Ch. 10 [Penalty]


The sound of birds chirping and sunlight shining through the medicinal-smelling room woke Noah. Slowly he opened his eyes and squinted eyes as the direct sunlight hit his eyes.

His gaze slowly began to become sharp and now he was staring at the white ceiling of the room. Turning to his side, it turned out that the IV was standing upright without guilt to Noah. Then, the bed he was currently living in felt very strange with the bed he usually used. Feels hard compared to the mattress at home.

"Ah, this is at the hospital," he concluded with his calm expression as if he already knew what had happened.

He moved his hand up and looked at his hand which was being infused. Seeing this made Noah wonder what was happening to him. Scars and scratches filled his hands and even his smooth face was rough and painful.

'So, I was defeated by that [False],' he thought.

Noah smiled wryly. "Even though I haven't attacked him at all."

He tried to get up from his sleep and felt excruciating pain in his back. Winced in pain then grieved with the pain he had just gone through.

"Even my spine is fractured?" he asked himself. Seeing the bandages wrapped around his stomach made Noah grimace. Not because of pain, but this time he felt pain as soon as his body was covered with bandages.

The man with the black hair sighed, the tips of his hair swaying in the direction of the wind that hit his face earlier. He remembered his [Awakening] which looked strange to imagine.

Back again, he stared at his two pale palms and the other one was being infused. Maybe it's been days in the hospital.

'Then I have to get ready to carry out [Penalty],' he thought.

Previously [Daily Quest] had already told him and of course, Noah had to be prepared with what kind of [Penalty] he would face. It was possible that he would face [False] or receive more punishment than that.

Noah grieved, "I don't like it this way," he muttered.


Noah, who was about to continue sleeping, was shocked by the sound of [System]. He straightened up again and stared at the floating screen always appearing in front of him.

[You have failed to carry out the [Daily Quest]

Penalty: Surviving a nightmare]

"Surviving a nightmare?"

Not finished he explored what the message meant; his surroundings changed. The blue light changed its place and-



As if sinking to the bottom of the deep sea. His breath was catching and bubbles of water were around him. His body felt crushed the deeper he sank.


Noah, who was surprised by the drastic change in his surroundings, tried to reach a surface that shone. But unfortunately, his body felt very heavy and he couldn't even move. His body was stiff as a stone.

Every time he opened his mouth, water rushed into his mouth. It filled his stomach and slowly began to lose consciousness.


The blue light circled him again. Slowly the sea that made him unable to breathe turned into a wilderness that had never been trodden by humans.

The sun shone through where Noah stood. The towering tree looked terrifying and the ground on which he was standing was muddy. As if the rain had ended last night, Noah coughed after the ocean had almost taken him over.

After his condition slowly recovered, Noah tilted his head upward to stare at the sunshine that was warm to his body. His wet clothes slowly dried in the middle of his body temperature which was just as hot.

Occasionally grimaced because of his sore back. Yes. He cursed with the [System] which seemed to want to kill him. Noah had just awakened from his crisis period after the [Haze Ghost] hit. I don't know how many days he was hospitalized.

"He really wants to kill me," Noah muttered, stroking his wet black hair. His back throbbed.

"I'm lucky that my back is almost completely healed, but I'm not sure if it will really heal after that incident," thought Noah. Not long ago he cursed [System]'s attitude towards him, the sound of notification again filled his eardrums. This time he didn't bother with it, Noah focused on the message conveyed by the [System].


[Penalty: Surviving a nightmare

Time: 00:57:23]

Reading the notification on the screen floating above it made Noah smile in frustration. He rubbed his face and once again stared at the screen with a look of surprise.

"Ha ... Seriously," he grumbled.

For one hour he must survive in the forest which could be a threat to his life. His body was not in a good condition and he didn't even have a weapon to protect himself.

'After the [Awakening] which was too late, now is [Penalty] which is like killing me.'

Besides a soft sigh, he folded his arms across his chest. Back looked up to stare at the sunlight through the gaps in the leaves.


Not long after he stared blankly at the sky, a roaring sound from the ground caught Noah's attention. Spontaneously he glanced down, where he was standing and tremor occurred. The ground in front of him cracked and there was a sound of crumbling from up ahead.


