Ch. 12 [Healing Potion]

"I want to ask you a question."

Noah fell silent. His mother interrupted his words, and he was completely oblivious to it. He gave up his mind and nodded his head, inviting his mother to ask.

"While have you been?"

"Ah, that ...."

Unconsciously moving his index finger and scratching his cheek. His midnight expresses colored eyes turned to search for a suitable answer for his mother.

'If I tell you about it, you will be worried,' thought Noah.

"Just now-"

[Latest news from Seojal City.]

The conversation between the mother and the son was interrupted when the reporter's voice from the television, which had not been considered until now, was the center of their hearing. The mother who had been looking at Noah looked behind her to see the television that was showing the face of a reporter.

"Thank you, anchor." Noah was saved for a while.

"Ah, geez ...."

The mother's hand spontaneously moved over his mouth. Rounded out his beaded indigo eyes and gaped his mouth unconsciously. The television screen shows the city of Seojal, while he and her son are currently living in chaos.

[The appearance of another portal after the appearance of an unknown [Tower]. Scientists are researching some of the portals that appear and the Hunter team tries to enter one of the portals close to the governor's office. The cause is still unknown and currently, the Hunter team has not yet left the portal.]

It was clear that the towering buildings had been destroyed by the earthquake and many black portals had appeared above the ruins. The sky did reveal itself, but black portals twice the size of a human were appearing everywhere.


The one who was summoned turned his head, looked at his mother who was already staring at him.


After an awkward conversation with his mother, silence regained control of the room while he was being treated. Riley, who had taken care of a letter from the hospital, had left at the same time as his mother.

'Riley said she had urgent business with mom. What is that?' thought Noah. He had a bad feeling, but he didn't want to waste his time.

Noah had seen the blue sky through the hospital window. Waiting for his back to recover within a week. For him, it was very long, besides the Hunters trained themselves to become stronger.



The sound that resembled a ringing bell overpowered his hearing. Noah, who was getting used to it, stared flatly through his sharp eyes at the floating window in front of him. This is one item in those that will be of great use to him.

"[Healing Potion] will be of great use to me later, maybe I better keep it."

Just as he was about to close the floating window, the man in black-haired remembered something. Suddenly his thoughts were on his father who lay helpless in a foreign hospital.

"Can this thing heal father?" thought Noah.

He stretched out his hand to try to suppress the [Healing Potion]. And exactly according to his wishes. This is information about these objects.

[Healing Potion

Healing potions healed wounds that only [Player] could use.]

'That means [Healing Potion] can't be used for father,' he thought.

It's disappointing. Noah couldn't give the potion to his sick father, because dad is not a [Player]. However, he could heal himself using that one [Healing Potion].

Noah stared intently at the floating window. Hope that this is hidden writing on the [Healing Potion] caption. However, after seeing it; from top to bottom, there was no small or cryptic writing that was expected to catch his eye.

Desperately, Noah let out a harsh sigh. He got up from his sleep and forgot that his spine was fractured. Noah grimaced and cursed the pain.

"Better now I use it before [False] suddenly appears in front of me again," he muttered. His hand stroked his shoulder, but once he grimaced and almost screamed.

"Yes. It really hurts." Noah muttered indistinctly.

Trembling his hand moved towards the screen which displayed the many items he had obtained after [Penalty]. Not knowing what this item was used for, Noah wasn't too interested in seeing it. He was still lamenting the excruciating pain in his back.

"After being hit by [Misty Ghost], then falling into a ravine. I hope my days won't be gloomier," he grumbled.

Noah pressed the image of a [Healing Potion] which was shaped like a volumetric flask, inside which was visible red liquid like blood. At first, Noah thought the liquid was blood and of course, he got goosebumps because he had to drink the liquid.

However, after the image was suppressed, he remembered something. The image that he had pressed had now turned real and floated in front of him. Spontaneously, Noah reached for the volumetric flask with both hands and held it tightly so it wouldn't fall.

The blue light that made him frown looked like radiation, but right now he didn't care. Because this was a bigger question in his mind than the question about [Healing Potion] and the blue light.

"How can I touch the screen?"

The question swirled through his mind, with guessed answers that made him even more confused.

Previously, Altair Noah Ortiz could not touch the writing on the screen floating before his eyes. The incident made him embarrassed with his face as red as a tomato. An event that the man who has the color of midnight express's eyes so much wanted to forget.

'Is it because I experienced [Awakening]?' guessed it. His forehead was creased because of the many questions that filled his mind.

Noah was still preoccupied with staring at the floating screen with his sharp gaze and without realizing it a nurse walked into her VIP inpatient room.

The sound of the door opening caught Noah's ears and his eyes fell directly to the white-painted door. Spontaneously he put the volumetric flask which was the [Healing Potion] back into the [Storage] -he thought that was-. Then calmly said,


Hearing what made him misunderstand, the nurse who had just entered the room was shocked. It was a coincidence that she had forgotten to close the door she had just used to enter this VIP room. The woman's eyes were rounded and immediately turned her body to hurry to close the door with an uneasy feeling. And somehow her face flushed.

Seeing the nurse's attitude, Noah tilted his head. He realized his words were not in time. And the nurse is now thinking nonsense.

"Um ... I already have a husband," said the nurse, embarrassed.

See played his hands as if she was hesitant to say it. Her face was flushed like a tomato too, the same time Noah felt embarrassed when she had misunderstood the floating screen.

"Ah, that."

'I have to get this straight.'

Noah quickly corrected what he meant. The nurse made him uncomfortable. Ah, that nurse is one of the people that Noah's Mother yelled at. Due to his negligence in looking after Noah who was lying on the cold bed of the best hospital in Seojal City.