Ch. 7 [Awakening with Honor]

This day passed filled with fear, anxiety, and panic. The appearance of the tower after the earthquake and together with [False] that fell from the black portal that was above the sky made everyone busy themselves.

Government agencies will certainly be busy with this incident, especially the Minister of Defense in this country. He had just started a group called Hunter and hadn't even started it yet, an accident came which traumatized the community to leave their homes.

Noah after his life was threatened by [False] which is a [Golem - Class C] that walked out of the campus environment. Not looking at the road he was walking on, Noah focused his gaze on the screen of his cellphone. Walking casually with one empty hand tucked into his trouser pocket.

[Latest news. The black tower that was scratching the sky suddenly appeared after the 7.4 magnitude earthquake.]

The news that Noah was reading seriously discussed the incident that had just happened. The tower, which is not far from the campus, suddenly appeared after the earthquake, which claimed many lives. Then the Golem appeared after the sky was covered by a black portal.

Right. The world is not safe.

Talking about lectures, today of course classes are eliminated and lectures may be suspended for a while seeing the chaotic state of this city.

"The possibility of studying for this month is eliminated," thought Noah.

With calm footsteps, it walked aimlessly towards it. The man who had eyes that always stared intently at his opponent ignored those who cut him off.

Indeed, this is not the time to discuss politeness or disrespect, because of the turmoil. On the sidewalks of his campus, people were rushing away from campus. Some were crying sobbing and some were screaming to ask their friends to speed up their steps.

But it was different from Noah, who had already experienced his life to be taken by the angel of death. Now he felt calm after experiencing the fear of seeing the terrifying golem's eyes.

After reading the news about the tower which had no answers, Noah with the one hand he used to hold his cellphone, now put it in his trouser pocket. He called out the information screen that might be the answer.

'Maybe this is the right choice to see my [Status],' he thought.



As usual, the sound of a notification filled his eardrums. Indeed, Noah was irritated by the noise, but as soon as the bright blue screen appeared before him, he lost his irritation.


Mana: 100

Strength: ?

Durability: 12

Agility: 15

Defense: 12

Intelligence: 46

Senses: 20]

"Nothing's changing," thought Noah. His forehead creased even more after seeing his [Status]. His eyes focused on the word [Strength] still with its question mark.


Once again, the notification sound rang again. The screen appeared next to Noah and he spontaneously turned his head towards the screen that had just appeared. Of course, he did not believe that it turned out that the floating screen could appear two or more at once.

Previously Floating screen would only overgrow the previous screen.

[[Reward] has been awarded. Do you want to open it now?

Yes. Not.]

'Oh, I almost forgot this,' thought Noah. His eyes lit up when he looked at the word [Reward] which became his curiosity.

Regardless of people's strange looks, Noah let out his voice to answer questions from the [System].



[You receive [10 points] on [Strength Points]]

Noah's eyes widened. He didn't expect to get that many points on the [Strength] which was written with a question mark.


The fourth time a notification sound came in and filled Noah's ears. Slightly grimacing at the commotion made by the [System], Noah stared at the third screen floating to his left.

'Didn't [System] realize that other [Players] would be bothered by this notification sound?' thought Noah, finally feeling his irritation.

[You experience [Awakening] with [Honor]. [Dakness Element] will be received by [Player Altair Noah Ortiz].

Do you wish to receive [Darkness Element]?

Yes. Not.]


Her heart was made to stop over and over again with unexpected notifications. Very urgent and mysterious. It challenged Noah and he gave him a sneer.

The man who had been said to be weak and helpless among his friends now showed a sinister smile. He's always cold face shows his evil.

"What is he planning this time?" Noah asked as if asking himself.

After not experiencing [Awakening] that day, Noah was increasingly belittled by his classmates. Especially Jack who likes to make fun of him.

This time it was not only Jack who mocked him, [System] even seemed to be playing with a human named Altair Noah Otis. He gave Noah's [Awakening] very slowly and even after he was helpless when he saw his friend -Alan- go all out on his defense with his [Hexagon Shield].

Annoyed, he stared at the floating screen to his left. The screen that displays the text gives a question with an answer of [Yes] or [No].

There is no other choice but to be strong. Noah sucked in his breath so calmly, not even someone who saw him could tell that he was taking a deep breath. His feelings were mixed when he saw the word [Reward] displayed on the screen.

Noah recalled what the [System] had said when the [Awakening] first occurred in this human world and obtained magic with various [Elements].

"Being weak is not an excuse and being strong is not impossible. [The system] is made to be strong," he said.

The midnight expresses colored eye beads lit up for no reason and without knowing it, he stared at the floating screen to his left sharply as he said,


The [Awakening] was marked by the appearance of light in the [Player]'s eyes and the magic they possessed without hesitation surrounded the owner. Weather changes do not affect with [Awakening] and a floating screen will appear in front of the [Player].

SHAAA ....

The wind was blowing slowly. Smacked Noah's white face and moved her black mane. Those pair of eyes still gave off a colored light

Noah looked at his palms seriously. His gaze did not go away from there but nothing happened after that. That smooth, pale palm was still in the same state.


Still staring at empty hands, even the floating screen feels awkward. Nothing changed and only the wind gave Noah a cool impression.

'So, how do I use that [Element]?' he thought.

He moved one hand as if shaking something in front of him, but the [Darkness] magic he had requested never came out. His temples were clearly veined, his forehead was furrowed, and his jaw stiffened. His mouth smiled and stared at the screen that was still floating before his eyes.

"Are you mocking me?"

Noah laughed sarcastically and his tone was very cold. To others Noah seemed to be talking to himself like a madman, but not with himself being indifferent to his surroundings. Noah spoke to [System] and he hoped that his words were heard.

No answer.


The three floating screens disappeared from in front of Noah and after that, he stepped off his feet. Covering his head with his black sweater hoodie.

"Yo! Altair Noah."