
Hermione and I stand in front of a massive magic circle where Hugo will summon his servant.

"So, how does this ritual work?"

"There is no ritual, actually. I already asked the company to do it. I need to draw the magic circle they give to me, put down my catalyst, stand next to the catalyst and feed the magic circle a drop of my blood."

I nod my head and walk away from the circle with Sakura and Hermione. You know, the last time I watched the Fate series, they summoned their servant from the outside of the circle from the inside. I guess summoning from the company is different from your regular summoning.

I snapped from my thoughts when a shockwave hit me right in the face. I look at Hugo in the middle of the magic circle and see him engulfed in red light. The shockwave lasts for a few seconds before it stops, and I can see a figure standing next to Hugo wearing full plate armor.

"The name is Mordred, the True Heir to Arthur Pendragon. I was summoned here in the class of Saber. I ask you, are you, my master?"

Hugo nods his head and says.

"My name is Hugo Ossler, and I'm your master."

"With that, our contract has been sealed."


Hugo barely dodges the incoming attack from Mordred. I never thought that Hugo was this powerful. I don't think he is as powerful as Mordred physically, but his reaction time is astonishing.

"Hugo purchased the upgraded version of Body Talent perk. He upgraded his eyes and reaction time. He can see a fast-moving object as if it was a slow-moving one. Sadly we did not have enough points to upgrade this perk to the third stage as it was too expensive."

I see. I guess I will upgrade my Body Talent perk.


I snap from my thoughts when I hear an explosion happening. I look at Mordred, ready to blast Hugo with her red lightning mana burst. Hugo also does the same thing by coating his sword with his energy.

However, before they could do what I think they are doing, I appear between them and shout.

"Stop! Stop! Stop! Don't do whatever you two are gonna do! The barrier around this mansion is not strong enough to conceal both of your attacks! We are not too far away from the church, for Satan's sake! Don't make the church look at us and make them send their agent!"

Mordred and Hugo put down their weapon, and I can feel the energy around their weapon disappear. I release a relieved sigh and hear Mordred saying.

"Tch. You are really lucky, master."

"What are you talking about? You did not land any clean hits, Mo-san!"

"Don't call me Mo-san! Anyway! I must say, master, your swordsmanship is great. Not only that, but you can also keep up with me. If you did not tell me about your circumstance, I would think you are a servant, not a human."

Hugo already told Mordred about his and Sakura's situation after he bound her. To their surprise, Mordred reincarnated after getting bounded by Hugo's shroud. Well, not totally reincarnated as a human but rather become a Demi-servant thing.

It is complicated, just like any lore in the Type-Moon universe.

"Good. Now, let us get back and have some breakfast. I'm hungry."

~Three hours later~

"Mordred, slow down a little. The food will not get anywhere."

Mordred blushes a little but still shoves the food inside her mouth. This time it was slower. Well, just a little bit. She still eats all the food at a fast pace. It did not take long for the food to disappear, leaving Mordred to have a content face.

"You know, Riser. If you live in my era, you will be appointed as a head chef by my father."

"Thank you for the compliment."

I smile at Mordred and look at Hugo before saying.

"Now, let us discuss our strengths and weaknesses. As you know, Hermione and I are the devils…."

"You guys are devils?!?"

Mordred looked at us with serious eyes before saying.

"You did not look like it. The devil I encountered before has a hideous appearance."

I tilted my head and asked her.

"You encountered a devil before?"

"Yup. That devil is more like a tree, a massive tree trunk with many eyes. It did not have any name because it cannot speak, or so Merlin said. While he is an annoying bastard, he knows all about monsters and other creatures, including the devil."

"I see. Anyway, as I said earlier, Hermione and I are the devils. We are weak against holy attack. We cannot handle that type of attack. If this is still like in the canon, the only one that can seriously threaten us in terms of compatibility is Medusa for her divinity, Heracles, the same reason with Medusa, and lastly, Gilgamesh. You know the reason why for the last person. Oh yeah! I forget about Archer. He is also a bad enemy to us."

"That is half of our enemy."

I raise my finger and put it down a few seconds later. Yeah, he is right. Urgh. Why does a divine power have a holy power to it? Even though you are the gods of darkness, there is still holy energy in it.

"Then you will be our support. The three of us are close combat fighters. Mordred, I need you as our vanguard."

"Heh! Leave it to me, master!"

"Thank you. I will be right behind you the entire fight in case you need some support. Sakura, I need you to be our scout and healer when the time comes."

"Yes, Hugo."

"Good. Hermione and Riser. You will be a long-distance fighter. Sakura will be in your team to protect you in case some servant decides to kill you for watching the fight."

I nod my head and say.

"Understood. Hermione and I will give support when the time comes."

"Good. Now let me tell you about my weakness. As you know, I'm a swordsman and close combat fighter. My perk 'Body Talent MK2' focused on my eyes and my reaction time. This perk lets me see a fast attack and react to it in time as long as my physical body can support my reaction time. As a swordsman, I have decent swordsmanship. I also have Qi inside my body that I can use to enchant my body. Before you say something, no, I cannot do what the people in DBZ do. This Qi is more of an internal Qi rather than eternal Qi. I need to upgrade it first before I can Kamehameha."

"Wait. If you cannot shoot your Qi, then how can you shoot that sword energy?"

"That is different. It was the power of my sword. By pumping energy inside my sword, it will store that said energy, and I can propel it out of the sword to create a sword crescent."

"I see."

I nod my head, and Hugo continues his explanation.

"I also did not have any experience in magic. So if there is a magic-related thing, I will be blind."

I nod my head and say.

"Anyway, what should we do now? I want to capture Medea, but I do not know her current location and where she is. I know that she will appear in the Ryuudou Temple, but I did not know when."

"Hmmm. Sakura, I was hoping you could keep an eye around the Ryuudou Temple. Make sure you place an undetected seal around the mountain area that alerts you if there is a servant inside the mountain area."

Sakura nods her head and says.


"Riser, I want you and Hermione to watch the mountain area as well. I did not want Caster as an enemy. She is supposedly the weakest servant in this war, but the enchantment she gives to Souichirou is something that we cannot ignore."

I nod my head and say.



Hugo raises his glass of sake and raises it to the air, followed by all of us.

"Let's win this war!"

"Let's win this war!"