majestic mansion with lavish decor. The bushes on sides of the pebbled pathway were neatly trimmed into various shapes with the centre bearing a large outdoor pool. 

It was really fascinating like a fairytale but the mansion looked too void and hollow, as if it was abandoned from ages. The driver after dropping me here instantly disappeared.

I slowly strolled towards the metallic gate which opened on it's own, I guess it was automated. Walking inside, my gaze landed on the beautiful white lilies planted in a nook in series. They looked too fresh and pure and I felt an urge to touch them. I extended my hand to caress them but it was held tightly by someone.

"Don't touch my flowers, girl!",a woman in her mid fiftees yelled on top of her lungs causing my eyes to bulge out of my poor sockets. I immediately stepped away from the flowers as well as the woman who was eyeing the flowers with too much adoration as if they're her babies. I guess she's the gardener or the caretaker here. 

I instantly turned towards the maindoor which was slightly ajar and peeking inside, I found a woman sitting on the couch leisurely, talking with someone on the phone with her back facing me. While talking her gaze abruptly landed on me and gosh my breathing got stuck in my throat.

"Yeah, I'll call you back later",she hangup the call and roughly throwing it on the couch, she started walking towards me.

"Hey you! What were you staring at,huh? Shove your ass inside and instantly start working. Layla will clear your every doubt",she spoke while passing me a glare.

"Huh? Excuse me?",I passed her an areyouinsane look and she instantly barked "What!" on my face. Is every creature in this mansion, a runaway mental patient?

"I think you've mistaken me to someone else",I spoke pointing my index finger towards me while passing her a tight smile and she dramatically sighed.

"To whom I've mistaken you with madam, take some pains to clear this doubt",she spoke in a honey laced tone with a hidden mockery as well as irritation in her tone.

"I'm...I'm actually Romero's, I mean Mr. Romero's wife",I spoke and I can say from my observation that her face had lost all its colour and she instantly turned pale.

"S-sorry Mrs. Romero! I've probably mistaken you with Mr. Romero's slaves that work here in alternate shifts",she spoke with bated breaths, waiting for my reaction but her words were dawned on me, shocking me to the core.

He said that he'd free all the slaves if I'll marry him. Infact, this was the term as well as condition behind this unfateful marriage. Than why'd he deceived me? Neither is he allowing me to meet my family nor he's stopping his brutal search on my father!! Then why the hell I'm bound in this fucking relationship when I'm getting nothing but the tears from him.

Today either he'll divorce me or better sell me to the brothel or otherwise he'll take the guarantee of not harming my family and those mere pathetic creatures. If he wants me to live with him unwillingly in this marriage and give him his rightful heir! That's my condition for being his better half not only in paper but physically and mentally too..

"Mrs. Romero, I'm extremely sorry for..."she was looking too gloomy and started blabbering sorry when I cut her off. 

"It's okay! Show me my room. I'm extremely tired and want to rest for some time",she nodded while swiping a card in the slot provided in front of the door that led me to a giant bedroom with a master bed in the centre. The furnitures and accessories including the sheets, rug and chandelier were of Victorian style giving it a classy and rich look. 

My mouth went in awe and I couldn't help but feel jealous by his utter richness. Well technically his money and his body is mine too but I don't want it. I don't want to feel relished spending a mafia's money earned by illegal ways.

I removed my ankle length black sleeveless gown and slipped into a satin nightgown placed in the closet, finally slipping under the covers.


Author's POV:

Aurora's slumber broke with a slight knock on the door. Pulling a cardigan over her shoulders, she groggily parted the door slight open just to peep outside.

"Mrs. Romero, good evening! Here's your herbal tea. I thought you'd be needing it after a long tiresome day", the girl I met this morning spoke with a bright smile adorning her face. I nodded, opening the door fully to let her in.

"Do you work here?",she nodded while placing the cup on the side table.

