
|Congratulations! One of the patrons decides to reward you for your quick and clean kill|

{Reward: Summon Greater Demon}

Wait. Greater Demon? Not a lesser demon? I close the tab and select the company call center and wait. A few seconds later, I hear Yuni's voice coming from the phone.

"Hello, Riser. What can I do for you?"

"Good morning, Yuni. I called the company regarding the new reward I got."

"Ah! The Summon Greater Demon spell, am I right?"

"Yes. Are you sure the higher-up did not send the wrong gift?"

"No. It was all yours. The higher-ups just want to say one thing."

"What is it?"

"Don't die when you cast that spell."


Die? Does that mean the demon I summon will not obey my word immediately?

"You need to defeat the demon you want to summon."

"Wait, seriously?"

"Yes. Defeat them in a fight, and you will be able to summon them into your world. Beware, however, as they have a condition when you can summon them. Hmmm… You can compare them to a summoning animal from Narutoverse."

I see. Wait, does the greater demon have a rank among them? Gamabunta is the boss of the frog clan and needs a certain condition to summon him. Does the greater demon have the same condition?

"Yuni, does a Greater Demon have a rank?"

"Rank? Ahhh, I see what you mean. You want to summon the weakest first, am I right?"

"Yes, and I did not want to summon the highest-ranking Greater Demon."

"Yes. They have a rank. Knight, Baron, Viscount, Count, Marquis, Duke, and King. I suggest you summon the Knight and Baron first."


"Good. Is that all?"

"Yes. Thank you for your time."

"It is a pleasure."

I put down my phone and examine the ingredient I need to summon the Greater Demon for the contract ritual. Lucky for me, there is no need to make a sacrifice like many fantasy books say. Unfortunately for me, the ingredients are hard to get, and I don't know if there is any said ingredient in this world, which means that I need to go to the other world or search for the components in the auction.

"Meaning that the company wants me to spend the points I have."

Haaaa. I can't blame them, to be honest. Just like their name, they are a company, after all.

I shake my head and look at the body in front of me, and I flick my finger and burn the body into ashes. After a few seconds of cleaning the room and wiping out all the evidence, I got out of the room.

I created a magic circle and teleported away.


|3rd POV|

Riser gives a polite smile at the people that are coming at him. After finishing the emergency quest, Riser and his peerage prepared for the party celebrating Rias getting her evil pieces.

Many people are coming to the Gremory Castle and trying to get a good favor from the Heiress of the Gremory family and the little sister to the strongest satan.

Not only that, but the people also want to make a good impression on Riser Phenex, the most promising young devil in the underworld.

With the death of lord Valac, the other two lords who want to make Riser's future ruined stopped their attempt. They thought the death of the head of the Valac clan was retribution from the Phenex clan and were afraid that the said clan would target them if they kept pushing the other council about Riser punishment.

Riser's future shines brightly with the other two lords never bothering him again, and many people want a part in that future.

After getting away from another young noble that is coming at him, Riser walks toward her fiance, who is cheering at Sairaorg, who is depressed at something. He raised one of his eyebrows before nodding his head.

He knows that Sairaorg is depressed because his title has been taken away from him by his own father.

"Caster, can you give me some of the cookies I baked this morning?"

Riser looks at his Bishop, who nods her head and takes out a pouch full of cookies from her robe.

"Thank you. Are you enjoying yourself, Caster?"

"Not really. The people that I talked to mostly wanted to know about my magecraft and my knowledge of magic. They did not even hide it."

"That must be hard for you, huh?"

"No, I'm already used to it. This is not even half of what I went through in my previous life."

Riser chuckled a little before walking toward Rias, Sona, and Sairaorg. When he arrived next to them, Riser put the cookies in his hand on their lap.

"You guys are depressed. You need cookies."

Rias and Sona squeal in excitement while Sairaorg looks at Riser with a confused expression.


"Huh? Why? You look depressed, and cookies can heal it. Eat it. I promise it will suit your taste."

"En! You should eat it, cousin! It is really delicious! If you don't want it, I can eat it for you!"

Riser chuckled a little before flicking Rias' forehead.

"Don't be a greedy Rias. You can eat more when the party's over. I will bake it for you."


"Yup. For now, can you tell me the reason why the lion cub over here looks really sad?"

"He lost his title as the Heir of Bael clan."

