
"...All of the suspects have been captured and will be executed in three days. There are ten devils from the Naberius clan and one hundred twenty-two from other races. After knowing this crime, the four great satan decide to demote the Naberius family into a low-class family, and Satan Beelzebub will seal their demonic energy."

I smile a little at the news. It has been a week since Kuroka and I reported our findings, and it looks like the four great satan delivered their promise.

Almost all of the Naberius family has been wiped out, leaving only a few toddlers and a few women behind. Not only that, that said toddler and women demonic power would be sealed by Ajuka himself with his most powerful seal.

However, I still remember how the meeting was going when the Four Great Satan placed the evidence in front of the elder council.


"If you are willing to kill our own race, then we should wipe out that blasted Youkai!"

I glared at the old man in front of me. He is the elder of the Valac clan, and he is one of three people that suggest the destruction of Nekomata people in the underworld. The other two are the elders from the Oriax and Uvall clans.

"And what? Going to war against the Youkai and Shinto factions? Are you out of your mind?"

This has been happening for the past fifteen minutes. I never see an old man with a face that matches it, bickering with each other. It is like a group of children arguing about who owns the biggest toy.

"And what about him? What should we do to this little shit?"

I snap from my thoughts when Lord Oriax points his finger at me.

"That little shit is my son, Lord Oriax. Watch your mouth, or I will burn it."

I can see Lord Oriax try to say something, but after seeing that my father is serious about his threat, the old lord decides to shut his mouth. However, the other lord chose to speak, replacing him.

"Yeah, I agree with Lord Oriax. Riser Phenex should be punished for protecting the Nekomata."

"And why should we punish him, hmmm?"

I shudder a little when I hear Sirzechs voices. It looks like Sirzechs' patience is almost depleted, and I can feel raw demonic energy ready to flare up at a moment's notice. Sadly, the old lord did not notice it.

"Because he decided to side with another race than his own. That is treason."

"The same race that decided to sell their race to others as slaves."

I can hear an arrogant sneer coming from the mouth of Lord Uvall before saying.

"Then let us do some voting! Let the other decide what to do. Anyone who agrees to demote Riser Phenex to a low-class devil, raise your hand."

I can see three people raising their hands, including Lord Uvall. I can see the shocked expression of Lord Uvall when the result shows itself. Why is he so confident that he will get the result he wants? Bribe? Blackmail? I don't know, but it looks like he failed.

Sirzechs, on the other hand, smiled before saying.

"And the one that disagrees?"

The rest of the people raised their hands. I can see a smug expression Serafall uses when all the people other than those three raise their hands. Hmmm, is she the one making sure the other did not condemn me? I guess I can reward her with the most delicious food I ever cooked. Yeah, let's do that.

"It looks like the others disagreed with your decision, Lord Uvall. With this, Riser Phenex will not be demoted to a low-class devil."

"Wait! I will use my power to make Riser Phenex not be promoted to an Ultimate class devil!"

"Very well. Anyone who agrees with Lord Oriax's proposal raises your hand."

Just like before, only three people raised their hands.

"Anyone who disagrees."

The rest of them raised their hand.

"Riser Phenex is still allowed to reach a higher rank."

I can see an ugly expression on the old lord. I know that he will try his hardest to ensure my promotion is the most challenging promotion the underworld ever witnesses.

"If there is nothing else? Then today, the council was dismissed. The five toddlers from the Naberius family will be given to the branch family of the Phenex clan. If they are proving their worth, they will be released from their seal. Right now, the Naberius clan territory will be given to the Sitri clan temporarily."

~Flashback End~

It looks like Serafall successfully tracks down who is the spy for the old satan faction in the council and successfully makes sure the other lord does not side with them. It looks like Serafall is not only a satan that takes care of foreign relations but also the one taking care of the spy the underworld has.

I really need to cook something good for her.


I snap from my thoughts when I hear Medea's voice coming from my side. I look to my left and see Medea appear inside my room from a magic circle.

"Ah, Medea. Is there anything you need?"

"Yes. I am coming here to tell you that the three lords want to kidnap the Nekomata from the new Nekomata village."

"Oh? Really? Tell me more."

"They get an order from their ally saying that they need to get more Nekomata for their research. It looks like there is another lab outside the underworld."

"Hmmm. How many men do they send?"

"I did not know, but the old Uvall wanted at least three dozen men. For kidnapping the nekotama and also burning down the new village."

"Then we cannot let them do that, right? When will they begin the operation?"


