Arena Thirty-Four: Foul Restrictions VIII


It was a field class today. I, along with my fellow 'classmates', had logged into Stigma to have some strategic matches.

"Anastasia Valentina, present."

I quietly announced my presence to the teacher, who took note of it and moved to the student beside me.

While I watched the teacher take notes, I turned to the girl standing right beside me, leaning her body on me while she hummed.

The silence of the students around us, either due to my friend's status or the tense atmosphere of Stigma (most of the students were coming to this world as an Elliot for the first time today, after all) made the whole thing awkward.

"But to think that you'll get engaged so soon, Feli."

I decided to make some small talk to break the air... Though, I couldn't deny that I was curious about her engagement too.

Felicia Emerald was one of my few actual 'friends', who had protected my back on the battlefield. And among them, Felicia, who was around the same age as me when she first joined, was closest to me.

Perhaps due to there being no age gap between us, or maybe due to her easygoing nature, I felt calm and peaceful while around her.

Though... I definitely felt calmer around Arnold nowadays...

"I mean, it's a benefit of being part of the Imperial family!"

She giggled as she answered while I smiled back wryly. She had came back from the Imperial Castle this morning, and had immediately joined the classes. Under her cheerful demeanor, she was a quite diligent student.

"The stories in the books would say otherwise though."

"Well that's because those princesses are not honest to their wishes at all! Unlike me!"

"Haha, well said."

I couldn't help but smile after hearing her energetic response. It was just like her, to see things positively.

But that didn't mean she was naive. Rather, she had a sharp head on her shoulders, sharper than most of the nobles out there.


Felicia turned towards me while tilting her head.

"... I was wondering about something."

"What is it?"

I asked, slightly tensed.

"You... You like Arnold Tilgen, don't you?"


I first thought of denying it out of embarrassment... Then decided otherwise. The cat was already more or less out of the bag.

"... I guess I do. Why do you ask? Or, more like, this isn't the place to ask, you know?"

I said before glancing at the students around us. While they had kept some distance, they could still hear us if they tried hard enough.

"... It's fine. No one will try to eavesdrop, right?"

She smiled at the crowd, who hurriedly took a few steps back. Seems like Felicia was just as tactful as before.

"Hah... Fine. Yeah, I do. What about it?"

I sighed and admitted the fact. But then, Felicia asked an unexpected question.

"Didn't you hate him at first?"

"... You listened to the recordings?"

"Well... I have to, you know. Standard protocol."

Felicia giggled while I kept frowning. Though, I couldn't blame her. Being a support type, she had to check ours', the other members', audio logs and battle data to improve and create new strategies. At the same time, she was the one providing logistical support for us all this time, so she needed to know how well we would cope with situations from observing the data.

"Anyhow... Yeah, I listened to the audio... I won't ask the reason why you fell for him, but I would like to ask this... Why did you hate him in the first place?"


My frown became deeper as I remembered that time. It was true, I had hated him... And for an extremely petty reason.

"... Come on, I'm waiting."

Felicia, even after seeing the complicated expression on my face, kept pressuring me. I hesitated for a few moments, whether to tell her or not.

Finally, I chose to accept my past self and tell her.

"Well... Arnold is... A high-ranked technician, right?"

I slowly spoke out those words. Felicia nodded in understanding before gesturing me to go on.

"... However, in the beginning... He was a coward and acted like this war had nothing to do with him at all. Of course, now he is really cool and always takes responsibility."

"Setting aside the lovestruck praises, what do you mean by the first part?"

Felicia smiled and asked me while looking at the sky through the skylight.

"He would get scared at the slightest things, or, he was too naive, I guess? He also acted aloof from the situation in cases... Though I didn't see him do so under my watch. I just read about it from the report. Not to mention, he would get agitated easily, though perhaps that was my own fault."

I smiled wryly, remembering the verbal abuse I did to him. I should probably apologize to him soon...

"Ah... I see..."

Felicia muttered while looking at my face.

"... I couldn't accept that someone with such powers was acting... so passive. Yeah, that's probably it."

"... I understand. It's a valid point."

Felicia smiled while leaning her head against my shoulder. The sunlight that fell down on her face through the skylight glimmered.


