
"Hmmm, how much for this Norwegian Fire Lizard's tail?"

"Because of the recent harvest, the price is currently low. Three thousand yen per tail."

"Two thousand."

"You must be joking, sir. Even with the current harvest season, this is still a Norwegian Fire Lizard. They are difficult creatures to breed. Two thousand and nine hundred."

"Aye, I know. However, I also know that there is a breeding farm in Benten-Jima, Wakkanai. You bought this from the locals instead of importing it from Norway like in the past. Two thousand and two hundred."

"And like you said, the only farm that can breed this lizard is located in Wakkanai. We still need to pay the transporter. Two thousand and seven hundred."

"Fair enough. Two thousand five hundred, and I will take twenty of them."

"Take twenty-five, and you have a deal."


I take the money to pay for the ingredients I need and pay the merchant in front of me. The Norwegian Fire Lizard is a rare creature that can only live in a cold temperature and a place that is surrounded by ocean.

They are one of a dozen fire creatures that need to live in a cold temperature. This lizard tail can be used as an ingredient for potion and healing paste, specifically, to heal a burn injury. A potion created using this lizard is the only potion that can heal the burn injury from a hellfire.

While Phoenix tear can also heal any injury, it is good to have a backup potion for any kind of injury, including a wound from hellfire.

I also buy this ingredient for Hermione, Sakura, and my potion study. Medea was surprisingly a great teacher even when she said that she was not really good at it.

"So, Caster. What kind of ingredient do we need?"

Medea looked at me before saying.

"I think that is all we need, master. At least for this week's lesson."

"Huh? Really?"

I look at the trunk for a second before nodding my head. Yeah, we bought many ingredients, huh? I nodded my head before saying.

"So, what about the other? Did Illya and Rias finish shopping?"

"No, they did not. Hermione and Rin have already finished buying some familiar and are waiting for us in the restaurant nearby."

Oh, yeah. Hermione and Rin decide to buy a familiar for themselves when we walk past the familiar imperium. I know that Rin already has a familiar in the form of a jewel owl, but a familiar in this world and her world is different.

In her world, familiar is something a magus can create, while in here, familiar is a living creature that needs to be tamed. Not only that, the familiar in Rin's world tries hard to grow stronger while the familiar in this world can grow stronger alongside their master.

"I think we should wait for them in the restaurant with Hermione and Rin."

"Very well."

Both Medea and I walk toward the restaurant where Rin and Hermione stay. After a few minutes of walking, we arrived in front of the building.

"Blazing Pork? Huh."

I get inside the restaurant and immediately see Rin and Hermione sitting at the table for six people. When Hermione sees Medea and me, she raises her hand and calls me.

"Riser! Over here!"

I smile at her and go to their table. When we sat down, the waitress came to our table. The waitress is a young dog youkai. She has brown eyes and brown eyes. She has extra ears on top of her head and fluffy tails behind her.

"Good afternoon, my name is Korone, and I will be your waitress for today. What kind of food or drink do you want?"

I look at the menu for a minute before saying.

"I will take the Sushi Deluxe Set, please. As for you, Caster?"

"I will take your Special Udon with shrimp tempura."

"Of course! As for the drink?"

"I will take green tea."

"I take black tea."

"Very well. The food will arrive in a few minutes."

After seeing the dog youkai walk away from our table, I look at Rin and Hermione before saying.

"So, what kind of familiar do you guys buy from the pet store?"

"I buy a Shadow Cat."

I look at Hermione for a second before nodding my head. She is always a cat person. I am a dog person, but I don't mind a cat, and with Kuroka joining my peerage, I slowly like a cat. Anyway, the cat Hermione just bought is a cat coming from Egypt.

It was a rather famous cat in that country. It was a black cat similar to the cats in Egyptian tombs. Like its name, Shadow cat can blend inside their owner's shadow and control their own and their master's shadow as a weapon.

They are perfect creatures as a familiar. They are a creature that zealously protects their master once they have found one. There is a reason why ancient Egypt represented the Shadow cat as a guardian animal by the nobles.

"And you, Rin?"

"Hmmm? I bought a little Snow Kitsune."

"I see."

Snow Kitsune is a Snow Fox that can be found in Japan. They are foxes that can control ice. They are elusive creatures. The reason is that other than being a master of ice attack, they are also masters of illusion.

They are one of many animals that can use Chakra and Senjutsu. They use their Senjutsu to hide from hunters and use their chakra for hunting for a small critter. Because of it, they are relatively expensive pets.

"Speaking of familiar, where are they?"

"We put them in your pocket dimension, Riser. The restaurant did not allow animals, sadly."

"Fair enough. Anyway-"

Before I could finish my word, a small magic circle appeared in front of my eyes. This magic circle is a communication spell. It was a magical handphone.

I move the magic circle to my ear, and I can hear a voice coming from the magic circle.

"Hello, Kuroka."

"Riser! We are finished shopping, nyaa! Where are you?"

"I'm in a restaurant called Blazing Pork. It is located at the western gate of the Magical Market. Forty meters away from the gate."

"Okay~ We will go there."

Ten minutes later, the food arrived just in time as Rias, Kuroka, Illya, Sakura, and Shirou arrived inside the restaurant.

"Ah, just in time. Please tell the waitress the food and drink you want."

"Yay, food~."

Rias squeals in excitement as she takes a seat next to me and looks at the menu. I already explained to her that I needed this disguise to buy ingredients in the market.

When Rias ordered her food, I decided to ask her something.

"So, how is your shopping going?"

"Great! I bought many new games and anime figurines!"

"Oh? Really?"

"En! I was also able to get a limited edition figurine!"

I smile at her and give her a head pat before eating the food in front of me.