Devil and God

|3rd POV|

A massive explosion happens in the middle of a forest near the Academy of Devil Youth. The teacher looks at the distance for a moment before running around, trying to gather all the children and take them to safety.

It only takes them three minutes to take all the children to safety, well, almost all of the children.

"Where is Riser Phenex?!"

One of the teachers shouted while looking around looking at the last children.


All of the teachers look at the massive boar coming from the ground and a small figure standing in the opposite direction of the boar with his whole body shining like the sun.

"Is that Riser?! What is he doing?! Who is he fighting against?!"

"Forget about it! Call the higher up! This is more than what we can do. We need to get out of here!"

"What about him?! He is out there fighting! We can't just leave him there!"

"And you want to do what? Fight against a God of War?!"


"That man is Ares, the God of War. He is out of our league. We can't fight him. We need to report this to the Satans! Come on! Riser comes from the Phenex Clan. He can endure what Ares throws at him until Satan comes."

The young teacher hesitated for a second before nodding his head and flying away from the academy to report what was happening in here.

Just as they fly a few meters away, a massive explosion happens behind them. A white torrent of fire hits the charging boar, and both forces create a massive shockwave. All of the trees around them are either destroyed or thrown away.

Riser grit his teeth as he knows that he cannot beat his opponent with this alone. He created ten big magic circles above him with his thoughts, and coming from the magic circle is a hail of fire. Seeing the incoming torrent of fire, Ares smirks and takes off his jacket. A second later, that jacket changed into an Aspi, a large round shield used in ancient Greece.


After shouting, Ares raises his shield high and blocks the incoming attack. However, instead of burning him, the fire freezes. His body quickly became trapped inside a massive ice block. The ice is not cold, but instead, it burns.

Riser knew that it couldn't hold Ares for long and created a massive spear made of his burning ice and threw it at Ares. True to Riser's prediction, Ares successfully got out of his cage with his body steaming from the heat of the ice.

Seeing that it was not ordinary ice, Ares decided to throw his spear instead to fight against the Ice spear head-on. The two spears meet and create another shockwave. Sadly, Riser's attack is not strong enough to fight against a Divine Weapon.

The fight lasted only for a few seconds before the massive spear of ice was destroyed to pieces. Ares smirked when he saw his spear win the fight and was ready to taunt Riser once again. He did not know that Riser had some surprise for him.

With a snap of his finger, the ice pieces that fall toward Ares shine brightly and create a massive chain of explosion. The explosion is strong enough to injure the boar and Ares. With the boar distracted from the pain caused by the explosion, Riser's white flame attack successfully pushed back the boar and made it fall to the ground.

With the boar falling to the ground, Riser changed the shape of his attack into a massive sword hanging above the boar. At his command, the sword fell to the ground and pierced the belly of the boar.

With a final roar, the boar is dead and disappears in a mote of light, leaving Ares alone lying on the ground with a body filled with injury. The God of War roars in anger and appears in front of Riser, who is surprised by the increase in speed.

Before Riser could raise his hand to block it, Ares thrust his spear forward, pierce through Riser's shoulder, and threw him to the ground. Ares' spear stabs the ground with Riser's shoulder still on the spear's shaft.

"I commend you for making me feel this pain! Be honored, boy! I will show you the power of GOD!"

Ares calls back his spear and activates his authority.

"I am the strongest. I shall smash through all enemies in my way. O Blade belongs to the strongest being! Blade, who was drenched in the blood of a million people! Blade who sees a million wars and wins every single one of them! Hereby serve the incarnation of victory!"

A second after Ares activates his authority; a massive bastard sword appears in front of him. The sword is colored blood red. The blade ridges are filled with a carving of a tormented soul, while the edge of the sword is a carving of a fire. The grip has a picture of a battlefield filled with corpses. The pommel takes the shape of a human skull with a pitch-black color.

This is Ares' authority that symbolizes his power over the battlefield. This sword is formed from all the souls being killed in his name. A portion of that soul formed this sword and made it a deadly weapon that would curse anyone hit by it.

Riser grits his teeth, quickly reinforces his entire body using his bloodline power, and throws himself away to the left, just in time to dodge Ares' attack. After escaping the attack, Riser places his hand on the ground, and suddenly a pillar of lava comes up from underneath Ares.

"Fuck off!"

With a shout, the pillar of lava disappears, and the God of War continues to charge toward Riser. When he arrives in front of the young devil, Ares stabs his sword into Riser's chest with a manic grin on his face.

However, instead of hearing Raiser screaming in pain, he hears soft laughter.


After saying that, Riser's body started to glow brightly, and his body temperature started to become hotter every second. This is a suicide attack that Riser created in the past. His father forbids him to use this power as this attack reduces the effectiveness of the Phenex Bloodline power to let him stay alive.

He calls this power…


A massive dome made of white fire appears in the middle of the forest. This attack was created by using the phenomenon of how a star died. Riser exhausts his demonic power and releases a condensed demonic power in the form of a white flame that turns anything it touches into ashes.

The dome of flame lasts for a few minutes before it disappears, leaving Riser's body lying on the ground unconscious but still alive. Ares, on the other hand, is much worse than Riser. His body looks like a burn victim. His body is filled with burn wounds. Even when he tried to protect himself using his divine armor, it was not enough to block all the fire and even melt most of his armor.

Even a powerful God like him can't block a point-blank attack like that. Especially an attack that was fueled using an Ultimate-Class reserve of demonic power.

Ares is having a hard time standing in the twenty meters deep crater before raising his sword high, intending to kill Riser in his rage. However, before he could do that, someone grabbed his arm.

He looks at the one grabbing his arms and ready to kill whoever tries to stop him. As his eyes land on the one grabbing his hand, he meets something terrifying.

Standing behind him is Sirzechs Lucifer, the Strongest Satan. His body is surrounded by dark red energy of destruction that makes him even more terrifying. This is not Sirzechs the siscon. This is Sirzechs the strongest devil, the being that makes even gods afraid.

"I hope you have a pretty good reason to hurt my Brother-in-Law."