First Waifu

"Welcome back, Riser! What can I do for you today?"

I smile at Yuni and say.

"It is good to see you again, Yuni. The reason I came here is to buy my first waifu."

"Finally! You are the only person that decides to delay this long to buy your first waifu."

"I just want to prepare something first."

"I know, and I really like that. Too many agents cannot feed their waifu and kill them because of it. Anyway, which waifu type do you want? Original, Clone or Contract?"

"I will take a contract waifu."

"Very well. Can you tell me your budget?"

"I am willing to use all my points."

"Hmmm… Can I make a suggestion?"


"You did not yet pick a control perk. So I suggest you take the Shroud of Power. It will cost you 800 points, but it can make your waifu grow at the same pace as you. Not only that, but this perk also makes them enjoy the same perk as you."

Urgh. That is a good suggestion. I did not want to buy any control perk because I did not see myself as a slaver. However, it looks like I cannot maintain this hypocrisy any longer.

I guess it is time to embrace my devil and the degenerate self who keeps screaming at me to stop being a hypocrite.

"Very well. I will take the Shroud of Power."


Yuni gave me a knowing smile before pressing one of the buttons under her desk. A second after she presses the button, a light appears in my vision, and a few seconds later, I can feel a tugging feeling inside my body. It was like something tied into my soul.

When my vision comes back, I see something floating next to me. It was a shawl that had an orange color. Before I could ask Yuni, I felt an intense pain in my brain. Then, knowledge appears inside my head.

I gain a semi-sapient cape of solidified magic that acts as an extension of your will. It shifts and transforms at a thought, even unconscious ones. By draping it over or wrapping up a waifu with it, you can infuse your target with your will and bind them to it.

This cape is subject to the same protections as the company's smart device. It can shift its form and texture into a wide variety of shapes and imitate any other outfit, ropes, tendrils, hands, blades, and similar forms. The constructs of the Shroud may have the textures and forms of textiles like leathers, latex, or other forms of clothing. The shroud is extremely durable and capable of significant strength and speed, and I gain tactile feedback from it.

There is also a function that lets my waifu grow strong. The stronger I'm, the stronger my waifu will be. So if I have a stronger waifu, like Ophis, for example, she will not grow stronger and will stay that way until I get stronger than her.

And like Yuni said, my future waifu will get the same perk as me. Sadly it is only for a personal perk like Cloak Mark, Mental Barrier perk, and Soul Talent perk. My Faerie Feast will be transferred to my waifu because Lure Perk was not a personal perk.

"Congratulations, you are now the owner of the Shroud of Power. While the contract waifu is bonded to you through the contract, this perk will allow your waifu to grow stronger faster and can keep up with all the threats in your world."


"Now, let me tell you the reason why I recommend taking this perk. Look at this."

I look at the paper given by Yuni and see it was the list of waifu I can take.

"As you can see, that is the only contracted waifu that is willing to go with you. Luna Lovegood (Tier-3), Ginny Weasley (Tier-4), Nymphadora Tonks (Tier-5), and Hermione Granger (Tier-5). Those waifu candidates coming from the same type of world. They are coming from the world where the Wizarding World bites more than they can chew. Voldemort decides that he wants to test his immortality and start a nuclear fallout. However, what makes matter worse is that he decide to duplicate all the nuclear missile and enchant it because they are not strong enough for him Because of it, there is too much radiation around the world that makes it hard to grow crops. The only one that can grow crops is the wizard. Sadly, the wizard and witches in this world are almost extinct, and not only that, their ability to wield magic slowly decreases because Gaia of their world has enough and decides to cut the source of the magic of that world. Right now, they can survive for at least another year with their source of food, but after that? They will start to kill each other and eat each other."

Holy shit. That is darker than I thought it would be. I thought that when they said that a contract waifu is the most desperate one, I thought it was not this grim.

"If you decide to choose the waifu from this world, you will be seen as a savior of their entire race, and they are willing to give their life to you. The reason? They have a life debt to you, and yes, that thing exists in their world. If they broke the debt? They will die."

"I see. Do you think my pocket dimension is good enough for all the people that are coming?"

"Of course. I already calculated the number, and not only do you have enough food but also will have more food to sell to their world if you want to."

"Exchange for what? I don't think their world will have anything I want."

"Gold. I'm talking about gold or other valuable metal. However, I can see your point. While their world will become empty of life in three years, the company can make it become a habitable world once again if you want."

"For a price."

"For a price, yes."

"I see. Can I ask about the other group of waifu?"

"Of course."

Luni nodded her head and began to explain about the other group of waifu.

"The next one is also coming from the same type of world. Daenerys Targaryen (Tier-1), Sansa Stark (Tier-1), and Arya Stark (Tier-2). These people have the same problem as the first group but for a different reason. This world Night King gets himself a new power from R'hllor, who wants to 'spice' things up. However, by doing so, he made the Night King get the power of Famine. As the name suggests, the Night King uses his newfound power to curse the world and cause a global famine. Crops have a hard time growing, and not even the most fertile location can grow their crops. Now you can imagine how the north, which already has a hard time growing crops, is right now. Some of the people in the north are already practicing cannibalism. The Night Watch is among those practitioners."

Damn. All those words really mess up.

"Sansa Stark and Arya Stark are willing to give their body and soul to make their family survive. Daenerys Targaryen, on the other hand, has a different reason. She is willing to give her body and soul to get out from his brother who wants to sell her to a rather rich magister in Lys."

I nod my head and begin to think which waifu I should take. Then, after a few seconds of thinking about it, I look at Yuni and say.

"Yuni, which waifu do you think I should take?"

"It depends. What is the reason you want to take a waifu?"

"To help me win the upcoming Rating Game."

"Then I suggest you take Hermione Granger. There is a reason why she is in the Tier-5 waifu. With that alone, she can keep up with all your training and even grow stronger to your current level with a few decades of training. That is without reincarnating her into a devil. If you reincarnate her? Well, she can get into your level in a few months. Second, she is smart and stubborn. Third, she is willing to get hurt to make you happy, and lastly, she is a submissive person by nature."

I ignore the last part and begin to think about it. What Yuni said is interesting. If what Yuni said is true, then Hermione can beat a mid-class devil without much trouble in a few decades. However, what makes me interested in how big the jump Hermione's learning speed is when I reincarnate her into the devil.

Meaning that after discarding her limitation as a human, her growth gets even faster.

I nod my head and say.

"Very well, I will take Hermione Granger as my first waifu."

"Great! Then please follow me. The higher up already set up the situation where Hermione gets knowledge on how to get to the other world."

"Wait, what?"