Ch. 20 [Hunter Academy]

March, 202x

The appearance of [False] changed the world 180 degrees. The world is in danger, there is a political debate, the military is strengthened by force, the unemployed people are ordered by the government to immediately follow military service as if the country became a military state.

A more detailed government, namely the minister of defense, created a group called [Hunter] and with the permission of the president, built a military academy to strengthen national defense. The United Nations has also taken further action to oblige healthy communities to participate in protecting their respective countries.

The establishment of [Hunter] is more considered than the officials. People are more focused on [Hunter] and what [Hunter] is doing is more trusted. Like the people's trust is in the hands of [Hunter].

Only a few people are acknowledged to have experienced [Awakening] during the initial appearance of [False]. It was because [False] was still few and only a few people who underwent [Awakening] adapted quickly to survive.

Because the [System] gave [Awakening] regardless of who the person was and what circle he came from, those who were weak whether they had low rank or were considered cowards were immediate 'above'. They are also trusted and praised by 'ordinary' people.

The large number of people experiencing [Awakening] made it difficult for the government to divide them into groups. Moreover, the workforce in the group -now it has become an organization- is limited, and there are also many people who abuse their power, finally, the government takes further action.

They create a place where people who have special abilities can be honed and well-directed. Have tiers with the motto so that those with the lowest tiers can be motivated to become stronger and surpass the highest tiers.

The place was given a very large land with an estimated land of 500 hectares. It's really wide for a place to study. That place was reserved for people who experienced [Awakening] and was worthy of being called a [Hunter]. And the place is called ....

"Hunter Academy?"

Alan eats the ice cream he had just ordered at a cafe. Together with a woman who has a chartreuse hair color and strong orange eyes, they both ordered ice cream. Only the taste is different, Alan chose the vanilla flavor while the woman named Evelyn chose the chocolate flavor.

"Yes. You got a message from the government, didn't you?" Evelyn put a scoop of ice cream into her mouth.

"Ah, who ordered that email?" guess Alan.

Evelyn nodded her head, confirming what Alan said. The message came in via email and not everyone was aware of it. Because, not everyone often opens the email, in contrast to students at their campus who are required to open email frequently. Otherwise, they will miss information from the lecturer.

"Yup. I've opened the link in the message and you know ...." The woman deliberately paused her words so that Alan who was busy eating the ice cream turned his head. And yes, Alan was intrigued and he turned to Evelyn.


"That link leads to the academy's invitation." Evelyn continued with a satisfied smile.

But not for Alan who actually pursed his lips in annoyance. He said in an annoyed tone,

"I already know that it's an invitation to the academy, it's clearly said in the message, then what's in it?" he asked.

Evelyn chuckled. The woman seemed pleased to see her interlocutor was irritated with her.

"Well, there's our names, family numbers, the date and place we're going to be tested," Evelyn said. She pointed her fingers as if calculating and tilted her head. Given what is listed in the link.

"Then how did you know the name of the Hunter Academy?" Alan narrowed his eyes as if he couldn't believe the woman.

"Well, if you don't believe me, you can open it yourself. There will be explained about the Hunter Academy, what we will do when invited, what the exam will look like, and again they also discuss the group that was recently created."

"You mean [Hunter]?" he asked.

Evelyn once again nodded her head steadily.

"[Hunter] is already an organization."

"I don't care," replied the woman with the strong orange bead sarcastically.

Alan had a straight face in annoyance and Evelyn didn't really care. Her life liked to do people annoyed, and she liked that. Shrugging her shoulders made Alan even more frustrated with the woman he liked. It's just that he still likes her.

"Then what are we going to do after receiving it? Go straight to the place and date that has been determined without any preparation at all?" Alan again flooded Evelyn with questions and made her roll her eyes.

"I told you, open the link and read," she replied, snorting in annoyance.

"Don't waste time like this, I don't have internet, so just tell me." And Alan is still at his request forcibly. Evelyn sighed for the umpteenth time. She prefers to explain the lesson instead of sharing information. She's not particularly adept at conveying information for fear if he would be wrong to give the information. Weird.


