Ch. 5 [Golem Class C]

After hearing Alan's explanation and now ignoring Alan's words that had gone off topic, Noah thought of something. He looked at Alan whose body was enveloped in a thin Royal Brown colored light.

Yes. Noah could also see the aura said by Alan. But that didn't mean he had magic like Alan who was casting his [Wood] magic that formed a shield. And it was clear that Noah did not experience [Awakening] and could be called a failed product or [System Error].

'If I said it, maybe he'd hysterical and tell everyone,' thought Noah.

He wanted to keep what happened to him a secret. That floating screen also appeared before him, but he didn't have magic like people.

'The screen appeared but I wasn't given magic like them. And strangely I can see their auras too. '

Noah looked straight ahead. His gaze was sharp and as if in the dark, his beaded midnight express eyes glowed.

"Looks like the system has crashed, this happens a lot in games."

He stopped his footsteps. People walked into the campus building for classes this morning. Some walked hastily and some walked with a lot of equipment.

Indeed, currently the campus is holding an annual event. Some of the people who are the committee members are overwhelmed with their work. From some of the committee, there are those who use their magic.

"Humans are quick to adapt, huh?" Noah guessed as soon as he saw the magic in each [Player] leave their hands. Their eyes glowed with a magic color upon them.

"Everyone has a different color of magic," continued Noah.

He walked into the campus building to conduct lectures which now the atmosphere is much different. Alan felt it too and he chose to express his heart through words.

"Wow, I didn't expect this world to turn 180 degrees into a world of magic. Just like I watched a movie about magic," said Alan, amazed. "Is there an action scene too after this?"

"I'm afraid that your words will come true. Besides, there are some people who are not happy with it," Noah replied jokingly.

Thinking back about [False] that attacked Banssang City made Alan shudder with horror. The hair on his neck suddenly stood up and he unconsciously rubbed the nape of his neck. He returned to catch up with Noah, who had been stopped because he saw a large magic floating in front of his face.

But before they actually entered the building, everything turned silent. Feel the odd thing. Noah with people who were about to enter the building glanced outside.

The campus yard, which was originally bright, suddenly became dim. They spontaneously looked up at the sky and thought the same thing.

"Was it the same as last night?"

And before that question was answered, everyone panicked. Students who were inside the building scattered out when they felt the vibrations from the earth.


The ground shook and made a sound. Cloudy weather triggers a tense atmosphere. Everyone panicked and scattered to run to a large area and there were no tall buildings.

The earthquake occurred with great force. Even some of the buildings around the campus were damaged and some collapsed. There may be a lot of casualties after this.

Noah who looked up at the sky that was like a portal was getting ready to protect himself. Alan was beside him. With the magic he casts through his left hand it forms a shield as big as his.

"What's going on!?"

Everyone panicked after the earthquake stopped. Only, the black thing was still up there.


The sound of collapsing buildings was heard from afar. Everyone is paying attention to the east; the sun rises to be precise.

"Oh, my! What is that building !?"

"Oh, God!"

"Is this the end of the world ?!"

"What's that building that looks like a tower !?"

"It's not a tower, it's a tower ?!"

Everyone took their cell phones and pointed their cameras at the tower that had just appeared suddenly after the earthquake. Everything was chaotic in the middle of the campus yard while the [Players] or what was now called [Hunter] were flabbergasted by what was happening before their eyes.

They were all flabbergasted by the tower that suddenly appeared and unconsciously the sky was changing. The huge portal seemed to be vomiting something up. Dropping something ten times the size of a human.


The ground once again shook. Everyone who had been busy recording and taking photos of the tower was shocked.

"What happened!?"

Noah stared at the black shadow covering his sight. Naturally he widened his eyes when the eyes of the huge monster came into contact with him.


It was as if the heart had stopped beating, the body stiffened like a statue, his voice choked up like his vocal cords were tied. The helpless, weak, and devoid of magic Noah could only gasp at the monster that was said to be [False] in fear.



The notification sound from the screen brought Noah back to his senses. Among the people who were flabbergasted, only he got the message from the [System].