Riser looked at Sairaorg, who gritted his teeth when Rias said that. He sat next to the little lion before saying.

"Is it true?"

"Haaa… Yes. I lost my title as the Heir of Bael."

"Why? You are the eldest son of Lord Bael, after all."

"... I cannot use the power of destruction like other members of Bael Clan."


Sairaorg looks at Riser as if he is an idiot before saying.

"Bael who did not have the power of destruction is nothing but trash."

"You know… you are stupid."

Sairaorg frowns at what Riser is saying and is ready to shout at him, but Riser says before the little cub can do that.

"If you cannot use the power of destruction, use the other method to prove you are a worthy heir to the Bael Clan. You cannot use magic? Use your body. Train your body to the limit and break it. Tear down the wall that makes you weak and become stronger than before. Train until you feel like dying. Train until all your bones inside your body break. Train until you can beat any challenge you face with your fist. Rather than moping here without doing anything, train! Who is the most precious person you have?"

"My mother"

"Then, if you cannot do it for yourself, do it for her. Strength is what many people in the underworld see, and strength is the only thing that can make you protect your mother. So, get up and train your body! Train your body and become the strongest and train your body to protect your beloved one."

Sairaorg looks at Riser with his mouth wide open before looking at his hand. The fire in him that has been extinguished burns once again at Riser's word, and the determination that his father has crushed has stood tall once again.

He takes out the cookies from the pouch and eats them before saying.

"You are right. Cookies do make you better."

Riser chuckles at that before taking Sairaorg and introducing him to his peerage member. Without him knowing, Riser just changed the fate of Sairaorg. The child who did not start his training before seeing his mother get sick in a year started training earlier.


|OMAKE - Riser simple mission|

"Ahhh, Riser. It is nice to see you once again. How can I help you?"

"Hello, Yuni. Is there a simple mission I can take? For me alone. I just want to do it alone and fast."

"Hmmm. Here you go."

I take the paper given by Yuni and begin to read it. After a few seconds, I look at Yuni and say,

"Is this serious?"


|Beating the strongest human in Bakiverse|

The mission required me to beat Yuujiro Hanma within a time limit of ten minutes. The other limitation is that I cannot use my Hell-Fire, but I can still use my bloodline power from my mother's side.

"A new agent wants to be born in the world of Bakiverse. In the CYOA he filled, he picked Yuujiro Hanma as stronger than in the canon as his disadvantage. Meaning that he needs to be humiliated and let him continue to train his body to the limit instead of him lazing around waiting for a challenger that he can beat in one punch."

"I see."

I nodded my head and said.

"I accept this mission."

"Good. Then please go to the teleportation room."

~Sometimes later~

|3rd POV|

Baki looks at the man in the middle of the arena where many people fight. The man looks like in his twenty, and he is relatively thin. There is a muscle, but it was not a muscle for a fighter. In Baki's opinion, the man looks like an office worker rather than a fighter.

This is the look Riser chose for this fight. The company wants to humiliate Yuujiro Hanma, and this look will surely humiliate him. He did not know how the company could call the Ogre for this fight, but by its look, they do it in a way that makes the Ogre mad.

"And you must be the Ogre, huh? Man, what an ugly bastard you are."

The entire arena stayed silent when Riser said that. Yuujiro released a massive amount of killing intent that a normal human started to sweat. Sadly for Yuujiro, that amount of killing intent cannot be compared with his mother's killing intent when Riser's father eats the last cookies he baked.

Before Yuujiro could release any more killing intent, Mitsunari Tokugawa decided to start the match.


When he hears the word, Yuujiro charges at Riser and tries to punch Riser's head. However, before it could reach his head, Riser punched the incoming fist, and the spectator saw something they never dreamed of.

Yuujiro's hand gets destroyed. All the bones in his hands get destroyed.

"Weak! This is the strongest man?!? Weak!"

Hearing Riser's taunt, the Ogre used his leg to kick Riser, but before it could hit its target, Riser's hand caught it and used the leg to throw Yuujiro to the ground. After doing that, Riser stomps Yuujiro's leg, and the people can hear a loud crack through the arena.

"Ogre?!? This ugly bastard is more of a kitten! A small animal that tries to roar without knowing that its roar is only a mewling."

Riser then stomps Yuujiro's other leg and finishes the fight by breaking both arms of Yuujiro. Just like that, the strongest man gets humiliated.