New Perks

"I will take a Cloak Mark 1 and Mental Barrier for one hundred points."

"Cloak Mark 1. An ability to cloak you from Precognition and Postcognition spell, technique, or power. However, this one only covers a mortal kind of ability. A higher being can still see your future and your past. The next one is Mental Barrier. This ability makes your mind immune from other controls. Not only that, but people also cannot see into your mind without getting strong backlash that can even kill them. However, like your Cloak Mark 1, it can be breached by a higher class being. So do not become too arrogant because you have this ability."

"Understood. I can still upgrade those abilities, right? Because I see Cloak Mark 2 in the list."

"Yes, that's right. You can upgrade those perks up to the third version. If you want to have the highest one, you need to become a silver member."

"Very well. How do we do this? Is it just like a skill one?"

"No. Please follow the corridor in front of you, and when you arrive at the end of the corridor, you will encounter a door. That is the room where you will get your perk."

I look at her for a moment before walking to the corridor behind her and follow it for a few seconds before I meet a dead end and see the door the woman is talking about.

I open up the door and see what is inside. It looked like an operating room in the hospital. There is a patient bed where they will receive an operating and some operating tools.

"Ah! You must be young Riser."

The one that greets me is a handsome man around his forty. He looks like Sebas Tian from Overlord. A gentle older man with a sharp expression behind those gentle surfaces.

"I will be your perk manager. My name is Rhan-Tegoth."

"The son of Shub-Niggurath?"

"That is right. I'm the one that gives you the skill you buy from the shop and will be the one giving your newly purchased perk today. So please lie down on the bed so we can begin the process."

I lie down on the bed that I already prepared and see Rhan-Tegoth wearing a blue glove.

"So. How does this work?"

"Well, it is rather simple. I create the perk you need using my power and give it to you."

"If it was that easy, why do I need to come here every time I need to buy a perk?"

"The process is simple, but I need to touch you physically to implant you with the perk."

"I see. Then what is the difference with the skill?"

"The skill is not really a skill per-se. You can say that it was a physical illusion tied into the surface of your soul. The Archfey is the one that comes up with those things. While they are annoying with their behavior, they are geniuses in terms of magic. Even some of us cannot comprehend their unique magic."


"So, are you ready?"

"What do I need to get ready for?"

"Well, it will be painful for the first-timer."

"What? ARRRRGH!!!"

Before I could finish my sentences, Rhan-Tegoth summoned a blue flame and shoved it inside my brain.


I continue to scream for five minutes before the pain slowly goes away after another minute passes by.

"Good. You did not bleed. Well, I guess it was because you are a Phenex. That is your Cloak Mark 1. Now your future and past cannot be seen by a human. Only the most exceptional human magician can breach this perk. Do you need to take a break? Or do you want to continue?"

"Continue. Let's get this over with."

"Heh. I like that. Here we go. Prepare yourself. This will not be as painful, but it is still painful."

I brace myself, and a second later, I feel my brain being stabbed by a hundred needles once again. However, unlike before, this time, it was slightly less painful. A little bit less painful but not much.

However, this time I did not scream. Instead, I bit my lips to prevent myself from screaming. After a few seconds, the pain is gone. I can feel my head sweating like crazy. I can feel my clothes getting wet for some reason.

"And done!"

I sit down on the bed and look at Rhan-Tegoth before nodding my head.

"Thank you"

"It is only business, my boy. However, I must say that it has been a while since someone is thinking about getting a perk first, not a waifu. Too many agents decide to buy waifu first rather than perk and skill to get their job easier. After introducing the waifu, they immediately jump to buy them. Also, do you know what makes things even worse?"


"They want to buy a clone."

"Huh? A clone? What do those things do?"

"Well, we can modify a clone. You know, total loyalty, always horny or becoming a masochist."

"Ahhh… Is there another type of waifu then?"

"Yup. There is an Original. This one is the easiest. First, we will get an original waifu, and it is up to you how to bind them. Next, there is a Clone like you told you earlier, and lastly, there is a Contract Waifu."

"What is that?"

"A contract waifu is a woman that is willing to sell their body and soul so their wishes can be fulfilled. For example, there is a world where Konoha is being defeated because their village experiences several famines in a single year. Because they are a loser in the last war, they have a hard time buying the food they need. Some of the clans want to go to the other village, but when they see how the Akimichi is being treated in the other village, they decide to endure. Because of this, we can offer them help. We can set you and Konoha to get an agreement. You can give them an annual food supply, and you will get yourself a waifu from it."

"Are you sure that is a good idea? A ninja can kill you in your sleep after all."

"No need to worry. The Slutlife Inc contract will prevent that. The contract will make her have the need to obey your order. Not only that, but it also prevents her from attacking you, having any bad intention to you and making her loyal to you."

"Isn't it the same as cloning?"

"Well, the contract is more subtle and needs time to make it permanent. The more you make your Waifu happy, the faster the process is complete."

"I see."

"However, I recommend you to have your own private pocket dimension."

"Urgh, meaning that I need to work harder to get that."

"Of course! Nothing is free after all."

I nod my head and get off the bed.

"Let me tell you something before you go. This is my only free advice. Quickly buy a private teleporter. While yes, you still need to pay for the fuel, at least it is cheaper than renting a teleporter from the company."

I nodded my head and got away from the room. Buy my own teleporter, huh. That means the company did not give me a ride if I took a mission to the other world for free. Meaning either they cut my paycheck for the teleporter, or they put it under the loan section.

Either way, it was not good for the newcomer, especially for people who only think with their dick.

I give my goodbye to the lady behind the desk and wake up on my bed once again. While my new perk did not have an immediate effect, it is rather assuring that someone cannot see through my head and see my future.

I really need to buy another perk, and this time, I'm aiming for the pocket dimension.