
I dodge the incoming spell and fire a torrent of fire toward the people in front of me. When I see them creating a barrier to block my fire, I take out my sword and appear in front of them before swinging my sword around.

In a matter of a few seconds, five people died from my blade.

"Master, we managed to capture the leader."

I look at Hermione and nod my head before saying.

"Take him away and give him to Medea. I want all the information he knows. This is getting ridiculous."

I only hold my title as a governor for three days, and I already have many problems. For some reason, many smugglers, slavers, and rogue magicians/creatures decide to visit Kuoh. My peerage and I fight those things all day, but they are still coming for some reason.

I know there is someone who decides to mess with me, but I don't know who. Everyone who we captured always said that someone said that the Kuoh defense was massively reduced because of the new governor.

From that information, I know that someone decided to sell the information about the change in government to the black market. Right now, I personally eradicate five groups in three days, including this one, and I still need to go to school in the morning.

"Riser, nyaa!"

I look back and see Kuroka running toward me. I frown a little when I see her covered in blood.

I dodge her tackle and say.

"No can do, Kuroka. You are covered in blood, and I don't want them on my clothes."

"Mou! You are mean, nyaa!"

"Anyway, how is your job, Kuroka? Do guys manage to track them?"

I order Kuroka to track down the base of this group of slavers, and she decides to ask the other nekomata from her village for help.

"Yes~ We manage to track them down and even kill all of the slavers! Lucky for us, they are yet to kidnap people from this city. Unfortunately for us, they managed to kidnap ten people from another city."

When Kuroka says that, she is frowning and hissing at the thought of slavery. Me too, Kuoka, me too.

"The other is already taking them to the underworld and giving them to the Birdy Lord!"

"Please call my father with a proper title, Kuroka."

"I do! He is a Birdy Lord!"

Kuroka decided to call my father and my mother Birdy Lady and Birdy Lord. They do not mind the title and are even amused by it, but it did not stop me from telling her to stop calling them that. I guess she is correct in calling us a bird. We have a characteristic of a bird.

We like shiny things.

"Haaaa. Anyway, good job Kuroka."

I give her a head pat and hear her purring.

"Oh! Before I forget, I need to show you something, Riser!"

"Oh? What is it?"

"Come on!"

I order Hermione to clean the mess and follow Kuroka for ten minutes before arriving in front of what looks like an abandoned warehouse. While in the front, it looks like an abandoned warehouse; I can feel the bounded field around it.

I see. So this is where their base is located.

I follow Kuroka and walk through the bounded field before covering my nose.

"Dammit, Kuroka! What do I say about not leaving too much mess behind?!"

Inside the bounded field are many corpses. They get torn apart, their head explodes, and I can see one of them missing their penis for some reason.

"I'm sorry, nyaa! They are just about to… r*pe a little girl. I-I can't hold myself from tearing them apart."

I look at her for a second before nodding my head. Yeah. That will do. Kuroka has a soft spot for children, and when someone decides to do that to a little girl, I can imagine her snap and going on a rampage.

"I see. I will burn this place to the ground later after you show me the thing you say you want to show me."

"Yeah! Come on! It is here."

It looks like the warehouse is the false image while the real building behind the bounded field is an apartment. When we got inside, I could see many corpses inside the building. Just how many of them?!

"Kuroka, how many of them have you killed?"

"Hmmm~ Around a hundred of them? Of course, I'm not the only one killing them. The Nekomata Elder helped me as well. They are not too strong, but they have some nasty magic at their disposal. Lucky for us, the Nekomata Elder is curse master, and we were able to counter it before it could do some serious damage."

Wait. The Nekomata Elder is a Curse Master? How in the seven hell I don't know about this?! Curse master is something that is very rare in this world, just like a Sage (the one who masters Senjutsu to a maximum degree).

If Hermione, Rin, and Medea know about this, I know they will go to the Nekomata Village and ask the Elder to take them as his student.

I follow Kuroka and walk inside one of the rooms, where I see three more corpses inside. I can see her take a stack of paper before giving it to me.

"I think you want to see this, Riser."

I take the paper and start reading it. The more I read it, the bigger my frown becomes. This paper is the list of customers who ask this slaver for a certain type of victim they want. What makes me grit my teeth in anger is that someone wants Illya to be drugged and brainwashed.

And that bastard dares to accept the request and even says that it was an easy job. If Kuroka did not already kill him, I will. I continue to read it and land on one of the victims at the bottom.

Akeno Himejima.

I don't know if Akeno has already been kicked out of the Himejima family or not, but I need to watch out for the situation. I want to help her, but at the same time, I don't want to destroy the relationship between my family and the Shinto faction by offending one of the Five Principal Clan.

For now…

"Kuroka, if there is nothing else, let's get out of here. I will burn this place to the ground."

"Hmmm~ I think we should search the entire building first, nyaa! We don't know if there is something important here."

"Very well."


After an hour of searching the building from corner to corner, we get out of the building, and I create a massive pillar of fire to burn the entire building to the ground. Let the fire purify this cursed place.