
I take Hermione to my room inside my castle after the party is over. I never thought to see an adult crying over some food. I guess eating something delicious after a long time eating only tomato soup is worth crying for.

Anyway, after the party, I took Hermione to my room.

"What can I do for you, master?"

"Please call me Riser. Like I said earlier, you are a member of my family."

Hermione smiled brightly at me before nodding her head.

"Of course, Riser."

"Good. Now the reason why I call you here is to tell you about something."

I take the briefcase where my evil piece is stored from my drawer. I trust the company in their assessment of their waifu.

"Before we continue. Are you familiar with the name of Phenex?"

"Phenex… I think I read it somewhere… Ah! It was one of the Lesser Keys of Solomon!"

"That is right. As my family name suggests, I'm a devil. I come from the Phenex Family, one of the seventy-two pillars of the underworld."

"I see."

Hermione nodded her head and stayed silent, which made me even more confused.

"You were not afraid of me? I thought that you would scream or even run away from me after knowing that I'm a devil."

"I already prepared for this. When the young woman, Yuni, came through that portal when I experimented with that spell, I already prepared myself to give my body and soul to anyone that can help us even if they are a devil."

"I see."

I guess that weirdly makes sense.

"The reason why I call you here is that I want to ask you to join my peerage."


"The devil in my world has been through a lot, from the Great War against heaven and a Civil War against a tyrannical leader. Because of this, our race is almost extinct. Not only that, but our race also has a low rate of pregnancy. To counter this problem, the leader of our race, Satan, created an item that can help us."

I open up the briefcase and show it to Hermione.

"This is the Evil Piece. An item that helped us repopulate the underworld. An item that lets us reincarnate another race as a devil. The reason I ask you to come here is to ask you to join my peerage member. Peerage members are a group of people that serve their king. In this situation, it is me. There is a rank among the devil. Low-class, Middle-class, High-class, and Ultimate -class."

I take a normal bishop piece from the briefcase and play with it.

"Only a high-class devil that can create their own peerage. Any peerage member can get promoted to the higher class after they finish making some contract or contribute to the underworld people. Once they become a high-class devil, they can get their own Peerage and become the branch family of their master."

"I see."

"Then let us go to the point. Hermione Granger! I want you. I want you to join my peerage."

"I accept."

"Then lay down on the couch. I will begin the process."

Hermione lay on the couch, and I walked toward her. I press the bishop at her and activate it. A second later, the bishop piece gets absorbed by Hermione, and I can feel her energy starting to change.

I nod my head when I feel she now has two types of energy inside her body. Demonic Energy and Mana. This is something normal, as Yuni already warned me about it.

Unlike the mage in my world, where their mana will be converted into Demonic Energy, she will still retain her mana core inside her body. Yuni said it was because the rules between worlds are different.

The magic in the Harry Potter world is different from the one in my world. If wizards lose their magic, they will die, unlike the ones in my world. So to make sure my waifu did not die upon reincarnating into the devil, the company made sure that their mana core did not disappear from their body.

"Congratulations, you are now a devil. You are now Riser's Bishop."

Hermione sits down on the couch and looks at her body for a moment before looking at me and says.

"I feel powerful and… My magic reserve is growing three times its original size!"

"That is the power of the Bishop piece. Bishops gain enhanced demonic power and magical abilities, which they can use to conjure up a multitude of spells from offensive to support. Rooks gain superhuman strength, leading to high offense and defense. Knights gain increased speed and mobility, enabling them to perform high-speed attacks and maneuvers. Queens possess all the characteristics of Rooks, Knights, and Bishops, making them the most balanced piece and the most powerful. The traits of Pawns is the ability to promote into a Queen, Rook, Knight, or Bishop in enemy territory or with the permission of their King."

"I see, and I'm a bishop."

"That is right."

Hermione stays silent for a few seconds before she finally says.

"Then, I will be in your care, my king."

~One month later~

I dodge incoming lightning flying toward me and launch a massive fireball toward my opponent.

Seeing my attack coming toward her, Hermione creates a barrier with her right hand and conjures a massive water dragon with her left hand. A second later, she sent the water dragon toward me.

Seeing the dragon made of water coming at me with its jaw open up, I take a deep breath and freeze it mid-air before destroying it with my fist. However, after I destroy the water dragon, a massive tree appears from the ground and wraps me up.

I try to destroy it, but to my surprise, the tree is strong enough to lock my movement at my base strength. I look at Hermione, who smiles at me before creating a massive magic circle with her hand.

I burn the tree down by releasing a massive fire from my body and release a torrent of fire toward the incoming beam of destruction Hermione conjures. While fighting the beam, I raise the earth from beneath Hermione and throw her into the air.

Before she could do anything, I conjured water and locked all her movement with it. As she cannot move, Hermione begins to fall to the ground. However, before she could hit the ground, I created a small tornado under her and made her land safely on the ground.

"Good fight, Hermione."

"Ah, I'm still not strong enough, Riser."

"Don't beat yourself for it. You just started training for a month, and I can say that your progress is marvelous. In the first few days, you cannot even cast a spell without your wand. However, instead of giving up, you decide to train wandless magic. Even I need to buy a new perk to make sure you did not hurt yourself."

Hermione blush at what I'm saying. While a Devil can still function even without sleeping for three days, a week of sleepless nights is still too much for our body, especially if you are doing heavy training.

Because of this, I buy a Body Talent perk to compensate for this.

|Body Talent|

|Your body becomes the envy of all workaholics in the world. Your body did not need sleep and even food. However, you can still enjoy them. As long as you sleep and eat once a month, your body will always be 100% condition. Your body also adapts faster to all conditions it faces. It will become immune to it from stabbing and slicing the more you let your body face it.|

This perk made us not need to sleep and eat, but because the food I cooked also helped us increase our strength. We always have a meal three times a day.

At first, my father had doubts about my choice of peerage, but after seeing her willingness to learn and training, he approved of her. When I asked him about it, my father said,

"I prefer a weak but hard-working person to a lazy but genius one. They are willing to bleed in their training, and because of it, they get an experience that can make them one of the strongest devils. I did not care about a sacred gear user that many young generation devils try to recruit. The only one I care about is my son's peerage member who is loyal and hardworking."

And just like that, Hermione got my father's approval. As for my mother… Well, she immediately approves of her when Hermione asks my mother to teach her how to fight in close-quarter combat.

Even with her heavily pregnant state, my mother can still kick my butt from Monday to Sunday.

"Come on, let us go back. Today is my time to cook for my family."

Hermione perked up when she heard about me cooking today's meal. I chuckle a little before walking toward the mansion.