
"Why are you keep training? Let's play~."

I smile at little Rias before patting her head and saying.

"To get stronger, of course."

"But why do you want to get stronger?"

"To protect my loved one."


I chuckle a little at her cute confused face. The Gremory family decided to visit our family today. However, what I did not know is that they decided to visit this early in the morning.

"So! What do you want to do?"

"Let's play something!"

"Very well. Let me take a bath first, okay? I did not want to play with a smelly body."

"En! I will wait with So-chan."

~Ten minutes later~

"Oh? So you decide to approach me, Jojo?"

"I need to get close to be able to punch you."

It turns out the play Rias wants to do is to reenact the famous scene of Jojo Bizarre Adventure. The fight between DIO and Jojo.

And of course, Rias wants me to be DIO for my blonde hair, and she becomes Jojo. However, what makes me laugh is that Sona became Star Platinum. Small and shy star platinum.

"O-ora… I can't do that."

"Oh, come on! So-chan!"

I couldn't help but laugh out loud at the behavior of Rias and Sona.


"Sorry, Sorry. It was just too much for me to handle."

"Mou~ Meanie!"

"Sorry. Sorry. How about I cook you something? Cookie?"

"You can cook?!?"

"Of course. Come on"

~One hour later~

"This is delicious! Hmmm~ What do you think, So-chan?"

"Yes. Yummy."

I smile a little at Rias and Sona stuffing their mouths with the cookies I baked. I don't know if Rias and Sona have breakfast yet, but I decided to cook a light meal. At Ria's request, I decided to cook Japanese breakfast dishes.

I prefer a more heavy breakfast item like a full English breakfast, but I don't know if Rias and Sona can handle that heavy meal after eating some breakfast in their house.

"Oh my~ Riser, you did not tell us you will be cooking today."

I look at my back and see my family walk inside the kitchen, followed by the Gremory family plus Sirzechs and Grayfia.


In a blink of an eye, Sirzech appears in front of Rias and begins to hug her while rubbing his cheek at her head.

"Mou! Brother! I'm eating cookies!"

"Ehhhh~ Ria-tan hates me! Grayfia! Ria-tan hate me!"

Grayfia, the strongest Queen, took Harisen out of nowhere and hit the strongest devil with it. I heard in the movie in my previous life that the more powerful you are, the more quirky you will get.

And I can see it right now. The four satan of the underworld is a quirky individual. Sirzech and Serafall with their sis-con behavior. Falbium Asmodeus and his laziness. Lastly, Ajuka Beelzebub is an introvert that only wants to experiment inside his office.

"Please watch your behavior, Sirzechs-sama."

"Waaaa~ Grayfia also hates me!"

Once again, the Sirzechs get hit by the Harisen.

"What are you cooking, son?"

I look away from Grayfia and Sirzecsh before looking at my father.

"A simple breakfast menu. A Japanese breakfast dish. Some rice, grilled fish, Miso soup, and some vegetables."

"Can you make enough for all of us?"

"Sure. It takes longer, though."

"We did not mind. If you are the one cooking the food, I didn't mind waiting a year."

I chuckle a little and continue to cook the food.


|Sirzechs Lucifer POV|

I look at the boy who is cooking something in front of me and nod my head. It looks like Father is correct in saying that Riser Phenex will become a powerful devil. His Demonic Energy reserve is huge for someone of his age.

Not only that, but it is also thicker than your regular Demonic Energy.

"Sorry for the wait."

I snap from my thoughts when I hear Riser coming to the table with some food in his hand. There is a traditional Japanese breakfast and other dishes, and there is also a dish that is not supposed to be eaten in the morning, like a steak.

"I decide to cook more food and other types of food as well, seeing you guys decide to join us."

It takes a few seconds for Riser to place the food on the table, and I must say that all of them look delicious. I'm a little bit put out to admit it, but Riser's food looks more delicious than the one cooked by a professional cook in the Lucifer mansion.

"Oh, my~ Thank you for the food, Riser."

"It is my pleasure, mother. Please eat as much as you want. You eat for two people, after all."

Mother of the year is the title Lady Phenex has. It is rare to see a devil have more than two children, but here I'm seeing a mother that has more than two children. I look at the stomach of Lady Phenex and smile a little.

I hope Grayfia and I will be blessed with many children.

"Hmmm! Yummy!"

I snap from my thoughts when I hear Rias shouting in delight. I look at her and see her eating the food in front of her like she did not eat for three days.

"It is delicious, right?"

"En! Yummy."

"Riser has a talent for cooking. The first time we eat his cooking, I cannot stop thinking about it."

"Eh~ I envy you, aunty. I want to eat Riser's food every day!"

"Fufufu, you will eat them every single day in the future."




I chuckle at the sly expression Lady Phenex has and look at the food in front of me. I take a spoon, take a little bit of the fish, and stir fry vegetables before putting it on my rice. I then mix it and scoop it into my mouth.

When the food touches my tongue, I get bombarded by a delicious flavor.


I unconsciously shouted, and I could feel my hand continue to put the food inside my mouth. After a few seconds, I finished eating all the rice inside the bowl. Seeing my bowl is empty, I look around and see that the other is already on their second serving.

After a couple of seconds, I decided to try the steak. While I'm surprised at the taste of a simple grilled fish and stir-fried vegetables, I don't think that the steak in front of me can be compared to the steak I ate in the past.

I ate the most expensive beef in the world and cooked it by a five-star chef. I don't think a six-and-a-half-year-old boy can defeat that.

I cut a little bit of the steak and put it inside my mouth. A second later, I widened my eyes as I once again was bombarded by a fantastic flavor. The meat melted inside my mouth, and I don't think I need to chew it.

Not only that, the meat itself is really flavorful. I don't know what kind of seasoning Riser uses, but it was perfect for the steak.

~Fifteen Minutes Later~

I wipe my mouth and release a content sigh. It was the most delicious meal I ever had in my life, and I think my parents agreed with me. The meal was really fulfilling, and I never saw Rias eat her vegetables as much as today.

"I must say that was the most delicious meal I ever had."

"Thank you, Lord Lucifer."

"Call me Sirzechs, Riser. Lord Lucifer is too formal for my taste."

"Errr… Are you sure?"

"Yeah. You will become my Brother-In-Law in the future, and I think it was a good enough reason to call me by my given name."

"I see. Thank you, Sirzechs."

I smile at him before saying.

"I know that I should not ask this question at the dining table, but I cannot hold it any longer."

Riser looks at me with a confused expression while my parents and the Phenex family have a blank expressions. They already know the question that I want to ask Riser. I already told them about it earlier.

"Are you ready for the incoming Rating Game?"

"Right now? No. To be honest, I don't think I'm ever ready to fight in the Rating Game. However, I will do my best to win the Rating Game."

"I see"

I look at Riser right in the eyes for a minute without saying anything before saying.

"Do you mind if I test it?"


"Do you mind me testing your so-called best?"

".... Sure"

"Good. Let us have a spar in a few hours. Call your peerage member."