Arena Forty-One: Their Secrets I

[A man's heart is like a treasure chest.]

[It might contain wealth of knowledge, beautiful memories, kindness and compassion.]

[At the same time, it might also contain traps, poisons, wicked desires, malicious thoughts.]

[Whatever the heart might contain it is never laid truly bare. Not to one's family, not to one's lover, not to one's children.]

[Every heart holds something that no one else besides the owner of the treasure chest knows.]

[And that is perhaps what makes all humans so different, so unique.]


I opened my eyes inside the infirmary of the academy. Thinking back on the tense discussion I had with Alicia, I sighed.

This was going to be problematic.

Really problematic.

Sitting up on the bed, I looked outside the window. It was already evening... That was probably because I slept through the entire noon after logging out...

Shaking my head in annoyance at myself, I stood up and picked up my bag from the table beside the bed.

Leaving the room, I found myself standing in an empty hallway. The students had left the building after the classes had ended, and the nurse had probably gone out to get a coffee or something.

Hopefully she hadn't abandoned me... Sighing, I left the building... Only to find myself face to face with a familiar character.

"Oh, isn't it Arnold!"

Felicia, who was for some reason sitting on a nearby bench and sipping a juice... Wasn't she a princess? Why was she sipping juice alone?

"Ah, Princess Felicia."

I decided to address her somewhat casually while still maintaining the formal tone.

"Not you too! Just call me Felicia! And no formal tone either!"

She pouted and complained while looking away. She looked extremely childish... But that was part of her charms.

"... Alright, Felicia."

I decided to honour her wishes. I hadn't been able to talk with her after the battle, so I decided to ask about her health while I had the chance.

"So, how's your health? Did you take any damage during that duel?"

"Oh? No, not really. Sia took all the damages for me... I couldn't do anything at all..."

She looked a bit down, so I smiled wryly.

"No, I saw everything. You were a great help to Anastasia with your buffs and sniper shots."

"O-oh? You saw those?"

She blushed and looked down. I smiled and nodded.

"Well, it's getting late... Won't anyone come to pick you?"

I asked, looking around. I couldn't see anyone around the building beside us.

"Ah! I'm actually waiting for Raymond!"

"Raymond? Why him?"

I asked, confused.

"Because well, we were supposed to go on a date today... Though his patrol was scheduled today... So I'm waiting for him to finish up."

"Oh? You guys are dating? Congratulations!"

It came as a shock, but then again, Raymond had a caring personality and was from a major noble house... So it wasn't anything odd now that I thought about it.

"Thanks, but we are engaged, not just dating."

Felicia giggled while I became more surprised. So the royalty did get engaged early just like in the novels... But I thought Felicia would be more modern-minded... Unless...

"Say... Felicia, can I ask you something?"

I looked at the bubbly girl beside me, who turned towards me with sparkly eyes.

"Yeah? Go ahead!"

"Did you perhaps... love Raymond? Like, even before you guys started dating?"

Hearing my questions, Felicia blushed and looked down.


As I thought. Seeing her flustered face, I laughed.

"D-don't laugh!"

"Sorry... I just found it wholesome. So, if you don't mind me asking... What made you feel that way about him?"

"A-ah... It's embarrassing to say but... Isn't he cool and dashing? Like, how he is always gentle and calm, yet when you need him the most, he becomes so... reliable. And then..."

I scratched my head as I heard her rambling on about the cool points of Raymond... Though I had to agree with her first point. The Raymond I had seen on the first night and the Raymond who took care of me from the next morning... felt like two entirely different people.

Felicia kept talking about Raymond with a happy tone as I sat there, listening silently while smiling and nodding here and there.

To be honest... It was getting too embarrassing and a little bit annoying at this point... Just as I thought that, my saviour arrived.

"Now now, Felicia... Don't embarrass me so much."

Hearing the gentle voice, Felicia abruptly stopped and turned her face, only to find Raymond standing there while scratching his head.

His face was still hidden behind the mask, but I could see happiness, embarrassment and gentleness in his eyes.

"R-Raymond... ! When did you come?"

Felicia hurriedly stood up and asked. Seeing her like that, Raymond laughed.

"Around the time when you started talking about my piano skills."

"T-then almost half an hour ago! Why didn't you call out to me..."

"You are so different outside the palace that I couldn't help but be amazed... So I kept watching. Sorry."

Wow, what a line. I looked at Raymond in amazement as he gently took the lead from Felicia, who was now completely silent after hearing those words.

"Ah, I almost forgot. Thanks for keeping her company, Arnold. I'm sure you were bored while hearing her ramblings about me."

Raymond patted my shoulder, while I laughed it off.

"It's fine, Raymond. I got to see some new sides of you... Anyhow, I'll leave you two be. I'll need to go back to the dormitory."

I said while turning back and waving.

"Ah, see you later then."

Raymond said while holding Felicia's hand. I smiled and started walking away... But then Felicia called out to me.

"Ah, Arnold!"


I looked around and saw Felicia running towards me. Before I could say anything, she hugged me suddenly and brought her mouth close to my ear.

"W-what are..."

I couldn't finish my sentence as I gulped at her following words.

"Be careful, Arnold. The Imperial Castle... It's the worst place you can be right now."

Her voice, which was cold and distant unlike her usual tone, terrified me. I somehow nodded, and she let me go.

Then as if she flipped on a switch, she smiled and said thanks for keeping her company... Before turning around and going back to Raymond again.

Feeling conflicted, I turned around and continued walking.

The reward ceremony, which was supposed to be simple... felt more complicated than ever now.