Rating Game (VII)

|3rd POV|


After Valerie said that, Rin immediately charged toward Robin before he could start running. While running toward Robin, she takes out a bunch of gems from her pouch and throws one of them toward him.

Robin tried to get away, but before he could get away. However, before he could get away, the gem shattered, and suddenly Robin got trapped inside the gem. Robin tried to get away from the gem, and he was surprised at how strong the gem was.

Robin flares out his demonic energy and destroys the gem that encases him. However, as Robin was freed from his prison, Rin already arrived in front of him and punched him right in the face.

As Robin flies away, Rin reinforces her body and gets near Robin before he could land on the ground and punch him to the ground. The force of her punch is strong enough to make a massive crater on the ground.

Before the dust disappears, Robin kicks Rin away from him and begins running away around the arena.

Rin looks at Robin, following him with her eyes, and tries to formulate a plan to defeat a speedster. Rin nodded her head a few seconds later, dodged Robin's flying kick, and threw her gem around the area.

If she cannot hit Robin directly, she can try to trap him while running around.

After throwing her gem around the arena, Rin makes a finger gun and points it toward the general direction of Robin. A second later, dark red energy gets fired from Rin's finger. This is Gandr, a Scandinavian curse rune that can reduce the victim's physical prowess.

Rin frowned a little when her attack did not hit Robin. However, before Rin could think about another plan, Robin changed his direction and began to run toward her at high speed. In a couple of seconds, Robin arrives in front of Rin with his hidden blade ready to use.

However, before he could stab Rin with his blade, Rin dodged his attack by ducking down. Before she could do her own counterattack, Robin already ran past her.

'I cannot hit him, and he is too fast for me to counter-attack.' Rin looked around for a second before nodding her head. 'I got it.'

After getting up from the ground, Rin begins firing her Gandr toward Robin. This time, she fired it to lead Robin to the traps she planted.

Robin continues to run around the arena while dodging the incoming attack. Slowly but surely, he is reaching one Mach.

However, before he could reach that kind of speed, his body froze. He stepped into the trap Rin planted, and he immediately got captured. He is now trapped inside a massive red gem and cannot move.

Robin flares up his demonic energy as much as possible, and he can feel the gem crack. When he is freed from his prison, Rin already appears in front of him with the most powerful Gandr Rin ever created.


Before Robin could react, Gandr hit him right in the chest and got thrown away. When Robin falls to the ground, he can feel an intense pain going through his body. Robin tries to move his body, but to his surprise, he cannot do that.

He feels like a toddler inside the body of a thirty-year-old man who is also a bodybuilder.

"That's it? Man~ I prepared for something bigger, but it looks like your magic resistance is not high enough to block Gandr. Anyway…"

Rin points her finger gun toward Robin before firing another Gandr toward him. Before the curse could hit him, Robin already teleported into the medical wing.

Rin released a disappointed breath before she walked toward the gem she threw around the arena. She levitates all of her gems and places them inside her pouch once again before a second later; she gets teleported away to the stage.

Sitting inside one of the VIP rooms is Lord Zepar, who looks at the latest fight with a disappointed expression combined with a resigned expression. He really thought that his son and his peerage would win the fight easily, but it looked like it was not the case.

He knows that Riser Phenex is a genius among geniuses. Even though Hardius tried his hardest to hide it, you cannot hide a genius for long. Lord Zepar knows that Riser has a unique fire. Fire is so hot it freezes you up. Not only that, but he also knows that Riser can control Lava.

A genius born from a prestigious family, a genius with unique bloodline power, and a genius with elements from both his parents. Lord Zepar really asks his ancestor how unfair that was.

Not only that, but now he also knows that the said Genius also has powerful peerage members. Shirou Emiya successfully defeated Karnelly's pawn. Sakura Matou defeated his bishops. If it is still going like this, Karnelly's knights will be defeated by Rin Tohsaka.

Lord Zepar looked at his fellow lords, who began to think about their strategy for beating Riser in the Rating Game. How lucky they are, Lord Zepar thought. If he knows that the outcome of the Rating Game is like this, then he will not let his son fight the Rating Game and let the Phenex have the Gremory heiress.

He snaps from his thoughts when the MC declares the rest time is over. Both Rin and Lara teleported into the arena. For this fight, the arena is the Sahara Desert.

Rin immediately raised the Jeweled Sword to block the incoming attack when the MC declared the fight had started. Rin fires Gandr toward Lara, but Lara already jumps away from Rin before the curse hits her.

Lara did not know whatever that attack was, but she knew that it was dangerous. That attack alone defeated Robin in a single attack. She did not want to be defeated in a single attack.

Lara looks at her opponent, who is putting down her blade around her belt. Lara thinks that Rin is looking down on her, but the truth is Rin did not know how to wield a short blade. While Rin did not like Kotomine and did not care about him being dead, he is a good teacher in hand-to-hand combat.

However, Kotomine only teaches her how to fight using her hand and never teaches her how to use other weapons. That is why Rin did not want to use her precious blade just yet, and she was also afraid of fighting an opponent that specialized in swords while she did not know how to wield a knife or other blade weapon.

Rin dodges an incoming sword attack and orders Illya magecraft to coat her hand. A few seconds later, Rin's hands were covered with a light blue thread. Rin did not need them as a familiar like Illya, but she can use them as a gauntlet.

After finishing the preparation, Rin charges at her opponent and tries to punch her. Lara quickly blocks the incoming attack and tries to do a counterattack, but a small explosion happens right in front of Lara's face before she can do that.

Lara shakes her head and sees Rin stand not too far away from her with a smug smile. Lara looks at Rin's left hand and sees a group of runes spinning around her hand.

Before she could get any plan formed inside her head, Rin already started attacking her. Rin begins to attack Lara with her hand, elbow, and feet. However, what makes Lara irritated is the rune Rin use.

Each time Rin attacked, it was backed with a rune that made every hit she did explode or cast another rune where Lara could not block her attack.

Seeing she cannot defeat Rin like this, Lara decides to reinforce her body as much as possible. If she cannot fight Rin face to face, she will fight using a hit and run tactic.

Lara charges at Rin once again, and this time she is much faster and stronger than before. Rin barely blocks the incoming attack with her gauntlet, and when she tries to make a counterattack, Lara already disappears.

Rin immediately understood what Lara wanted to do and decided to change her plan. Lara once again attacks Rin from her back, but instead of blocking, Rin dodges Lara's attack and fires Gandr at her.

Lara staggered a little bit, but it was not enough to stop her. Once again, she attacks Rin from the side, and just like before, she gets hit by Gandr. This continues two more times before Lara knows that her tactic is not working.

Not only that, she feels her body begin to weaken. She still can fight, but she knows she will not last long. Seeing her situation, Lara decides to do something that surprises Rin.

"I forfeit"

Lara decides to forfeit. She knew that it was not a good thing to fight a pointless battle. Rin did not even use her teleportation spell like the others, and not only that, Lara knows that she cannot beat someone that has a few hidden trump cards while she does not have her own trump card.

Rin looked at her opponent with a surprised expression before nodding her head and putting down the gem she was ready to use.

Just like that, the battle is over.