
"She is adorable! She is so little and soft!"

I chuckle a little when I hear Rias gushing over Ravel, and I agree with her. My little sister is the cutest, after all.

"Fufufufu, isn't she? She is also very energetic."


And to prove my mother's point, Ravel begins to clap her hand while looking at Rias. A Devil baby is different from a human baby. For example, a newly born devil baby is stronger than a human baby.

If the mother is right then, they can already crawl around at the age of two weeks.


I snap from my thoughts when I hear my mother's voice.

"Huh? What is it, mother?"

"I want to ask where Caster is."

"Hmmm? She is taking a hunting contract, mother. Why?"

"I want to ask her about making Ravel's clothes."

Oh right. I remember that Medea and my mother have a close friendship because of their hobbies. They both like making cute clothes and dressing the other with their creation. Rias and Shirone are their unfortunate victims. Well, I guess I cannot call them unfortunate victims if they enjoy their new clothes.

The only victim in their hobby is me. I'm still a cute little boy and a prime candidate for their dressing game. It is tiring but lucky for me, the clothes they make are top-notch.

"I see. Then you can ask her in a few hours. She has been gone since morning."

"Is she going alone?"

"No. She brings Shirou, Illya, and Sakura with her. She said that she wanted to train them in their magical skill."

"Hmmm. It is good training and all that, but they need to take a break now and then. What about Rin?"

"She also got a hunting contract."

Nope. She is in the Clock Tower taking an exam before she can have a few months break or rather Self-Study as her professor called it because there is no vacation for a magecraft practitioner.

"Hmmm~ How about this, tell them not to take any contract for the next week. There is a party announcing your generation of devils to the underworld."

"Oh? When will this party happen?"

Generation Announcement party is where a new generation of high-class devils is officially ready to join the Rating Game tournament. Only a few people can join this party, and they must be a high-rank devil before they reach the age of eight.

This is a ploy to make it so only a noble can attend this party because the only one that is considered a high-ranking devil is the noble kids.

"Five days from now."

"I see. Will Rias join this party?"

"Of course! She will get her evil pieces tomorrow, right, Rias?"

"En! Big brother will take me to Lord Beelzebub!"

I see. It is already the time, huh?

"That means we will go to the Gremory castle to celebrate?"

"Yup~ that is why I need all your peerage members to take a break."

"Sure. I will tell them when they arrive."

I nodded my head and ate the sandwich. While eating my sandwich, I look to the side and see Kuroka reading a book that my mother gave to her. She became an unofficial leader of the Nekomata village in our family territory, and because of that, she needed knowledge on how to lead her people.

While technically I'm the leader of the Nekomata village by order of the Four Maou, Kuroka will be the one handling them as I still have so much to learn.

Speaking of learning, I chuckle a little when I see Kuroka already giving up and throwing the book in the air.

"Argh! Riser-sama! Please let me join you, nyaa~ I cannot take this torture much longer!"

"Fine. Fine. Also, you only read that book for an hour. Do you know how long I need to learn how to be a noble from my mom? Five hours a day! And I need to do it every single day."


Kuroka shuddered at the thought of learning noble etiquette. While she can behave like a lady if she wants to, she is a cat first and foremost. She does whatever she likes. She knows the line she cannot cross, but she will do whatever she wants as long as she does not cross that line.

Shirone is also the same, but she is more willing to learn than Kuroka. Not much, though.

"Here. Have some sandwiches. It is a tuna sandwich without a crust, your favorite."

"Yay~ Thank you, nyaa~ Muah!"

Without any notice, Kuroka decided to kiss my cheek. I touch my left cheek and see Kuroka smirking at Rias, who looks at her as if she is a murderer.

"You! Fiend! Get away from him! He is my Fi-Ficanse!"

"Fufufu, you can't even spell fiancé."

"S-Shut up! He is my future husband! You can't just kiss him like that!"

"Ara Ara~ You are not yet his wife. So I can kiss him as much as I want, no?"

That is not true. Even when Rias and I are not yet married, we are still engaged to each other. Well, I guess it was because of how the devil did not mind a harem. It was a little different.


Rias decided to up Kuroka by running toward me and kissing my right cheek without any second thought.

"Hmph! I can do that as well~."

"Yeah, you can, but I bet Riser likes my kiss more than yours."

"No, he is not! I bet he likes mine better!"

"Oh yeah? Then let's ask him!"

I release a tired sigh as both Kuroka and Rias decide to hug both of my arms while pouting, waiting for my answer. I look at my mother, pleading for help but only meet with disappointment as she giggles with baby Ravel at my expense.

Since when did my life become a Romcom?

~Sometimes later~

I walk through the portal and see a familiar white place. I'm inside the company hub once again. It's been a while since I walked through this place. Because of my busy schedule, I only got in here once in the last month.

This time, it was only me who walked to the company hub. I leave my peerage behind.

"Oh! Riser! It's been a while, and your timing is perfect because the company just got an emergency mission for you."


"Yup. Take a look."

Yuni gave me a piece of paper, and I began to read it.

|Stranded Soul|

|A god on Earth 5188965301-O-ZNMKR-51 decided to send a soul into your world. They did not know that your world was already under Company authority. Because of this, the company wants you to exterminate this Stranded Soul.|

{Mission: Kill this Soul}

{Reward: Your world is saved from a troublesome pest and 3 points}

{Time limit: 14 days}

"Only three points?"

"Yes. This mission is for your own good, after all. Not only that, this mission is rather easy for the current you."

"Very well. Any limitation in this mission?"

"None. You can send someone to kill them as this is a general quest. As long as he is dead, your mission is finished. Beware the time limit, though."

"I will take it."

"Good. Is there anything else?"

"No. I'm good. I want to buy something, but I'd rather do it after finishing this first."

"Very well. The countdown will start when you are awake at 3… 2… 1…."

I open up my eyes and see that I'm in my bed. Even when I walk through the portal, the company can still send me to my bed.

Anyway, I get up from my bed and begin to prepare for my hunt. While I can send my peerage member to hunt this reincarnated person, I read the Evil Overlord List in my previous life.

Evil Overlord Rules number 101: I will not order my trusted lieutenant to kill the infant who is destined to overthrow me -- I'll do it myself.

"Time to hunt"