The cracks in the ground were very long and in front of them, the land that had been there having now turned into a deep ravine.

Not knowing what would happen next, Noah retreated his footsteps and kept his distance from the abyss before something like [False] suddenly appeared.



Noah's guess was right. The huge bird-like monster that was commonly called [False] came out of the dark abyss. It has a sharp beak and sharp teeth when it opens its beak. His eyes, which were always staring coldly at his surroundings, showed that he was the ruler of this forest. Its fur was black like darkness and flames surrounded its body.

Surprised by the sound that was produced by the bird, Noah spontaneously fled to avoid the attack from [False].

"Seriously! There are animals like that in this place!" he said as he ran. Though his spine had not yet recovered and he was forced to run.



How many times had the notification window bothered him? Blocking his gaze which was looking for an opening to get away from [False] who was still lingering in that place.


[Hybird - Level 10 initiates attack]

The veins of Noah's cheeks were clearly visible after reading the writing on the floating window. With his roaring breath and erratic running, he shouted,


He cursed [System]. If only [Admin] was watching it, he could have been punished. Or maybe this is a joke for [Admin] who is bored with his daily life.


Once again, the [Hybird] let out a screeching sound, its wings removed and then it slashed. Fly towards Noah who is running in the towering forest.

'Shit! I can't go on like this! '

The roar of his breathing grew louder and he began to feel tired. His legs that were forced to run began to slow down, even her back was throbbing again.


[Hybird] is still chasing him. Hit the towering trees and destroy them. Knocking down the tree and making a noise like a war going on.

'At this rate, I could die young! The speed of that [Hybird] can't be matched by the speed of my feet!'

The throbbing of his legs began to feel as soon as he thought about the state of his feet. Noah gritted his teeth. His jaw tightened. I am annoyed at [Admin] who arbitrarily did this [Player].

Still running with his breath coming, Noah looked up to stare at the remaining time he had been hise through the floating window that followed whenever he ran.

[Time: 00:48:32]

'Only 48 minutes left! I can ma- '


His footsteps stopped as soon as he hit the wind. There was no surface on which he stood, but a chasm that was ready to swallow him alive. Noah fell and entered the abyss.


The [Hybird] that was chasing him is up this now. The land filled with sunshine. [Hybird] it's wild and round. Looking for the whereabouts of its prey, namely Noah, who suddenly disappeared for no reason.

He who was waving his wings flew away from the ravine while Noah had fallen.

And hise the existence of Altair Noah Ortiz who showed his gloomy aura. Lying weak helplessly on his back. His eyes stared intently at the blue sky that looked completely innocent. The look on his face made it clear that she was annoyed by what was happening to him.

"Damn it," he grumbled, not knowing who he'd given the sentence to.


An innocent [System] reappeared in front of him. And that made Noah even more emotional. Can be seen clearly from the veins on his cheeks.

[Time: 00:46:12]

Noah rose from his deep sleep on the soft leaves. He brushed off the leaves that had landed on his shoulders. the hospital gown he was wearing was now shabby with dirt.

"You know, I hate the part I have to make a laugh at."

His aura grew grim and his eyeballs gave off a royal blue light. The gaze in his eyes turned sharply upwards. The stone he was holding was getting tightly clenched into a fist.


[[Darkness Element] successfully activated]

The royal blue light swiftly circled his hands and then ended up in his entire body. Sweep away whatever is in the vicinity.

The [Hybird] which sensed the presence of that huge [Mana] flew back towards the abyss it had previously passed through. Without any resistance from Noah, he returned to his shrill voice.


The pebble that he had tightly clenched into had now turned black. It was like a bullet and surrounded by Noah's royal blue [Mana].

The [Hybird] got closer and immediately lunged at Noah's body. However, the man in black did not seem bothered like that. With a calm motion and still in a seated state, he raised a hand that was holding a pebble surrounded by a royal blue aura and ...


Several nearby trees swayed. The sound of the leaves colliding with each other was heard very quickly. The windswept the dust around the ravine. After that, silence took over the place.



[Hybird - Level 10 successfully defeated

[Reward] will be sent after leaving the [Penalty]] room.