
"Are you sure about this?"

My father looked at Kuroka with a serious expression. Right now, both Kuroka and I are inside my father's office, and I decided to let my father get involved. While I know that I can give the Naberius what they deserve, it will not last long.

However, if I involve the entire Phenex clan? That is another matter altogether.

"Yes, my lord. I have enough proof."

"Show me."

Kuroka showed my father all the documents she could get from her parents' room before Naberius could get a hand of them.

My father read them thoroughly, and after a few minutes, I can see him place down the stack of paper on the desk with a frown on his face. This is the first time I have seen him this mad. Father did not show it on his face, but I can feel his demonic power change, and I think Kuroka can feel it as well.

"Where is this base?"

I shudder at my father's voice. It was very cold, and a voice filled so much killing intent that you could feel it. It was like a knife made of ice being pressed on your back. It will not outright kill you, but it will stab your spine and make you crippled for life if you said something wrong.

"I-I can show i-it, my lord."

It looks at Kuroka and feels the full blast of my father's wrath. She is shuttering.

"Good. Tomorrow morning you will show one of my agents this secret base. I trust your word because of my son, but if I find what you said is false, you will experience a fate worse than death."


With that finished, Kuroka and I walked away from my father's office.

"Are you okay, Kuroka?"

"I-I guess so. I have never experienced something like that in my life."

"What do you feel?"

"I feel like being frozen in place by the coldest ice. I feel like my body slowly gets frozen from my toe to my head."

I nodded my head in understanding. While I'm not the center of those killing intent, I can still feel it. It is rather weird. My father, who has the hottest fire in the Phenex clan, becomes really cold when he is angry rather than a fit of explosive anger like our bloodline power suggests.

"You will be okay, Kuroka. My father will not kill you when he knows your information is correct."

"I know Riser. I can see it in Lord Phenex's eyes, and I can see him as a just lord, not a tyrant like Lord Naberius."

"That he is."

~The Next Day~

"Riser-nii, Do you know where nee-san is?"

"Kuroka is doing some business. You don't need to worry about it, Shirone."


I said it with a smile on my face while patting her head.

It has been a few hours since Kuroka and my father's knight and bishop set off investigating the Naberius clan lab. I also sent Medea to follow them from a distance just in case something happened.

Right now, Shirone decided to visit me after I finished training with my peerage. I look at Rin, who is reading at the grimoire she gets from the phenex family library and says.

"Rin, how is the company doing?"

"We are doing fine, Riser. We have a steady increase in buyers of our game, and I'm amazed that a game about the Holy Grail War will get that many buyers."

"Heh. Then you just wait for the next stage."

"Next stage?"

"Yes. I think we can expand the franchise, and I think Fate/Stay Night should have its own anime."

"Are you sure? I hear anime studios cost more than the income."

"Hmmm. Maybe not now, but when our fan base grows bigger and reaches overseas."

"Ah, speaking of overseas. We have a company in Europe that wants to translate our game officially."

"Wait. Really?"


Huh. I never thought that a VN type of game would be really popular then, and I thought that this kind of game was already past its prime time.

"Let the lawyer know about this and let them see the contract."

"Of course, I already told them to do that. Who do you think I am?"

"Fair enough. How is your study going? Clock tower did not make anything hard for you, right?"

"My study is doing great. As for the clock tower… There are a few nobles that try to mess with me because of me being Asian, but I can take care of them just fine."

"You… Did not kill them, did you?"

"Of course not. Well, they hope I did."

"You… Haaa… Are you getting into trouble?"

"No. Not really. Many people know it was my doing, but as long as they did not have any evidence, I'm good."

"Just… Just take care, okay? While Zelretch will keep his contract to keep you safe, I am still worried."

"Of course. I can take care of myself."

I nodded my head.

"Good. Anyway, where is the other? Usually, Illya will be in here doing her own research."

"Ah, Illya, Sakura, and Hermione are busy running around Tokyo shopping."

"Sakura and Hermione? Shopping?"

"Well, it was Illya who insisted on taking them shopping."

"Yeah, that will do."

I nodded my head and continued to pat Shirone in the head, who was already asleep on my lap. I get back to my book while Rin decides to continue her research. Ten minutes later, I hear a knock coming from the door, and I can see one of the maids get inside the library before walking toward me.

"Young Master, the Lord wants to see you."

"Oh? Do you know why?"

"I did not, young master."

"Very well. Wait for a second."

I pick up Shirone before placing her on the couch and get up.

"Lead the way."

A minute later, I arrived in front of my father's office. The maid opens up the door for me as I walk through the door.

I can see three other people inside my father's office, and my father and Kuroka are there. However, what makes me raise my eyebrow is the presence of three Satan inside. Sirzechs Lucifer, Ajuka Beelzebub and Falbium Asmodeus.

Domestic, Technology and Military Satans.

"Good. You are here."

I shudder a little when I feel the Demonic Power of the strongest satan.

"Please sit down."

I nodded my head and sat down next to Kuroka. After sitting down, I look at my father and say,

"How is the investigation doing?"

My father looks at me and says,

"Bad. What Kuroka said is not even the tip of the iceberg from what we found."

My father gave me a file, and I began to read it. The more I read it, the more green my face becomes. What they found inside the Naberius family lab is horrifying. Not only do they experiment with a devil, but they also experiment with other races as well.

From Youkai to a vampire, they do it all.

The experiment by torturing them to extract their agony or torturing them to the point of madness to extract their madness. They also r*pe them, so their victim feels helpless. After experimenting, they brainwash their victims and then sell them to the black market as slaves.

The Naberius family is not only doing an illegal experiment but also doing Race Trafficking.

What makes matters worse is that the Naberius family works for the Old Satan Faction, and by looking at it, there are many spies for the Old Satan Faction in the elder council.

"While I'm grateful for you guys telling me this, can I ask why? I'm still a seven years old devil after all."

Sirzechs is the first one answering my question.

"The reason why we show you this is to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"If we make a move to exterminate the Naberius clan, what do you think will happen?"

"... The spy in the council will try their hardest to stop you guys."

"Aye. We can overthrow them with our full effort. However, what we cannot prevent is what comes next. Do you know what it was?"

What comes after? Hmmm… Ahhh… I see.

"They will make Kuroka and her race to the grave with the Naberius clan."


"Then what can I do to prevent that?"

Sirzechs looked at my father for a second before saying.

"Your status."

"My status?"

"Yes. Right now, you are the most likely individual to become an ultimate class devil before you can reach the age of twenty."


"If you want to help Kuroka and her fellow Nekomata, you need to cast away your potential to get into the Ultimate Class devil. If they cannot kill you, they will take your chance reaching the same rank as them."

"Sure. I will do that."

"What? Are you sure? Ultimate devil lets you have more power than any other devil, you know? You can even order around some elders in the council. Not only that but you will also be given land in the underworld for your achievement and even founded your own clan if you want to. You are the third son of Phenex, and you will not get any inheritance, you know?"

"Nahhh, I don't really want it. If given to me, I will accept it, but I will not seek any inheritance from my father, and I would rather my brothers have it and also my little sister that will soon be born."

"... Very well. The operation will begin in three days. You and Kuroka are dismissed. We need to discuss the strategy."

"Understood. Thank you, Lord Lucifer."

"Call me Sirzechs, Riser. Also, I will try my hardest to make sure you both do not get any backlash from this operation."

I nodded my head and walked away from my father's office with Kuroka following from behind.