Chapter 145

"So! What can I do for you?"

I look at Ghira while sipping the tea prepared for me.

"Truthfully, I only come here to check if the other Grimm's Pool has already been taken care of."

"Hmmm? That's it? Well, you did not need to worry about that. We have already taken care of all the Grimm's pools on this continent."

The company already sent the reward, which means that the mission is complete.

"I see. So, what are you going to do now? Will you destroy the other Grimm's Pool around the world?"

"What? Why?"

I look at him with a surprised expression. Why in the hell do I need to do that? While Grimm is a horrible creatures, they are also the thing that keeps the people in this world united. If they are gone, the people of the remnant are like a powder keg that is ready to blow.

White Fang did not make an all-out revolution war because the last Faunus War cost them too much. Not because of the fight itself, no. It was because of the amount of Grimm attacking their base every single day as the negative emotion attracted them.

Can you imagine what would happen if the Grimm was gone? The people of the remnant will kill each other, just like how the DxD world works. When they have a single enemy, they will unite, but when that enemy is gone? They will be attacking each other once again.

Grimm is bad, but it is better to let them be. Unless the company wants me to do it, it looks like the patron wants to have some experiment on this continent.

"The company did not pay me to clean all the Grimm's Pool in the world. They only pay me to clean on this continent."

I can see Ghira look at me with disbelief. I guess the phrasing is a little vague and can be interpreted as other than what I mean.

"I-I see. C-Can we also hire you to clean the world from the Grimm's Pool?"

I shake my head and say,

"I don't think you can pay me, Ghira. I didn't mean to offend you, but the company I work with pays me with something other than money."

"Item? You paid with something, not money, right? We have many kinds of items you can take if you want."

I look at him and start to think. The mission did not say that I cannot clean all the Grimm's Pool, right? Yeah, it did not say anything about that. That means I can do it if I want to, but I need to ask Yunifor for permission. I did not want a red mark on my record.

However, I can still negotiate before finalising the deal.

"Hmmm, there are a few items I want. The relic."

"The relic? What kind of relic are you talking about?"

"THE Relic. Tell that to Ozpin, and he will know about them. For each kingdom I clean up, I want one relic."

I can see him look confused but nod at my demand.

"If that is all? I still need to make some calls."

"Ah, yes. That is all. Thank you for your time, Riser."

"Think nothing of it. Anyway, do you want to be teleported to your home?"

"Ah, you did not need to worry. We bring a Bullhead with us."

I look at Kara and say,

"Kara, would you be a dear and escort them to their Bullhead?"

"Of course, Riser."

"Thank you."

When I see them walk out of the room, I take out my phone and make a call.

"Hello, Yuni. Can I ask you a few questions?"


|3rd POV|

Ghira and his companion are sitting inside the bullhead. Ghira takes out his scroll and calls Ozpin. After a few seconds, he can see the face of the old headmaster on the scroll.

"Ghira! How is the talk going?"

"They did not do that job, Ozpin."

"What? Can I ask their reasoning?"

Ozpin looks at Ghira with a calm expression, but inside his mind, he is disappointed. Ghira, on the other hand, makes a weird expression as he does not know how to tell Ozpin the reason why Riser and his companion reject him.

"Errr, they did not want to do the job because the company he works for did not pay him to clean the other Grimm's pool."

"Oh? Really? Then have you told them that we are willing to pay them as well?"

"Ah, that is the thing. He is not paid with money but an item."

"Hmmm. Item huh? What kind of item does he want?"


"What kind of Relic?"

"He said he wanted THE Relic. I don't know what he meant by that. He said that there are four relics for the flour kingdom."

When he hears that, Ozpin frowns. He starts to think about how Riser knows about the Relic, but the more he thinks about it, the more he is worried and confused. The only person who knows about the relic's existence is him and his inner circle, and the other one is Salem and her minion.

Ozpin did not know the existence of Riser and his companion, which meant it only left the other option. Riser and his companion are the minions of Salem, but it did not make sense. Salem and her minions will never destroy Grimm's pool. Grimm is their primary weapon, and destroying them is like destroying their own weapon.

And that made him even more confused. Ozpin cannot think of any other option.


He snaps from his thoughts when he hears Ghira's voice.

"Ah! Sorry about that Ghira."

"You know what he is talking about, huh?"

"Yes, I know the relic he wants."

"Then will you give it to them?"

Ozpin raises his finger but puts it down and says,

"I-I will think about it. Anyway, thank you for asking this question, Ghira. However, I need to go thinking about the offer; see you later."

Ozpin ended the call and released a tired sigh. He is in a dilemma. Giving the relic will let the people of Remnant release a huge relief breath, as the Grimm will stop spawning or at least reduce the number greatly.

However, the four relics are the only way for him to kill Salem and end his cursed life.

"The People or Salem. What a difficult choice."