Chapter 142

"So, master. What do you want to do now?"

"Hmmm? I guess I want to explore the world for today and maybe bind someone."

"You finally used your binding? You only use it once for someone called Kiara Sessyoin."

"Yeah… her…"

I shudder a little at the thought of Heaven's hole. I had a mission to bind her, and it was an experience. If not for my mental shield, I would be dead because the compulsion to fuck her is so strong that I can still feel it even with my mental compulsion.

Our mission is to bind her, and I expect a fight from her, but to my surprise, she is very happy to be bound by my shroud and even more pleased when I tell her about her life from now on. She is so perverted that she is thrilled when someone binds her and treats her like a slave.

Whoever decides to buy her, I hope your penis is still intact.

"Anyway! Yes. I want to use it because this person is worth a very high price and if she is the same as in the original story, her disappearance will prevent the death of a thousand people. At least I hope it will."

I know what many people call the Butterfly Effect. It can be a positive one, but it can also be negative. It was the same question: will you kill baby H*tler? Some people say they will kill him without blinking twice, but others say it did nothing because other people will take his place.

That is what makes people afraid of the Butterfly Effect. They did not know what will happen in the future of their choices. Because of this, they decide not to do anything.

"Hmmm, You don't need to create a reason to do anything, master. You are a devil, no longer a human. You don't need to make an excuse to do something. A devil is a creature of emotion and instinct. They do not need a reason to do something."

That is what my mother said as well. I guess because I'm a human in my previous life, I need a reason to do anything.

"Yeah. I guess I should not create a reason to do something."

"Good. Anyway, Rin, Hermione and I need to continue our research. Take Kara with you in binding this person."

"I will. Thanks for your hard work, Medea."

"It is my pleasure, master."

~A few hours later~

After flying north for a few hours, we arrived near the massive city surrounded by walls. Kara and I decide to land not too far away from the city. After landing on the ground, we walk toward the city.

"So, Kara. What do you think of this world?"

"Hmm? What do I think? Well, this world is depressing just like planet Argo before it gets destroyed. People already lose hope and see death as a natural occurrence. They already accept that someday they will die from the Grimm."

Yeah, I agree with her assessment. Even Ozpin, who is supposedly the savior of this world, has already lost hope. When I said that we could destroy the Grimm Pool, he was so shocked that he could not believe it.

Does he never try to destroy the Grimm Pool? Or is he only trying it once and giving up? I don't know. I did not believe that he could not destroy the Grimm Pool if he tried hard enough.

"Yeah. I guess you are right. This world is not a cheerful world. Have I told you the name of this planet?"

"No. Not really."

"Remnant. This planet is called Remnant because of how it was the Remnant of what it once was. It became what it was because the Gods of this world decided to throw a tantrum and get out of the planet abandoning it and I pity them for it."

"Pity? Why? They abandoned this planet, I thought you would be upset about it."

"No. Pity. From the data I read from the company, the Gods of this land are formed from the belief of the people of this land."

"Aren't that the same as any Gods?"

"Yes and do you know what will happen when the said God decides to abandon the place where they were born?"

"Hmmm… They lose their power."

"Bingo. They will lose their power. They believe themselves so powerful that there is no one in this universe that can defeat them. They did not know that there was a massive creature full of tentacles if they were not careful in navigating in space."

"Just like our Patron, huh?"

"I guess you can say that but unlike Mother Shub-Niggurath, they were not very powerful and still in their earlier stage."


"They cannot think and only know how to eat. The Brother Gods are very lucky that they did not die yet and are only stranded on a planet not too far away from Remnant. However, if the company's calculation is correct, they will die eventually."

"That is a rather sad ending for the so-called almighty God."

I chuckle a little and look at the gate in front of me.

We arrive in front of the massive wall that covers the city that is being built on top of the mountainous terrain.

As we walk through the gate, I can see that we are in the slum where many shady people reside, and it is a perfect place for gathering some information. I want to gather some information by myself first before I start to use a magical familiar with the help of Medea and Rin to get around the world.

And the first person I want to ask is one of the most powerful people in the underworld, Lil' Miss Malachite, the leader of Spider Organization.