

I look back and see Rias, Sona, and Illya walk inside the training room. I open up my arms and catch the incoming missile in the form of a little redhead.

"Woah there."

It has been one month since I returned to this world, and I already introduced my peerage member to my family. I'm a little proud when I see a proud expression given to me. Not only that, but I can also see a relieved expression he uses after knowing how capable my peerage member is.

Also, among my peerage members, Illya has a strange friendship with Rias. They are rivals but also not? I don't really know. Both of them like watching anime, but at the same time, they will always have different favorite characters.

Rias likes Jojo, but Illya likes DIO.

Rias likes Eren, but Illya likes Levi.

This difference makes the rival. While it is weird seeing a nineteen years old woman have a debate with a six years old girl, knowing Illya's childhood…. I can guess why she was acting like an eighth years old kid.

"Are you two finished watching?"

"En! Illya-chan said that she wants to train with her onii-chan."

"Ah, yeah. It is her time training."

"Mou, why do you guys always train?"

I gently flick on her forehead and say.

"And like I said yesterday, I need to train and win the rating game."

"Hmm~ Then I can ask big brother to cancel this Rating Game!"

"Ah, you can't do that, Rias-chan."


"Because if you do that, I cannot meet you again."


"Yup. The reason why I fight in this Rating Game is to be able to meet you every single day. If I lose, I cannot meet you again, and I cannot play with you."



I don't think Rias understands Fiancee's concept just yet, but by saying I cannot meet her, I think she will understand.

"I-I still want to meet you."

"Me too, Rias, Me too. That's why I need to win this Rating Game."

"Can I help?"

"Sadly no. However, being here is really helpful."

I smile at her while patting her head.


|Rias Gremory POV|

I look at Ri-chan fight against Illya-chan with a frown. I still did not understand fully, but I know that he fought in the Rating Game for me. Just like how Jojo fights the Pillar Men to avenge Caesar, Ri-chan fights so he can continue to meet me.

However, unlike Caesar, I did not do anything.

Muuu… Right! If Ri-chan is working so hard, I also need to train as well. When I see Ri-chan finished fighting Illya-chan and Sakura-san, I walk toward them and say,

"Ne, Ri-chan."

"Hmmm? What is it, Rias-chan?"

"Can I ask you to train me?"

"Oh? Can I ask why? It was so sudden."

"I want to protect you as well! I want to become strong as well! If you lose the fight, I can fight them to avenge you! And… And… We can continue to play together!"

Ri-chan looked at me for a few seconds and then smiled brightly before patting me. I can feel his warm hands on my head. I like his warm hand. It is comfortable. I like Ri-chan, he is comfortable and kind!

"Very well. However, it would be best if you told Aunt Venelana and Uncle Zeoticus first. You also need training gear. I think my mother can help you with that."

"En! Wait for me, okay?!?"

After Ri-chan says that, I run inside the mansion and arrive at the garden where mother and father have a tea party with aunty and uncle.

"Rias! Do you want to join us?"

"Nu'u. Father, can I train with Ri-chan?"


Father raises one eyebrow while Mother and Aunty giggle with each other.

"En! I want to avenge Ri-chan if he loses in the Rating Game so we can continue to meet with each other!"

"Ara, Riser telling you the reason why he fought in the Rating Game?"

"Yes, aunty. Ri-chan said that he would fight so we can continue to play, and if he loses, he cannot see me again."

"Fufufufu~ That's right, he fights so both of you can continue to play together. What do you think, Veni? I have training gear that suits her in my room."

My mother nods and says,

"Of course. It is good for Rias to train early."

"Good. Come on, Rias, I will take the training gear."

~Ten minutes later~

After ten minutes of testing all the training, I'm ready to train. I'm standing in front of Ri-chan and his peerage members.

"Alright, Rias-chan, the First thing we need to do is a warm-up. Let us run around the training ground. Don't worry. I will be running with you, and let us start it slow."

I nod my head and begin to follow Ri-chan running around the training ground.


I look at Rias, who is panting after running around the training ground for twenty minutes. I must say that I'm surprised at her stamina. I thought that she could only survive for ten minutes at most, but here she is.

I look at Hermione, who nods her head and walks toward us with a vial of potion. I take the potion and give it to Rias.

"Here, drink this. This is a potion that can restore your stamina faster. The taste is not good, but I know you can do it."

Rias weakly takes the potion and drinks it. I chuckle a little when I see her expression but smile when she drinks all of the potions.

"Blergh! So sour!"

"Yeah. It is sour. However, good job on drinking all the potions. I'm proud of you."

I give her a head pat and help her get up.

"Now, our physical training is finished. Let's get into the next training. We will train your demonic power, including your Power of Destruction. I already have a few ways to train your bloodline power."

I take a piece of paper Hermione prepared for me and give it to Rias.

"Here. This will be your training."


"Yup. I want you to coat this piece of paper with your Power of Destruction."

"It will be easy!"

"Oh, I don't know about that."

I see Rias encase the piece of paper with her Power of Destruction, but when she does that, the paper disintegrates with a second. I chuckle a little when I see Rias' shocked expression.

"Not so easy, right? Here, let me show you."

I take the piece of paper and begin to coat it with my fire.

"As you can see, my fire did not burn the paper. Do you know why? I make one side of the fire so as not to burn the paper. It was a matter of will. The bigger your imagination, the more you can control your bloodline power. This is what makes us different from humans. We did not need a complicated formula or complicated magic circle; we only needed our imagination and let our demonic power do the rest."

"Imagination? Hmmm…"

Rias tries to do it once again, and unlike this time, there is still a piece of paper that did not get turned into ashes.

"Almost. While you have the imagination, you do not have the will. You need to believe. You need to believe that the Power of Destruction did not destroy the paper."


Once again, Rias tried to do that, and once again, she failed. However, she did not give up. She continued to do it, and ten minutes later, she succeeded.

"I did it! Ri-chan I did it!"

"That you did. Good job, Rias."


"Of course, Rias-chan."


"Come on. I will bake you some cookies. It is already time for lunch."

"Yay~ Cookie~."

I smile at her childish behavior. I guess I can guess why Rias is known as one of the most powerful young generations of devils in the original canon. Even though she is lazy, her natural talent keeps making her powerful.

I'm a little envious of her natural talent, but I already discarded that feeling a long time ago.

I will not let those talents be wasted because of laziness. I want to ask her to join my training season after the Rating Game but seeing her enthusiasm; I decide to do it now. It took a little bit of my training season, but it was worth it. I already know what kind of training she will get. Her next training will be the same, but she needs to make the other side of Power of Destruction still lethal.

I know that the paper she used cannot be used as a weapon as the paper did not cut through the ground.

"Ri-chan! Come on! Cookies!"

I snap from my thoughts when I hear Rias' voice. I decide to think about it later because right now, I have a hungry redhead to feed.