At least Let Me F*co Your Dead Body

'Damn I'm really early, aren't I?', I looked at my wrist watch. It showed five thirty a.m. There was barely any sunlight around and it was so cold I had to keep myself wrapped up in my scarf although it wasn't even winter yet. 'Why do I need to wake up at such an unorthodox time? What do these people think sleep is?'

I was referring to the moron who called herself my family. My little sister to be precise. That brat had the audacity to constantly enter my room at 4am and torture me awake. I was surprised that she could even be waking up at that time, when she was simply a first year. I had decided to go embarrass her as soon as she stepped foot in her class later today. Just as I was thinking about how I would bully her, I saw someone standing at the bridge edge. I realized that the person wore the uniform from my middle school. My junior in a sense.

'What is she doing at this time of the day?'

I walked up to her and leaned on the balustrade, then looked down. The river gushed mightily flowing out to sea. I glanced at the girl from the corner of my eye. Her red hair danced in the cruel cold wind of a Friday Dawn.

"Sup?" I initiated a conversation.

"None of your business." She coldly cut me off, but I wouldn't let down.

"How old are you?" I didn't really expect a reply since it was a stupid question, but she decided to surprise me.


'So we are the same age? Then why is she wearing the uniform for my middle school?'

I noticed that her uniform was a bit too tight on her. Although a bit shorter than me, she had definitely out grown it. The shirt barely covered up her stomach and her thick thighs were showing. Her pearly skin trembled slight from the cruel cold wind.

'Still… there is something righteous about seeing her dressed like that.'

"Hey. Are you going to jump?"

"Yes.", she responded without hesitation. I looked up to the sky and let out a chilly breath. I slapped my cheeks gently so as to not create any problems.

"Ok then!", I yelled.

"Wha-" I could see that I startled her, but grabbed her arm and looked her straight in the eye. Her starry purple eyes widened in shock and she took a step away from me, almost falling.

"W-Wha!? L-let go of me…" Her face flushed red.

"Since you are going to die, let's have sex."

"I won't let you talk me out of thi- Huh!? No you pervert!"

She denied me. To think that even a suicidal woman would reject taking my virginity with her. Was this pain? When would my popular phase arrive?

"Why not?"

"Cause you're a pervert!"

Disappointed, I left her arm and leaned on the balustrade again.

"I see… it's come to this. Ok then I'll wait. I still have three hours to spare."

"You'll wait? For what?"

"When the dead body drags ashore. I'll have sex with it then."