
You know, I never thought I would see the legendary skill called Harem Protagonist EX-rank in my entire life, but here I'm looking at that skill in action. Shirou has tamed the murder loli from before, and right now, she is sitting next to him eating some food that Shirou and I cook.

"So, you did not want to kill Shirou again?"

Illy shakes her head and says.

"I guess not… Not after Shirou showed me papa's diary."

I never thought that Kiritsugu would have a diary. I guess even a cold man can have a diary, or is it more of his wanted book? Like a bingo book from Naruto. I don't really know.

"He never abandoned me. He kept coming to Germany to take her away from Grandpa. I… I don't know what to do now. My entire life has been filled with the thought of me winning the Grail War and how my existence will bring glory to the Einzbern family."

Shirou looks at his sister and says,

"You can stay with me."

Illya smiled at her brother, but it was not a happy smile but rather a sad smile.

"Thank you. However, even if I stay with you, I can only stay for a few months before I die."


"Grandpa… He modified my body so I will be dead in weeks after the war is over. I can use the prana around us to survive for two months maximum."

"I see."

Shirou looked down for a few seconds before saying.

"Don't worry, Illya, I will find a way, I promise."

Illya silently nods her head and hugs him once again. When they release their hug, I cough to get their attention. I take out the briefcase from the mokeskin pouch, unshrink it, and open it, letting Shirou, Sakura, and Illya look at it.

"I think I can take care of this problem."

Shirou nods his head while Sakura and Illya have confused expressions. I can also see Medea look at my evil piece with interest.

"I can reincarnate her."

"Reincarnate me?"

"Yes. Before that, let me introduce myself to you. My name is Riser Phenex. Do you hear something familiar in my name?"

Illya thinks about it for a few seconds before saying.

"Phenex. You have the same family name as a devil in the bible."

I smile at her and show her my wings. A second later, a pair of wings appeared behind my back. Unlike the other devil, the devil from the Phenex clan has wings made of fire.

"Greeting. I'm Riser Phenex, the third son of the current head of the Phenex Clan, one of the 72 pillars of the underworld."

I chuckle a little when I see their shocked faces, especially Rider. I don't know if she has already met a devil or not, but by the look of it, yes, she has already met a devil of this universe.

"The reason why I say this is because I can reincarnate you into a devil using this chess piece."

"Umm. Ano…"

I looked at Sakura and tilted my head.

"The reason why senpai knows about this…."

"He died. Yes."

Shirou takes out his clothes and shows them the wound he got from the infamous Gae Bolg. Even though he is fully healed, the spear leaves a scar on Shirou's body. That is the curse that Gae Bolg left on Shirou's body. Hell, if Medea is correct, then Shirou also has a scar on his heart.

"Lancer thought that he was a non-magus witness and decided to kill him. Luckily I'm nearby and decide to resurrect him before his soul could go into the great beyond."

I did not need to tell them that if I fail to resurrect Shirou in more than ten minutes, his soul will be devoured by my patron because of the deal between the company and me.

"I can extend your life by reincarnating you into a devil."

"Riser, I think you should tell them about our situation first."

I look at Hugo for a second before nodding my head.

"Before I could tell you about our situation, I need you guys to sign a geis for me."

I look at Medea, who is nodding her head, and suddenly two scrolls appear next to her, and I can see a quill begin to write itself. A few seconds later, two scrolls land in front of Sakura and Illya. I can see them read it before signing their name on the paper.

I nod my head and begin to tell them about our situation. I can see Illya has a star in her eyes for some reason while Sakura looks at me with a blank stare. Even in her 19th year, Illya still has childish behavior, and I cannot blame her for it.

All the people here are broken people. Sakura has been sexually abused since she was a child. Her own family members have tortured Illya to make her a vessel to the holy grail. They did not have any childhood.

"I will take it. I don't mind being a devil. I'm not a human, to begin with. I also want to know about my brother better."

I can see Illya hug Shirou left hand, and I can see a small smirk on her face given to Sakura, and Sakura twitches a little at that.

"Before we could do that. We need to kill you first and take the grail from your body. Medea, how long you can make a proper heart for her?"

Medea looked at me for a second before saying.

"Lucky for us, we did not need to make her body from the ground up. I can make it in a few hours. However, I need a massive amount of prana because I have a feeling she needs a special kind of homunculus heart."

"What kind of preparation do you need?"

"I already have the material needed. Her heart should be ready in a few hours."

I nod my head and look at both Shirou and Illya before saying.

"We will begin the ritual at midnight. Not only was it the time when prana was at its highest level, but devil power also worked better at night."

Shirou nodded and bowed at me before saying.

"Thank you. Thank you for helping my sister."

"Think nothing of it."