Rating Game (V)

|3rd POV|

Sakura takes a deep breath and walks into the stage where she meets her opponent. Her opponent is a young woman around her twenty. She has pitch black hair and brown eyes. Her name is Katarina Barkis.

Sakura is a little bit nervous. Unlike her senpai, she is not as powerful. Unlike Illya and Rin, she is not as knowledgeable in magecraft. However, she works harder in her training and study. While her magecraft is not as powerful as both Illya and Rin, her magical knowledge of this world is good enough to make her a Mid-Tier Magician.

Not only that, with the help of Medea and Hermione, her body and equipment have already been enchanted. If what Medea says is true, Sakura can fight a low-level servant toe-to-toe in physical power.

"Are both fighters ready?"

Sakura takes a deep breath and nods her head.

"Good. Both of you will be teleported to the arena in a second."

A second after Valerie said that, both Sakura and Katarina get teleported away into the arena. For their fight, the arena is a thick forest. Both Katarina and Sakura appear in the small clearing of the forest surrounded by a sea of trees.

"The fight will begin at 5! 4! 3! 2! 1!"

When Valerie saw one, Katarina immediately flew toward the forest, leaving Sakura behind. Sakura looks around the forest, trying to locate Katarina, but she cannot find her. As for Katarina, she hides her presence using a spell and looks at Sakura as if she is the most vicious beast in the world.

The change in fighter makes both her master and her fellow peerage member confused and afraid. Karnelly has a mental breakdown when he sees Sakura walk to the stage instead of Shirou.

Shirou is worth one piece of pawn, and Sakura is worth two pieces. What kind of power does this young girl have? What kind of unique power does this young girl have? Does this girl have powerful sacred gear? Those are all the questions inside Katarina's head.

Katarina shakes her head before creating ten magic circles around her and firing an elemental missile toward sakura.

Feeling an incoming magical attack, she extends her hand, and suddenly ten small portals appear in front of the spell coming at her. When the spell touches the portal, it gets absorbed by the portal, and suddenly it fires the same spell toward the general direction of Katarina.

Katarina widens her eyes before she dodges her own spell that comes at her.

This is Sakura's specialty. She can access an Imaginary Number Space. Imaginary Number Space is a unique space. It was like a Dimension Gap, but the Imaginary Number Space was not affected by time, unlike the Dimension Gap.

You can say that this place is like an Inventory in an RPG game or Gamer fanfic.

This space is used by both Elves and Dwarves of this world to go to the other world. Not only them, but the Fae also use this space to connect both their world and earth.

Anything that gets inside this space will stop in time. Even a moving thing will be stopped in time. Technically they are still moving, but because the concept of time did not affect this space, they are stopped but moving simultaneously.

So when Katarina's spell gets absorbed by this portal, Sakura can use this portal to redirect the spell coming at her.

All Riser's peers know about this ability, but the others don't. So, when the other people saw this ability, they thought it was another ability. A rather similar ability.

"Lord Phenex, did your son recruit a devil from the Abbadon clan? That ability looks like their bloodline ability, doesn't it?"

Falbium looks at Hardius with a confused expression while asking that. From their eyes, what Sakura uses is the ability from the Abaddon clan. Their most prized ability. An ability that can absorb and redirect attacks is called Hole.

"No. I already checked her family history, and all of them indicate she is a full human. I can also feel that she is half-human."

"Hmmm. Maybe there is tempering in that record."

"Or she has a sacred gear that has the same effect as the Abaddon clan bloodline power."


Falbium nodded for a second before looking at the screen once again.

After redirecting Katarina's attack, Sakura releases an invisible blue thread from her arms and lets it slither toward Katarina. Like Shirou, Sakura is given a few dozen of Illya's hair to use and command.

Right now, Sakura needs to know the location of Katarina before she could make an offensive move, and that piece of hair will be a beacon that announces the location of her opponent.

Katarina is flying through the forest, not aware of a small fly made of blue thread following her. When she thought that she was far enough from her previous location, Katarina began to prepare another spell, but it was more powerful this time. She needs to make preparations before she can cast it.

However, before she could do that, a beam of destruction flew toward her and hit the prebuild barrier she cast before the fight. Seeing her barrier gets destroyed, Katarina decides to cancel her spell and fly away.

'It looks like I cannot cast my most powerful spell with her on my tail,' Katarina thought. 'However, how can she see me? I already cast a concealment spell, and with this thick forest, she should not find me easily.'

Sakura continues to follow Katarina from the sky while continuing to chant a spell Medea teaches her. This spell is called Rain of Light, Medea's favorite spell.

After thirty seconds of chanting, three magic circles appear above Sakura, and suddenly, another beam of light flies toward Katarina.

Katarina successfully dodges two spells, but she can't dodge the third one as it hits her right arm. Gritting her teeth, Katarina decides to stop using stealth and point her staff at Sakura before suddenly twenty magic circles appear and bombard the purple-haired girl with an elemental attack.

Seeing the incoming attack, Sakura decided to use another trick. A magic circle appears around her wrist, and suddenly she gets teleported a few dozen meters away from her previous location. This is the gift from Medea, a short instantaneous teleportation spell that she can use whatever she wants.

She has ten of those in both of her hands, and it needs five minutes to restore one teleportation circle.

Sakura cannot use her Imaginary Portal to absorb all the spells as she can only make ten portals at maximum. She can combine them to create a bigger portal, but Katarina's spell is too spread out for all of them to get absorbed by her portal.

Sakura appears to the left and sees the spell hit the trees. Seeing her chance, Sakura opens up her portal once again, and this time, a missile-like object comes out from her portal and flies toward Katarina.

Katarina widened her eyes and quickly teleported a few dozen meters away, but when Sakura's attack hit the tree, it exploded. The explosion was so big that it hit Katarina from her back and threw her away.

This is one of the trump cards Sakura had. Before the fight begins, she asks Shirou to fire his sword toward her portal, and the attack she used before is a Caladbolg II being fired by Shirou. She can now use her Imaginary Number Space like a Gate of Babylon.

However, unlike the Gate of Babylon, her imaginary space has a limit. She doesn't know how much. She cannot take a three-story building, but she can take a medium-sized two-story building.

Right now, she has twenty Caladbolg II inside her space, ready to be used. She also has Hrunting inside her Imaginary Number Space, but she decided not to use it for now.

Sakura snaps from her thoughts when she sees Katarina try to get up from the ground and open up her portal once again. However, before she could fire another Caladbolg, Katarina got teleported away from the arena.

With that, Sakura wins against a Bishop piece.