'What's wrong?' thought Noah.


[Golem - Class C initiates attack]


Noah circled his gaze. Everyone is still in shock, especially the Hunters who are not alert to the situation.

Noah's eyes turned to Alan, who was terrified. Of course. This was the first time they had seen a monster 10 times larger than a human's body. His body covered with stones made them lose their minds to fight back.

"My word is truly granted ..." muttered Alan, who stared at the monster with a look of horror.

"Alan!" call Noah. He tried to shake Alan's shoulders, which were stout and strong as stone. However, Alan, whose eyes had lost hope of living, did not respond to his friend.

'What really happened!?' Noah grieved to see that everyone could do nothing.


[Golem - Class C] went on a rampage. The ground trembled and everyone came back to their senses. As soon as the golem looked down -which was Noah to be precise with the others -, he started boasting again.


As if trying to communicate, everyone near the golem scattered and ran away from it. Noah, who was repeatedly hit by the running people, still stood firmly in his place. Likewise with Alan who was still flabbergasted.

'What is this idiot thinking!?' thought Noah, staring at Alan.

He was annoyed with the man wearing the marigold. Not alert in tense situations and just resigned to what was happening in front of his eyes. The golem in front of them started to move its legs.

Noah who hated this incident because he was helpless to defeat the big monster. In the end, he chose to grab Alan's arm and move away from the [Golem]. Avoiding the huge footrests that crushed their bones and crushed their bodies.

"Oi, Alan Woods! Wake up! You're a [Tanker] and people need your protection!" Noah shouted as he ran, grabbing Alan's arm.

Alan, who felt his hand being pulled, returned to his consciousness. He blinked and looked at Noah who was panicking about the situation.


He swiftly looked up and saw a large shadow covering his sight. Yes. That huge [Golem] whose body was clad in stone immediately stomped on them.

He grabbed his arm and Noah stopped running. Turned towards Alan who finally woke up from his fear. They stood and stared at the Golem's massive legs.


As soon as the Golem tried to put its foot on the ground, it felt something round on its surface. He lifted his leg out of curiosity.

The royal brown light filled around his feet. What he was standing on was a half-spherical shield called-

"[Hexagon Shield]!"

Noah and Alan survived their deaths with Alan's [Hexagon Shield]. Noah's pale face turned towards the [Hexagon Shield] which was in front of him. His eyes that were rounded and his mouth open were finally able to return to normal.

He sighed and sat down. His heart almost fell out due to the death that just barely greeted him.

"I'm safe," he thought.

Alan looked up. Looking at the big feet that were still above them. His [Hexagon Shield] might no longer work if stepped on by [False] which was 10 times the size of a human's body.

"It's still not finished," said Alan, who made Noah have to poke his heart.

[False] which was the [Golem - Class C] was getting ready to set foot on the [Hexagon Shield]. Alan who saw the Golem's movement immediately pushed his stretched palm forward to add defense.

"Alan is a [Tanker], there's no way he can return the attack from [False]."

Noah who couldn't do anything bit his lower lip. He clenched his hands that were pressed against the ground. Being unable to do anything in these conditions was really annoying for Noah.

'It is also impossible for us to be like this all the time. I'm sure, every Hunter has a limit on the use of magic. '

His eyes turned to the [Golem]'s face. A body full of stones, even his face was covered with stones. Only red eyes stared at him.

'Why doesn't he attack?'

Noah was curious because the [Golem] was just standing in a leg pose as if it were going to step on them. Several seconds passed with the Golem's silent demeanor.

"Noah," called Alan who also felt the same way as him.

He nodded his head. Understand that what Alan is thinking is the same as him.

"[False] did not move at all," said Alan. The more he used his magic, the royal brown light from his eyes grew brighter and brighter.

"He just staring at us," he continued.

Noah did feel it from inside. However, he chose to remain silent and looked for a way for them to get away from those [Golem – Class C]. But still, there was no result of what he thought.

"I know," answered Noah. He looked at the [Golem] warily. Cold sweat poured out of his forehead. He couldn't help but look on his terrified face.