
"Haaaa. Just take me to the Gremory Castle, please."

"Of course, Young Master Riser!"


I glare at Kuroka, who is still giggling, and follow the man in front of me. After a few minutes, we arrived in front of a limousine and even more guards.

What is this?!? Presidential visit? There are at least twenty-two guards.

I quickly get inside the car, followed by giggling Kuroka, and ignore all the states and gaping people around the station. After a few seconds of getting inside the car, I can feel we are beginning to move.

Feeling that we are moving, I release a relief breath and give Kuroka one last glare.

"I don't know what is so funny."

"Fufufu. Your red face is funny and cute at the same time, nyaa. I have never seen you this embarrassed. Not even when you become a dressing doll for Medea and your mother."

"Urgh. I just… I just did not get used to the attention, you know?"

"Then what about the Rating Game?"

"That day, I had something to focus on and did not notice the spectator. I'm too worried that my team will lose and think about getting embarrassed."

"I see, nyaa."

I can see Kuroka wanting to say something, but before she could do that, a bird made of fire appeared in front of us. A second later, a hologram of my mother holding Ravel in her arms appeared.


"Ah, Riser! How is the welcoming party?"

"You said that it will be a small party that will greet me in the station."

"And that is small. Usually, you will have at least fifty servants escorting you to the Gremory Castle. I still remember how one hundred and twenty people greeted me at the teleportation point. That does not include a group of musicians and the guards. I think the guard is around-"

"Alright. Alright. I get it. You can at least tell me the exact number of people showing up."

"And where's the fun in that? Anyway, Kuroka dear."

"Yes, nyaa!"

Kuroka pushed me away and greeted my mother in her cheerful manner.

"Do you get the picture of little Riser?"

"Of course, nyaa!"

"Wait. What? Picture? Since when?"

I look at both women with confused expressions. I did not know that Kuroka was holding any phone or camera. My mind comes to a halt when I see a purple fog appear around Kuroka's arms, and a second later, I can see the phone in her hands.

I look at Kuroka, who gives me a smug grin while moving her finger. I don't like the way she moves her finger.

"Kuroka, what are you doing? Put the phone down. Nay. Give me your phone."

"Hehehehe. Too late, nyaa!"

I quickly snatched her phone, and I could see Kuroka had just sent a dozen of my photos to my mother. I look at the hologram in front of me and see my mother looking at her phone and even showing them to little Ravel.

"Good job, Kuroka. I will send your payment later."

"Thank you, nyaa!"

I decided to interrupt their interaction by saying.

"What kind of payment?"

I have a bad feeling about this so-called transaction.

"Your baby photo"

"Dammit, mom!"

"Oh, don't worry, dear. I also give all the female members of your peerage your baby photos."

I groan loudly while both Kuroka and my mom giggle at my expense.

"Anyway, I need to tell you something, Riser."

I open my eyes and say.


"If you get embarrassed by the welcoming party, then I need to tell you that this visit is a formality event. When you arrive, you will be greeted by a red carpet and a servant taking care of ALL your needs."

"You said that 'all' like that."

"Because when I say all of it, I mean ALL of it. You will be treated like a king. Do you need to poop? Well, your servant will help you do that. Do you want to change into your pajamas? There is a servant for that. Bath? A servant will clean you up."

"Urgh. Please tell me you're joking."

"Nope. It was tradition, and we will also do the same to Rias when her Formal Visit happens."

"At least tell me it was only for one day."

"Don't worry, dear. It was only for one day. The next night, you can do your casual visit."

"Very well."

I don't know if I can survive with that kind of ceremony happening for more than one day.

"Anyway, Kuroka."


"I'm sorry to inform you of this, but you cannot cuddle with Riser while this ceremony is still happening. You and little Shirone cannot go and meet him for one day. Because of this, I need you to hold your urge and little Shirone to meet with Riser, okay?"

"Of course, nyaa!"

"Good girl. Anyway, that is all. Good luck and have fun, my son."

I nod my head and see the hologram disappear. Seeing the hologram disappear, Kuroka immediately pounced at me and rubbed her head at mine.


"I need to fill my cuddling quota, nyaa! We only have a few hours before we arrive at Gremory Castle."

"... Fine."

I decided to forget the troublesome ceremony that would be happening and cuddling with this lazy cat.

~Four hours later~

I take a deep breath and prepare myself. The driver had already informed us that we had almost arrived at Gremory Castle.

So when I feel the car stopped and the driver gets out, I know that we have arrived. The first one to get out is Kuroka via the other door as the driver tells me that I need to get out from the door near me.

A few seconds later, the door near me opens up, and I get out of the car.

True to my mother's words, there is a red carpet waiting for me. There is a row upon row of servants lining up and bowing when they see me. I take another deep breath and slowly walk toward the castle entrance, where I see the Gremory family waiting for me.

Zeoticus, Venelana, and Rias.

I can see that Sirzechs did not attend this ceremony. I guess I can understand that. He had already discarded his status as a member of the Gremory clan when he took the family name of Lucifer.

When I arrive in front of them, my father-in-law walks forward and smiles at me.

"Welcome to Gremory Castle, Riser of the Noble House of Phenex."