Side Story 1

|Canon Side-Story| |2 weeks after Kara healed|

"I-Is this mission for real?"


"The company posted a mission to take the role of Dumbledore in the First Wizarding War."

"Yes. An agent candidate wants to become Dumbledore, who is even more famous than the one in the original timeline. Because of that, the company chose a world where the old wizard was destined to die fighting Tom Riddle."

I nodded my head while looking at the piece of paper in front of me. As Yuni said, the company wants me to become Dumbledore and make him even more famous by defeating Voldemort in a duel.

I will arrive in 1975, the time when Voldemort was at his height of power. Voldemort will attack Hogwarts at least after recruiting a few dozen packs of Werewolf, Vampire, and Trolls in this world's original timeline.

After recruiting all those creatures, Voldemort attacks Hogwart and successfully kills Dumbledore in that fight. After killing Dumbledore, Modlyshort decides to attack all of England and even conquer it.

He won the war through a continuous guerilla tactic and brainwashing all the higher up of the non-magical people in England.

With England in his hand, Voldemort began to expand his empire through Europe. The first country he conquers is Scotland, then Ireland, France, and so on. Sadly, before he could conquer Europe, he died.

Not from betrayal, not from being killed in combat, but rather from old age. It looks like his Horcruxes only prolong his natural life by a few decades. It prevents him from being killed, but it cannot prevent him from dying of natural causes.

The company wants me to be Albus Dumbledore before he is killed. The company also wants me to win against Voldemort without his wand or other magical weapons. That is easy enough. I did not use any weapon to cast my magic anyway.

The other limitation the company places is that I cannot fight Voldemort in close combat, which is rather annoying. It has been my dream to punch that so-called immortal dark lord in the face since the time I heard about Hermione's (My Hermione) past.

Other than those two, the company allows me to go all out.

The company also makes sure to pick the world that has magical TV. This world has a weird TV. Instead of a box filled with wires, this TV is more of a mirror. This mirror is like a two-way mirror that lets its user communicate to the people that have the same mirror.

Voldemort will hijack all the magical channels around the globe to broadcast his intention to destroy Hogwart, the most powerful magical castle in the world. This is the reason why Voldemort is able to take over the England Magical world easily.

When they see their so-called second-coming Merlin die in battle, their morale drops, and they begin to panic. In this panic state, Voldemort storms the Ministry of Magic and successfully takes over the government.

"Hmmm. Before I take this mission, what about the people I bring?"

"They will be transported to different countries."

"How long can my pocket dimension be accessed?"

"One hour a day."

"Hmmm, good enough. How long can I stay in this world?"

"After you finished your mission? Three days."

"Very well. I will take this mission."

After I say that, the paper in my hand turns into ashes, and my phone vibrates.

"Good. Your mission will start in seven hours after you take over Albus's body."


"You have ten minutes to gather all the items you want to bring into your mission. Remember, no magical weapon."

~Twelve minutes later~

I blink a few times as the world around me starts to change. I look at my hand, and instead of seeing my usual hand, I see a wrinkly hand. I look down and see a long gray beard. I look around the room and see that I'm really taking over Albus's body.



I snap from my thoughts when I hear someone or something talking to me. I look to my left and see a red bird looking at me right in the eyes. We continue to look at each other for a few seconds before the bird says.

*Chirp? Chirp Chirp?*

|Who are you? What are you?|

I look at the bird for a few seconds before saying.

"I'm Riser Phenex, and I'm a devil. Well, half-devil when I take over this body."

The bird looked at me for a few seconds before bobbing its head and then bowing at me.

*Chirp Chirp Chirp Chirp~ Chirp Chirp*

|Greeting, O descendant of the First Phoenix. My name is Fawkes.|

"Greeting Fawkes."

*Chirp Chirp?*

|May I ask why you are here?|

"I'm here to kill a man named Tom Riddle. He decides to come to Hogwarts and raze it to the ground. He comes here with an army of Dark Creatures and many dark wizards."

*Chirp Chirp Chirp*

|I see. Then let me express my gratitude to you for protecting my nest.|

"Think nothing of it."

Fawkes then fly from its perch and land on top of me. It decided to make a nest on my head. After making a nest made of my hair, Fawkes decided to sleep on it. I shrug and get up from my chair.

I slowly spread out of my demonic power and covered the castle with my demonic power. Hmmm, it looks like there is a connection between the castle and Albus. I guess that is the ward around the castle. It is rather different from the barrier around my house.

It is like Albus is not the ward's main administrator but rather the semi-admin. He cannot change the ward that was already there, but he can add more words on top of it. Not only that, but I also feel something poking my demonic energy when I spread it across the castle.

It was like a curious child wanting to know a new person that came to their house.

I guess the fanfic about Hogwarts is a little bit sentient. It was not fully sentient, but it was not a non-sentient being either. Fascinating. I really want to experiment with that, but I decide not to. I don't know if the company will get angry if I do that.