"Very well. Medea, call the other. We have a village to save."


|3rd POV|

It was eight in the night Underworld time. In the corner of Phenex Territory lay a relatively small village filled with two hundred and fifty-seven Nekomata who lived in peace. They are the nekomata that run away from Japan after being hunted down there.

They have been betrayed twice. From their lady who they thought would help them in their time in need, the next one is from their lord, who they thought would not betray them even when they worked for him.

And now they trust their existence in the hand of a seven-year-old boy. Not because they wanted to but because it was the only thing they could do right now. They cannot go back to Japan because they are afraid that they will still be killed when they arrive there.

They cannot go to other countries as they are afraid of being hunted down by their previous lord, who kidnaps their fellow Nekomata and is experimented on.

Meaning, the only option they have is to follow the seven years old devil as their new lord. So far, they were not disappointed as he brought justice to them and even rescued twenty-two Nekomata from Naberius's lab.

However, they still did not fully trust him as their previous lord did the same. For now, they wait and see.

Sadly, their wait-and-see strategy did not work for long as the said young lord brought them grave news. A few dozen men come to their village intending to kidnap their people once again, and this time they plan to burn down their new house as well.

When they hear that news, they get angry, and this time they can do something about it.

With the help of Riser and his peerage, they get equipped with an enchanted weapon. From an enchanted rake to an enchanted kitchen knife.

When the night arrives, thirty people appear near the village. They are the people that get hired by Lord Valac. Their main goal? Burn down the village and capture at least twenty Nekomata. Lord Valac decided to do this to create a crack between the Nekomata and Phenex clan and maybe the Youkai faction.

"Remember to capture at least twenty Nekomata. Woman or Man, our boss, did not care as long as they were Nekomata, and he also did not care if we tasted them first."

Bacrius, a reincarnated devil, is a leader of the group tasked by Lord Valac. He is a devil reincarnated by one of the young masters from the Valac Branch Family. Technically he is a Mid-Class devil, but he has enough power to fight against a high-class devil.

He leads a group consisting of Rogue magicians and devils across the world that join up the Khaos Brigade. There are ten devils, and the rest of them are rogue magicians.

"Move out"

However, before his group could do that, Riser and his peerage decided to attack them from the forest around them. Bacrius looks around in panic as he and his group get ambushed by twenty people or so from all sides.

He and his group were wiped out with ease before he could even try to make a counterattack.

Riser looks at the corpses around him with a frown on his face. He did not know if this group was the only one being sent by that old lord. The group in front of him cannot even handle them for ten minutes before they are killed.

It looks like he and his peerage are overgeared once again. After releasing a sigh, Riser looks at Medea and says,

"Medea, can you take them and give them to their owner for me?"

"Of course, master."

"Also, make sure he gets our gift."


~5 hours later~

Narikarim Falur Valac, the current lord of the Valac clan, walks through the corridor of his castle while thinking about the group he sent to the Nekomata village.

"What takes them so long? I know I said that they can enjoy the goods, but I also said that they need to hurry up before the blasted fake satan smells like something stinks."

Narikarim opens up the door to his room and walks inside. When he closes the door, his eyes widen when he sees a chopped head on the table of his reading table. He knows whose head it is. It was the head of Bacrius, the one he sent to Nekomata's village.

His face becomes red as his anger begins to rise and is ready to erupt. He knows the culprit behind this. He knows this is the doing of that blasted flaming bird.

"Dammit! Do you want to play a game?!? Let's play a game!"

"Sadly, you are not the player in this game."


Before he could shout or say anything, Medea pressed the needle inside his neck and pushed the liquid inside the syringe into Narikarim's body. A second later, his body falls to the ground, and he can only see a hooded figure looking down on him.

"You are not a player or even a supporting character in this game."

Narikarim tries to move his body, but it cannot move. His body did not respond to his command.

"That is a poison that I created a long time ago. My master did not want me to use this because its effect is too cruel for him. However, he said that he was willing to let me use it on someone he really hates, and you are the first one to taste it."

Narikarim cannot hear the hooded figure in front of him as he can only feel pain and agony.

"This poison is a torture potion. It is a potion, but it will kill you in the slowest possible way. It will mess up your sense of time. One minute in this world is equal to ten thousand years to you. That sounds not bad, right? Well, it has three stages of torture. At the first stage, you feel like your body is being chopped to pieces again and again. In the next stage, you will feel like your body is burned alive by holy fire. In the last stage, you will feel your body being frozen up in the deepest part of the Cocytus. Don't worry. You will be dead in thirty days."

After saying that, place Narikarim's body on the bed, close his eyes and take the piece of head on the table before teleporting away from the castle, leaving Narikarim suffering from the potion that tortured his very soul.