The door of the Winchester House's main mansion opened silently as the blonde Elliot entered the building.

"Welcome back, Phillips."

Hearing those words, Phillips, who was closing the door behind him, snapped his head to his right.

"Didn't see you there, brother."

He smiled while looking at the masked man sitting on the couch.

"Of course you didn't."

Raymond sighed as he leaned against the couch.

"So... Where were you?"

Without losing a beat, he confronted his younger brother, who immediately frowned hearing the question.

"... I was just strolling around the market nearby. Apparently, they have prepared a circus."

Instead of rebelling at the sudden question, Phillips answered honestly.

"False. You didn't go there."

"How can you say that?"

Raymond laughed at Phillips's counter-question.

"Well, first, you don't have the smell of oil and dirt on you. That market was placed on an open field and is opened to the commoners... There is no way you wouldn't have the smell of oily food and dust on you. Unless you took a bath or changed your clothes... You can't get rid of that smell."

"... Perhaps I just went near the market."

"Not possible. The market is around an hour away from this place, and it has been around three hours since you left the mansion. I don't believe you just went 'near' the market. It wouldn't take that long if that was the case... And it wouldn't make any sense if you just went near the market, stayed inside your car the whole time, and just returned. That would make things even more confusing."

"... What is your point, brother?"

Phillips finally sighed and held up his hands in surrender. He had technically confessed that he was lying.

"Haha, this is unlike you, Phillips. Usually, you would have a well-crafted alibi ready... Perhaps something is on your mind? Or maybe you just didn't expect to see me here?"

Raymond laughed as his eyes focused on Phillips's face. The younger brother pursed his lips, not admitting or denying anything.

"Just what is it, that's on your mind? Care to share with your older brother, Phillips?"

Raymond stood up and approached Phillips, who stiffened with each step the former took.

But instead of stopping in front of him, Raymond passed by him and walked towards the door.

"I hope that you are not conspiring some kind of shady plan, Phillips. Because that wouldn't end well for you."

"... I'm not doing anything."

"... Alright then."

Raymond shrugged and left the mansion, closing the door behind him with a loud thud.

Phillips stood there, gritting his teeth. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and unclenched his fists. Then, as if a switch was turned on, a smile appeared on his face as he walked through the empty hallways of the Winchester mansion... Acting as if everything was normal.


"So... Everyone ready?"

George asked us as we held the Regalia figures in our hands. More or less everyone had remained conscious through the process, except two students who were taken to the infirmary.

All of the remaining students nodded, trying to ignore the scent of vomit coming from around some of them as the automated cleaners cleaned up the stains.

"If you are embarrassed, don't be. It's normal to puke or fall unconscious during the process. Don't let it get to your head."

George chuckled before putting his fingers on the arm of the small figure. Without being needed to be told, we did the same.

The information again flowed into our minds, but this time the impact was soft, as if watching a movie or listening to a song.

"Now then, you there! What is this part called?"

George pointed at the elbow guard of the figure and called out to a nearby student, who hesitantly answered.

"Um... Elbow guard?"

The student replied while scratching her head.

"Well, that's correct. But the military-issued name?"

George laughed as he asked his question more clearly. The student's face brightened immediately after understanding the question fully.

"Extended Guard -Type E2?"


George placed his figure on the table and clapped heartily. The student blushed and looked down.

Then he turned to the others inside the room.

"As you can see, this connection lets you understand everything about the Regalia you touch. Though, that is not the aim of this class, as this connection is also explained in other courses... Instead of just establishing a simple connection, we will create full armour, weapon and external cores for the Regalia by ourselves!"

Hearing those words, everyone became curious almost immediately. Well, I could understand their feelings somewhat. The concept of making record-breaking armour and weapons that would change the tide of the battlefield... it seemed tempting to say the least.

"Our time is almost nearing the end, so I won't teach anything new today... But from the next class, we will start working on the basic weapons and armour for the Elliots. So be sure to attend it!"

George announced before stepping down from the elevated platform. Then he quickly glanced at the clock inside the room (probably placed there due to the modified gears not having any functions related to time), then gestured us to leave.

Almost at the same time, the bell rang, marking the end of the class.

I walked out along with other students before heading towards the next class.