I take out my phone and start a group call. A few seconds later, I can see my waifu looking back at me.

"Alright, report."

The first one is Hermione.

"I'm in London, master."






"If this phone is correct, then I'm in Norway."

I nod my head and say.

"Alright. Kara, please take the others with you to Medea. After that, I want you to prepare a teleportation spell and go to Hermione's location. I will go and meet you guys after the mission is over."


I nod my head and end the call. Now, what should I do to fill the time? I look around for a second before my eyes land on the private library Albus has.

"Let's see if I can copy all of this book to add to my collection. I think Hermione will like it."


|3rd POV|

Minerva McGonagall, the teacher of Transfiguration class, walks through the corridor of Hogwart Castle, and her destination is the Headmaster room. When she arrives in front of a gargoyle, she speaks the password given to her by the Headmaster.

"Cotton Candy"

Minerva shook her head in disappointment when she said that word. She thought that Albus really needed to reduce his consumption of candy.

After the door opens up, She walks inside the office and sees the headmaster reading a book. However, what made her raise an eyebrow was the number of books around him. Albus takes half of the books in his personal library and puts them near his desk.

Not only that, the sight of Fawkes resting on his head is a sight to behold. It was rather comical to her.


Albus did not react to her voice and continued to read the book.


Riser snapped from his thoughts and looked away from his book to see a woman standing in front of him. He knows who this woman is.

"Ah, Minerva. What can I do for you, my dear?"

"You said that you wanted to be notified when dinner started. Dinner will start in half an hour from now on."

"I see. Thank you for notifying me, dear. Let us go to the great hall, shall we?"

Riser gets up from his chair and looks at Fawkes, who is enjoying his time on top of his head.

"Fawkes, do you want to get away from my head?"

The immortal bird shakes its head and continues to sit on Riser's head. Fawkes enjoys his time on Riser's head because he releases a demonic power that has the property of a Phoenix. This energy is so soothing to Fawkes that the immortal bird did not want to part away from it.

"Very well."

Minerva decides to ignore the Phoenix-Human duo next to her. She has already gotten used to the eccentric behavior of her employer.

~Five minutes later~

Riser sat down on the Headmaster chair in the great hall and waited for the other people to get inside the great hall. While waiting for the student to get inside the great hall, Riser decides to experiment on the spell he wants to create after reading the book inside the Headmaster's office.

Three small magic circles appear in front of him, and each of the magic circles has many kinds of runes that give different kinds of effects. The book he just read is a book about dark curses, and currently, he wants to make a spell that can curse someone's soul.

While Riser is busy with his magic circle, the other professor looks at him with his jaw dropped. Riser forgot that the people in this world did not use magic circles, and using magic without a wand is something hard to do.

A magic circle is like an urban legend in the Wizarding community. The first one to snap from their shock is the Rune Professor, Vindictus Undercliffe.

"Headmaster, wh-what is that?"

"Hmmm? This? Magic circle."


Riser looked at him with a weird expression before saying.

"Magic can be molded everywhere, but a solid matter is the easiest object for the magic to mold with. I use the air to make a base for my magic to be molded. The magic circle is a perfect example of it. By using magic as a platform, I can carve a rune in the air."

Vindictus looks at Riser as if he is an alien before saying.

"C-can I ask what kind of magic you can do using this magic circle?"

"Of course."

The other professor widens their eyes even more, when they see Riser make a big magic circle without the help of his wand. Their eyes are even wider when they see a miniature Hogwarts appear in front of them.

Riser creates a few dozen smaller magic circles around the castle. A few seconds later, a miniature battle between a wizard and a dragon happened around the miniature Hogwarts.

"Magic circle is different from your regular magic. It takes a while to make a magic circle, but once you have a magic circle, you can do almost anything with it. This is a solid illusion. They are an illusion, but they are solid. They are not just your imagination."

As he explains the concept of Magic Circle to the professor, the student gets inside the great hall and sees the show Riser made. Their eyes widen up as well, and one particular Griffindor Redhead even has a sparkle in her eyes.

While explaining what Magic Circle is, the castle begins to shake. Riser snapped from his thoughts and felt his phone vibrate. He knows what this means. The mission has started.

Riser cancels his magic and says.

"Hogwarts is under attack! Students, please stay in the Great Hall until I take care of the problem. Minerva! You will be the one in charge while I take care of the problem."

Before Minerva could say anything, Riser had already disappeared from the Great Hall. A second later, Riser floated in the air looking at the massive army in front of him. At least two hundred people are standing not too far away from the castle, and most of them are not even human.

Riser slowly descended to the ground and said in a loud voice.

"Tom Marvolo Riddle! You choose the wrong target!"

After saying that, a massive magic circle appears above Riser. A second later, Hell appears on earth.