Slutlife Inc

I look at the ceiling of my room and start to think about the future. I'm in a world filled with monsters—a very powerful monster. I'm in a world where the most powerful being in the world is a red dragon that does barrel rolls every single day for some reason.

The second most powerful being is another dragon that wants to fight that red dragon. However, her method is really questionable. Leaving all the plan, preparation, and even the time to someone she just met.

And that said, the creature she chooses is a creature that only wants to cause chaos because he is bored and wants to see the world burn before going to the other world to do the same thing he is doing in this world.

There is also a human, a descendant of a Chinese hero, who wants to eradicate other races than humans to show that humans are not toys and that other races can play as much as they want. However, his method I don't really like. He uses brainwashing as a tool to recruit other humans to join his cause. Not only that, if he wants to prove that humans are superior to other races, he should not use tools from other races. He should not ally himself with other races. That would be stupid.

Urgh. The more I think about it; the darker my future will be. Fuck it. I will think about it tomorrow.



I look around and see I'm not inside my room but rather inside a room without anything but white. I look around the room, and my eyes see a desk and a woman behind the desk writing something.

I walk toward the desk, and when I arrive in front of it, the woman looks at me and smiles.

"Welcome! Please tell me your name."

"In this life or the previous one?"


"Which name? This life or the previous one?"

"Errr… Can you tell me both?"

"Very well. This life? Riser Phenex. The previous one? Johannes Raul."

"Please wait for a few seconds. I will be back."

I see the woman disappear and come back after a few seconds.

"I see. You are a unique soul, Riser Phenex."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, you are supposed to be reincarnated into Earth one more time. Not only that, your memory should be erased by then. It looks like the gods in your earth are messed up and decide to send you into the DxD universe without erasing your memory first."

"Huh. Okay"

"Just that? Okay?"

"Meh. What can I do? Throwing a tantrum?"

"Most humans? Yes"

"So! What do I do now?"

"Well, lucky for you, the higher up have an offer for you."

"What kind of offer? And what kind of place is this?"

"First thing first, Welcome to Slutlife Inc."

Wait. What?!?

"Slutlife Inc? R34 Economy? Waifu Catalog?"


"That… You… Huh?!?"

"You expect us to be a Random Omnipotent Being giving power and woman to the degenerate for free, don't you?"

"I…. Yes. I thought you were that."

"Hahahahaha, No. Well, not all of them are false. We do have an omnipotent being as our superior. We also give power and a woman to a degenerate individual, but…."

"They are not free."


"I see. What is the currency of the company?"


"I will not sell my own soul."

"No. No. No. You are not using your soul as currency but rather other people's souls."

"How is that work?"

"Well, you will be given an ability called Soul Judge when you accept to cooperate with Slutlife Inc. Soul Judge is an ability that is automatically activated at 12 AM. You will be teleported into the room like this, and after you sit down on the chair, the soul that you killed in 12 hours will be brought here, and you can 'judge' them. They can either repent or be devoured by your patron."

"Let me guess, the only one I get is the one that decided they did not want to repent?"

"Ding! Ding! Ding! However, before you say that those people could fake their repentance, don't worry. You will know if they are lying or not. If they lie three times, your patron will automatically devour them."

"I see. Is the only way I got souls is from the people that I killed?"

"No. As long as they died in the proximity of three hundred meters from you, they will be taken to your Soul Judge room."

"I see."

"Oh! Our company has strict rules. Never! Kill the innocent. We did not want to have a problem with the Celestial."

"What defines innocent?"

"Innocent is an individual that has never done any sin in their life. There is not much adult innocence, but there are one or three innocent people in each world. The only ones that are really innocent are babies and toddlers. As long as you did not kill them, you are good."

"I see."

I don't want to kill a baby and toddler anyway.

"Now! Let me tell you about the department in this company. Class-A is the place if you want to choose Archdevil as your patron. Class-B is the Archfey. Class-C is the Great Old One. Class-D is the Undead. Class-E is the Elemental"

"What is the difference?"

"The new member bonus. Class-A gives you 'Summon Fiend Familiar' magic. It lets you summon a demonic familiar like Imp and Inferior Demon. Class-B gives you the Fairy's Corridor, an ability that lets you open up a passage to a nearby unowned treasure. Class-C gives you the Eldritch Blast, an ability to call upon the power of the stars and release it, creating a powerful blast. Class-D gives you Rise Undead, an ability to raise undead from the people or creatures you killed. Class-E gives you Elemental Bending, an ability that lets you control one of the four main elements. Those abilities start as a weak ability, but the more you use it, the more powerful it becomes."

I nod my head. The only thing that was not really useful for me is the Bending ability. It can be replicated with magic, after all.

"Is there anything else I should know?"

"Yes. There is a mission section where you will be sent to another world to fulfill the mission available. There are eleven tiers of the world. The bigger the tier, the bigger the reward, but beware that, the bigger the tier, the harder the challenge would be."

"Understood. Where do I sign?"

"Wonderful! Here! Drop a little bit of your blood to this orb and say which department you want."

"Before I do that, can I ask you one more thing?"

"Of course!"

"How long do I need to work here before I can get free?"

The woman smirks a little when I ask that. It looks like I asked the right question.

"Normally, we will give a hundred-year contract, but because you are a unique case, we only give you a debt contract. By signing the contract with your blood, you loaned 100 soul points you can use as you wish. The contract will be over after you pay the company 150 souls. Not too hard, especially when you are in the DxD world."

"It is not as easy as you think it is."

"Meh. You could pop up in Afghanistan and kill the Taliban. Hell, there is even a bounty for all Boko Haram members in your world."



"Very well. Sign me in."

I pick the knife on the table, stab my finger and smear the blood on the orbs.


"Congratulations, you are now a Bronze member of Slutlife Inc!"


"Yes. Normally, a human who dies will be in iron membership and need to work for at least a century before reaching bronze membership. When you reach the Bronze Membership, you can buy up to tier-7 out of Eleven-tier waifu. A simple perk. Lastly, an advance perk."

The woman picked up a card from under the desk and gave it to me. {Women and Perk Image here}

"Here is the card showing the waifu and perk you can choose. This card is also the item you can use if you want to come here. Just take this card to your bed, and you will arrive here. Also, do not worry about losing this card. You can summon it with just a thought."