Rating Game (II)

|3rd POV|

Shirou dodges an incoming attack from a young man holding a spear in his hand. This young man is Havel; he is Antrian's knight. Havel and two of Antrian's pawns fight against Shirou.

After dodging the thrusting attack, Shirou leaps away from his three enemies before summoning his bow and fires a couple of arrows at Havel, who decides to block it instead of running away from it. It was a mistake.

When the arrow hits the spear, it explodes, creating a series of chain explosions. Ten arrows explode in front of Havel. When the explosion stopped, Shirou looked at Havel and raised one of his eyebrows.

Havel survived the attack. Not only that, there was no injury on his body. After looking at his opponent for a few seconds, Shirou widened his eyes.

"I see. So that's how it is."

Havel smirks a little before saying.

"So you realize my power, huh?"

"You transfer any damage you get to your equipment."

"Noble Sacrifice. That is the name of my sacred gear. It allows me to transfer any damage I get to my equipment. I have a barrier around my body that lets me transfer the damage to my equipment. Not only that, but it also reduces the damage I take by half."

Shirou wanted to sigh in disappointment. He did not know why his opponent decided to explain his power. Not only that, but his opponent also tells him the weakness of that said power.

Without wasting any more time, Shirou quickly conjures more arrows and prepares to fire them away. However, before he could fire his arrow, his instinct screamed at him to dodge, so he obeyed it.

Shirou jumps to the right and sees three spells hit the ground where he stands before. He looks up and sees the two pawns supporting Havel from above using their magic. After thinking for a second, Shirou charges toward Havel with Gae Bolg in hand and opens the fight with a thrust attack.

Havel dodges the attack and swings his spear forward to try to stab Shirou with it. Shirou twists his spear and blocks the attack before kicking Havel away with all his might. The knight gets thrown away and knocks a few trees behind him.

Before Shirou could get close to Havel, who is on the ground, the two pawns fire their spell and try to hit Shirou with it. The spell is fast enough for Shirou as he easily dodges the incoming attack.

Shirou continues to dodge the attack without changing his weapon back to his bow because he wants to prolong the fight.

After a few seconds of dodging, Shirou quickly raises his spear to block Havel's attack.

Block. Dodge right. Thrust. Swing right. Dodge left.

Both Havel and Shirou continue to fight in close combat for a few minutes before the young Emiya swings his spear to the left with all of his strength and throws Havel away. When the knight gets thrown away, the pawns begin to fire their spell at Shirou, who easily dodges the incoming attack and even does his own counterattack by firing a couple of arrows at the duo pawns.

Both of them point their staff toward the incoming arrow and create a multi-layer barrier in front of them.

When the arrow hits the barrier, it explodes and creates another chain of explosions. Shirou continues to fire his arrow at the duo pawn. The duo begins to grit their teeth as they feel their reserve gets depleted fast.

They wait for Havel to get up and distract Shirou so they can rest for a moment. However, before Havel could get up and distract Shirou from them, the young Emiya appears behind the duo Pawn without them noticing with the help of the teleportation spell around his arms.

Shirou thrust his spear at the pawn on the left, piercing through his flesh with ease. The first one gets teleported away from the arena and leaves the other pawn with a shocked expression. He is still shocked that he did not see Shirou moving his spear forward.

Havel, who just got up from the ground, sees his teammate get obliterated by Shirou before he frowns.

'Dammit.' Havel scowls when he sees Shirou slowly get to the ground. 'This will be hard.'

Shirou looks at Havel and says,

"I'm sorry, but I need to end this fast."

"Oh? Do you want to activate that spear power? I already know how it works. It always pierces its target heart, but as long as I'm not within your range, I'm safe."

Shirou only smiles at Havel before jumping far away from Havel who looks at him with confusion before getting replaced with a cautious expression after Havel remembers that Shirou can fire a powerful arrow.

"Oh? You want to use your bow?"

Shirou did not answer Havel's question and instead flew to the air with Gae Bolg in hand. He reinforced his hand to the limit and pushed Gae Bolg backward.


Shirou then throws the spear and sees it soar toward Havel, who tries to dodge it. He was able to dodge a few meters away, but sadly for him, the spear hit the ground and made a dome of destruction.

The dome eats anything around it for a few seconds before suddenly it disappears, leaving only Gae Bolg in the middle of the destruction. After Shirou gets to the ground, the spear flies toward him, where he catches it easily.

A second Shiru catches Gae Bolg; Sakura appears next to him with an amused smile on her face.

"Ah, it looks like I don't need to help you, Senpai."

"Sakura, how are you? Are you hurt?"

"No, senpai. I'm doing fine, and it looks like Illya is also doing fine."


Shirou looks where Sakura points out and sees Illya get carried by Berserker while surrounded by two more Berserkers. Wait. Two?

When the white-haired girl arrives and gets down from the massive creature, Shirou asks her about the three Berserkers behind her.

"Illya, is this what you mean by your secret weapon?"

"Yup~ I named them Triple Berserker Surprise! I even take out one knight and four pawns at once! They are really boring thoughts. I don't think Berserker even gets injured by their attack."

Shirou looks at the hulking construct with a nervous smile. He doesn't think anything short of a nuclear bomb able to hurt Berserker.

He really hoped that whoever Illya fought did not get traumatized.

"Anyway, senpai…"


"Should we go somewhere while we wait for the other to finish?"

"What do you mean?"

Shirou looks at Sakura with a confused expression. Illya decided to answer his question with a cheerful shout.


Shirou's face starts to get red at Illya's blunt answer. Let it be known that Shirou is no sweet virgin child anymore. Not with Sakura and Illya at his side.

Sakura giggles at the embarrassed expression while Illya says something with a serious expression.

"Before we do that, we need to drink some water."

Sakura looks at the white-haired young woman before saying.


"Mama once said that no fighting over man and threesomes are only fun if you hydrate."

Shirou can only sigh a little while he gets dragged by Illya. He really hopes that Riser takes his time fighting Antrian. He did not want to get teleported away while he was naked.

Or Riser quickly finishes his fight before Sakura and Illya can undress him.