Hunter Academy. A place to study humans who have special abilities. Those who experience something strange with the appearance of floating windows in which blue light shines on the eyes and what is known as radiation. It was called [Awakening] and the government gave it another name as [Hunter].

Hunter Academy is taken from the word [Hunter] which means hunter. Of course, that name has a meaning hunter. That's because one of their duties the hunt [False] hanging around since the advent of the black portal that is in the heavens.

Hunter Academy refers to [Hunter] who has a major task which is against [False] and protecting the public from attacks [False]. They also have a duty to volunteers and combat crimes such as criminal. It's like the [Hunters] serving as soldiers and police.

Therefore, [Hunter] because it is often praised by many people make the most of [Hunter] was high and boast them. There are also officials who have [Awakening] instead of abusing power and also from other circles who choose to deceive the citizens by asking them for some money on behalf of [Hunter].

Since the number of violations that defame organizations, the government finally made the Hunter Academy. Also due to the large number of people experiencing [Awakening] who have different [Status] and [Element], it makes the organization confused or overwhelmed to control them. In the end, the leader of [Hunter] or what they now refer to as [Master] made in the form of grade levels in [Hunter] that go into Hunter's Academy.

This level is referred to as [Class]. Before officially becoming a student at the Hunter Academy, the [Hunters] will be tested for strength with the [Magical Core] or the magical core they get from the heart of the red dragon in the [Tower 20th floor]. Although many did not agree with his choice, [Master] still carried it out with the reason,

"It's all for the good of us all. Rankings will not affect social inequalities as you say, this is all that the [Hunter] was motivated to become stronger and exceed the highest level predetermined."

"Then what is the purpose of the color differences of clothing and symbols that, sir?" A reporter asked [Master], he has the biggest voice, maybe it's one of the effects of the [Element] he has. [Wind Element].

"Indeed, it could be called clothes, but it's only mandatory for the [Hunters] to wear them while on patrol. We didn't tell them to wear colorful clothes, but we gave them robes."

[Master] took a deep breath. The place was too crowded for him who had a large body.

"Robe that is what has the difference and it was so that we could determine what tasks they will do in the patrol. People will more easily recognize any of their tasks from those levels."

There are 5 levels or [Five Classes] in the Hunter Academy. Starting from the lowest class that is [Ebuh] and the highest class that is [Agra].

The lowest class or first class is called Mist which in Sanskrit is [Ebuh]. The color of clothes or robes when they carry out patrols is gray. The [Ebuh] class is filled with people who have weak [Element] proficiency compared to the others.

The second class named Be prepared or in Sanskrit that [Dan]. [And] has the color of clothes or robes which is blue. The [Dan Class] is usually filled with people who are not very proficient in using their [element] but have greater power than [Ebuh Class] or are known as amateurs.

The third class is Combat Ready or known as [Carola]. The color of his clothes is red. [Carola's class] already has permission to join the [Guild] to join the [Party] with its members. It would benefit them to become stronger and reach the [Balin] level.

The fourth class is named Soldier of Honor or [Balin]. The robe given was purple in color and was the strongest class after [Agra Class]. [Balin] will be assigned to fight the [False] that appears in the middle of the city during the [Dungeon Break].

Then, the strongest class or fifth class is the Highest or commonly called [Agra]. Has a white robe. [Agra Class] is the highest class and that's where [Hunters] will officially accept jobs to be part of the [Hunter] organization and very few magicians reach [Agra Class]. Probably, only around 9 people possess great strength and are able to reach [Agra Class]. That's because, [Agra Class] has the most difficult test, which is to enter the [Tower] which is as dangerous and terrifying as hell.

The tier will increase if the [Hunter] progresses on his [Element]. The more powerful they use [Element] and the more diverse forms of power, then they are worthy to advance to class with certain conditions.

"Well, that's a brief explanation from me," said Evelyn at the end of her long explanation.

Alan heard until the crumpled face gaping. Eyes that look friendly it seemed sleepy and explain his bag.

"So that's what we call a brief explanation..." Alan muttered.

Evelyn's explanation was long enough for Alan. Yes. Indeed long. Even more detailed.

Evelyn's glasses perched on the bridge of his nose were slightly downhill and Evelyn fix. She chuckled awkwardly after hearing Alan's muttering that she could hear.