Rescue Mission

It looks like I just arrived in time before the group of Exorcists is able to deal final damage to Cleria and her boyfriend called Masaomi. I know about him when they both have make-out activities in the middle of Kuoh Park.

The group of exorcists in front of him is rather strong by the feel of their mana inside their bodies. Not only that, but their light sword is also very annoying. I guess I can see why Cleria and Masaomi get beaten up by them.

I can see many corpses behind them, and most of them are exorcists, but I can also see a few bodies who did not wear an exorcist uniform.

"Just kill him! He is a devil as well."

At the group leader's order, five exorcists charge toward me, and three of them create a magic circle to attack me from afar. Sadly for them, I did not come here alone. Hermione, Rin, and Medea already spring into action. Before they could reach me, the five people that were running toward me got encased inside a massive ruby before the ruby got sliced in half by a beam of darkness. On the other hand, the three people standing in the back have a massive hole in their chest.

In a matter of a few seconds, eight people died just like that.

"So! Who is the one that dares to cause a problem in the area that the devil governs? I hear that the Devil and the Church still have a non-aggression pact with each other."

Instead of answering my question, the man in front of me appeared next to me in an instant and swung his sword at me. I manage to dodge the sword, but the aura from it is able to create a swallow wound.


The wound hiss as the holy energy fights against my bloodline power. It takes longer to heal, but my bloodline is able to do it in a few seconds. The wound that usually gets healed in an instant gets healed in three seconds. That is a dangerous sword.

After dodging another attack, I punch him with all my power and see him fly away from me. I can see him stop after destroying five trees on his way and ready to charge once again. However, before he could do that, Rin already threw another gem in his direction and encased him with it.

I widen my eyes when I see the man flaring up his mana and destroying the jewel with it. He then continued to charge toward me, but Kara appeared in front of him and punched him up before he could do that.

Kuroka appears above the man, and using her Senjutsu; she kicks the man to the ground. Before he could get to the ground, Berserker was already waiting for him and swung his sword like a baseball bat.

The man flies once again, and his body gets punched by Kara before he can stop. The ground creates a massive crater from the impact. Even after all that, I can still see him standing up. What a tough bastard.

Without me doing anything, Shirou already threw five Black Keys at the man's shadow, making him freeze in place. Sakura also appears near him and summons five chains from her power to hold him in place. Illya also decides to send her three Berserkers to surround the man just in case he is still able to move.

"Medea, make the man unconscious. Please don't kill him. We need him to answer a few questions."

After seeing her nodding at me, I walk toward Cleria and Masaomi before giving them a healing potion.

"Drink this. This should heal all your injuries."

"Thank you."

After drinking the health potion, I can see them slowly get better. It was not as effective as the Phoenix Tears, but it should be enough for them to answer my question. When I see Medea walk toward me with an unconscious man floating next to her, I nod my head and say.

"I think we should get back home first before we have a talk."


"So! Can I ask why a group of high-ranking exorcists plus a holy sword holder decide to attack the mayor of Kuoh Town? Is this a declaration of war? I hear the church cannot do that unless heaven decides to allow it."

Masaomi looked at me for a second before saying.

"All of this is my fault. I decide to fall in love with Cleria, and because of our relationship, I almost start a war between the Devil and Heaven."

"No! What are you talking about?! It is all my fault! If not for me digging into the King Piece, we would never get into this much trouble! I know they are getting permission from the Old Devil Faction! I already got attacked by a devil before. I know the reason why they are willing to take the risk."

I ignore them both and decide to think about the solution to this mess. Hmmmm, what can I do to help them? Oh! Illya! She is a master of alchemy. She can create clones of Cleria and Masaomi, right? Medea then can create a false memory inside the leader of the Exorcist.

"... Because of this, I am willing to die to protect you, Cleria! I-"

"Woah! Hold up for a second."

I decide to interrupt their declaration of sacrifice and say.

"Why in the seven hell are you sacrificing yourself? I already have an idea about how to solve this problem."


Both of them say that at the same time. I nod my head and look at Illya before saying.

"Illya, can you make a homunculus of them?"

"Hmmm? Sure! It is easy enough. As long as it was not a living homunculus, I could create it in a matter of an hour-Oh! I see."

"Yup, I will use their 'corpse' to fool them and let Medea create a false memory of the man… I don't know his name."

"Touji Shidou, he is my superior in the church."

I nod at Masaomi and say.

"We will create a false memory inside his brain and let him report his success to his superior."

"Then what about us?"

I look at Cleria for a few seconds before saying.

"That depends. Do you want to stay here or in another place?"

"And what is the difference? We are still on the run and need to watch our back every day, afraid of our identity getting out of the wrong hands."

"Ah, that is not what I mean. Follow me"

I walk toward the basement and open up the portal to my pocket dimension. I walk through the portal and arrive inside my pocket dimension. Cleria and Masaomi get into my pocket dimension a second later.

"Welcome to my pocket dimension! This is the other place I was talking about."

I smile a little when I see them gaping at the sight in front of them.

"So! Do you want to stay in Kuoh or stay here?"