"What's your name?",Aurora asked holding the cup in her palm and inhaling it's refreshing aroma.

"Arielle porche",she spoke timidly while fiddling with her fingers.

"Hey, are you feeling nervous around me, Ari? You won't have a problem if I call you by a pet name?",Aurora asked scanning her restless face. She frantically shook her head.

"So how old are you Ari?",Aurora tried to befriend her but her reply make her choke on her tea and she started coughing terribly.

"Just turned sixteen Mrs. Romero", Aurora passed her a quizzical look while scanning her body that looked too mature for a teen girl.

"I understand that you might be thinking that I look different than normal teens...! I actually had silicon implants and incisions done when I was only thirteen. Anyways, I just wanted to say sorry for this morning's mishap and please Mrs. Romero, don't say anything to Mr. Romero",there was a fright visible in her tone.

"N-no I won't say anything",she passed her a piteous smile and holding her cup, she started marching towards the lawn covered with a layer of fresh green grasses covered with dew. The night started falling gradually with uneasiness settling inside her heart. She was lost in her thoughts when she bumped into someone and the hot liquid from the cup was poured onto that person's forearms.

"Oh no, Mrs. Romero!", Arielle ran towards the lady who started shrieking in pain while Aurora stood there frozen as if lightening struck her. The lady starting screaming loudly in pain and in a flick, she jumped towards her to attack, thrashing her hands violently but Arielle defended her by jumping in between and grabbing her arms, she literally started dragging her inside the mansion. 

Her body went on alarm when she heard the screeching sound of the tyres and there stood her biggest nightmare, all drenched in blood with a pistol clutched in his hands.

He started walking in her direction and seeing her standing like a statue, he spoke rather harshly,"Why're you standin' here? Go back to your room!!"

There was a moment of intense deafening silence between the two when he literally barked after noticing her silent and irritating response to his yellings,"The fuck you're deaf, huh? Go back to your room or stay here the whole night!!"

"I burned her hands",she spoke staring hollowly towards his greenish orbs.He looked at her face keenly, trying to decipher the meaning behind her broken sentence and than reality dawned on him.

"Her means who? Who is she? TELL ME THE FUCK WHOSE HANDS HAVE YOU BURNT!!!",he yelled clutching her forearms tightly, ramming his nails in her soft flesh causing a low yelp to escape her fumbling lips but she chose to keep quite. 

"What games are you trying to play with me, I don't know but if that lady happen to be my mother, you haven't thought what could happen to you and your father!",he spoke bitterly while jerking her body away with a push that she stumbled back and involuntarily fell on the grassy muddy lawn.

He immediately ran inside the mansion, bolting through the door and finally reaching towards his mother who was crouching near the fireplace in the living room with both of her hands wrapped in the thick layer of bandages and Arielle serving her medicines and water.

"Mum!",he whispered eyeing his mother's tear stained face which created a tug in his heart. Why have you done this Aurora? Why have you hurt my mother? 

"Kayden",the lady whispered in a quivering voice while trying to stand but he swiftly held her in his arms, preventing her from limping and falling on the hardwood.

"Kayden, son! Th-that new girl, she burnt my hands!!",she started wailing like a child in his arms and the corners of his eyes too moistened seeing her mother's pathetic condition. She has Alzheimers. However hard he tried to treat her with world's best doctors but no progressive recovery in her mental health was noticed. 

"Don't worry mum! She'll be paying for hurting you",he whispered patting her back while a fire was already blazing in his eyes. The fire to burn her into ashes this time.



Hola lovelies,

Happy Mafia Thursday

Another update :)

The next chapter might contain physical and explicit scenes, even rape to be straight forward!

Why do you think Aurora is lying? And is there something from the past which is responsible for Kayden's monstrous behaviour? 

The next update may come tomorrow or day after tomorrow so stay tuned for updates :) Don't forget to kiss that star button with your fingers...

Stay safe and happy reading...