After Purchase

"Now you have bought a pocket dimension. What's the next thing you want to do?"

I look at the Archdevil and say.

"I honestly did not know. The only reason why I get this pocket dimension is to prevent me from using other methods of getting waifu."

"Ah! Contract waifu, huh?"

"Yes. I know I should not talk about moral high ground here, but I'm still not really comfortable directly brainwashing them."

"Heh. You know that even with the contract waifu, you still brainwash them, right?"

"I know, but I can at least think that it was not."

"Heh. Let me tell you something, boy. Suppress that feeling, especially around here. You are still new here and never accepted an escort mission, but you will go berserk when you see what other agents do to their waifu. You are an interesting soul, and I don't want to eat your soul just because you are attacking your fellow agent."

I nod my head at what the Archdevil is saying.

"Good. You don't need to discard that feeling. Just suppress it."


"Good! Now, you can follow Y41T out. Then, when you want to buy more property, you can come here once again."

I nod my head and follow Yuni out of the room and to the company hub. While walking through the corridor, I ask Yuni about the Archdevil.

"Yuni, is Asmodeus the same Asmodeus in my world?"

"No. He is the FIRST Asmodeus. You know the Seven Deadly Sin and the devil represents it?"


"Well, all of them are the first devil born in the Multiverse. Not only the multiverse but the omniverse. The Asmodeus from your world takes the name of Asmodeus from him. That is why only seven devils can claim the title of Archdevil. Other than those seven, they are called the false Archdevil, and the company put a bounty on them."

"I see."

"You are lucky not to talk about it to Lord Asmodeus. If you ask him about it, you will be on his bad list. You did not want to be on the bad list of Lord Asmodeus."


That is exactly the reason why I decided to ask Yuni instead of Asmodeus. However, I don't know if I will offend him if I ask him about that.

When I arrived at the company hub, Yuni sat down on the chair and looked at me before saying.

"Is there anything I can do? You still have 100 points you can spend. There are a few simple perks you can buy, or you can buy a worker golem for your pocket dimension."

"No, thanks. I need to save up for an upgrade to my mental barrier perk."

"I see. The next upgrade will cost you two hundred points. After that, mental Barrier III will cost you three hundred points, and the last upgrade will cost you four hundred points."

"Yes, that is why I want to save some of it. However, when you mention the worker golem… How good is the worker golem?"

"It can take care of 50 acres of farming. From the beginning to the harvest time. As for mining… Well, it can work 24/7 and only needs to take a break for ten minutes every month to recharge. It also can take care of your castle. You can also use the farming golem to take care of your castle when the golem is not busy."

"I see… Is there storage in my castle?"


"Is it special?"

"Yes. It will make your food and goods last longer."

"Is there any upgrade that will make it last forever?"

"Of course, but it costs you five hundred points."

Urgh. I know it.

"I will take the worker golem."

"Great! What do you want your golem to do for you?"

"Farming for now. However, can I reset their objective manually?"

"Yes. There will be a new pillar in your castle's main control room."

"Good. If there is nothing else, I need to gather more points and train my body. I still have a Rating Game to win."

"Very well. Have a good day in the waking world, Riser Phenex."


I open up my eyes and see that I'm back in my room. I take my phone and see there is a new app called 'Sweet Home' with a castle as its icon. I press it, and suddenly a holographic portal appears in front of me. Under it, I can see a word that says 'Need a solid surface.'

I get away from the bed and walk toward the nearby wall, and suddenly the hologram color changes from grey to green. I press the 'ok' button, and suddenly a portal appears in front of me. I walk through the portal and arrive inside my castle in my pocket dimension.

I look out the castle's windows and see in the distance that my worker golem is already working the field and almost finished the land preparation. I nod my head and get out of my pocket dimension.

My first stage of getting waifu is completed.

I take off my pajamas and put on my training clothes. Father says that I will start in the early morning. I don't know the exact time, but I guess it was not 4 in the morning as I did not see my father anywhere in the training ground.

I shrug my shoulders and begin to do a warm-up. Then, I begin to run around the training ground. The first lap finished without using anything. Then, on the second lap, I activated my Vassago bloodline and ran with two times of my physical power.

It takes me ten minutes to finish one lap with my current reinforcement. Seeing how fast I'm, I decided to take a minute of a full sprint around the training ground. After that, I increase the reinforcement to three times my base strength.

I continue doing that for ten minutes and stop when I reach the limit of my body. It looks like I can reinforce my body up to seven times my base strength.

"Seven times, huh? Now I know the limit of my reinforcement bloodline. I guess it is the time to know how long I can maintain this reinforcement."

With that in mind, I begin to run once again, and this time I keep my reinforcement at stage seven. I continue to run for who knows how long and stop when I feel my reserve is almost depleted.

I lay on the ground and looked at the ceiling in exhaustion. Then, I summon my phone and see that I have already been running around the training ground for two hours as the clock shows me that it is already 6 in the morning.

I put the phone in my pocket and began to meditate. This activity is perfect for refilling my demonic energy. I take a breath and feel the energy in the underworld get inside my body. The underworld has unique energy flying around the underworld.

While it was not demonic energy, it was an energy that we can convert into demonic energy. Only a few races can do this, and the devil is one of them. The other one is the Grim Reaper from the realm of death.

"I see you have already begun training."

I open up my eyes and see my father standing in front of me with a smile on his face.

"I just finished warming up, father."

"Heh. Two hours warming up, right?"

I look to the left as my father laughs loudly.

"Come on! Let me train you how to use your fire."