Ch. 29 [Altair Noah vs Gerald Gardenium]

"For the next invitees, through the big screen that is there, we continue 1 vs 1 which will be done by the name...."

The screen that all the invitees in the arena could see lit up. Changed its appearance which was original 'Hunter Academy' to a text that moved very quickly. Even without a tool to see the moving names, it can't be followed.

Slowly the movement slowed down. Then stop at the name,

"Altar Noah against Gerald Gardenium!" said the MC loudly.

Everyone who saw the screen was shocked. They were astonished by the name displayed on the screen in a big way.

"Are you sure it's Gardenium?"

Someone behind Noah whispered with a friend who was beside him. His voice trembled and even Noah could feel his fearful aura.

'Gerald Gardenium,' thought Noah. He felt familiar with the name.

"You have to be careful with him," said Sean who was beside him.

The 30-year-old man sat on a chair made of cement. He held a small black book and a red pen as ink to jot down any information he got.

Noah turned to him. Staring confusedly at the bespectacled man, then asked,

"For what?"

Sean looked very serious. He fixed his glasses with the tip of his index finger. His brow furrowed as to what he had to note this time. With the information he would certainly get a lot later, his hands and mind had to be alert to get it.

"He has quite a dangerous power." Sean paused, cleared his throat to fix his choking voice. Ah, maybe he's not drinking enough water.

"His [Fire Element] is more terrifying than the previous man. Maybe if this world is made into a game, the level can reach A level," he continued.

Noah threw a flat face. Before fighting, he must prepare whatever he will do to fight. Starting from fighting equipment, to careful strategic planning.

'My world has become a game, sir,' thought Noah who could only answer it from inside. If he answered it directly, Sean Harris would naturally become even more curious. And Noah will not have a quiet life.

"Then, what should I do?" Noah finally got his voice out.

"You just dodge his attacks until his [Mana] runs out," Sean replied casually.

Noah looked at Sean with annoyance. It was so obvious that it took Sean by surprise.

"What?!" asked Sean spontaneously.

"You think it's easy to avoid attacks?" Noah asked in response to Sean's question.

"But the easy way to fight it is just that, you user-"

Noah's eyes became sharp and maybe Sean could be killed in this place if he continued. He quickly covered his mouth with both hands.

"You have a terrible aura," said Sean, changing the subject.

The midnight express beaded man rubbed his face. He seemed frustrated that his [Element] was different from the others.

'If Sean Harris didn't tell me [Basic Element], I'd be in a tough situation.'

Suddenly an idea crossed his mind. The image of the previous events passed through his brain which was constantly working non-stop. Displays his attack on a tree that leaves it with a hole.

"Do you know how [Wind Element] users deal with [Fire Element]?"

Sean, who had been busy writing something Noah didn't know, immediately turned around. Studying what Noah asked, then his brow furrowed again. His hand held his chin and his eyes looked up as if searching for the answer that was in his brain.

"Hm... for [Wind Element] users, they can counter-attack by running away from [Fire Element] and then attacking him from a distance. [Wind Element] the farther away he attacks, the more [Wind] he generates, then the one on the ground. The closeness will also get louder," he said, expelling everything that was on his mind.

"But for [Water Element] users, they only need to use their [Water Element] to counter-attack [Fire Element]," Sean explained adding [Water Element] to his explanation.

Noah nodded.

"For the participant whose name is called, please head to the field to start the fight."

The MC's voice came back. Ordered Noah and the person who had the name Gerald Gardenium to come down immediately. From below there stood the referee who was waiting for the next participant to fight. Wear clothes made of iron. Maybe other people will think, 'Isn't the clothes he's wearing heavy?'

Before Noah stepped down to the bottom, Sean's voice came back to him.

"Ah yes! Don't get hit by his attack, if you get even a little of his [Fire], you can get serious burns," he said. I don't know how long he's been paying attention to someone he's just met.

'He's a good guy. I feel guilty for threatening him like that before,' thought Noah after seeing the kindness in Sean Harris' heart.

Noah looked forward. Gazing at the immense arena around the surroundings of the Hunter Academy. A [Hunter] container that has various prowess.

'That means I have to be careful using my [Element].'

"Thanks for telling me, Mr. Sean," Noah said.

He flashed his friendly smile at Sean and dumbfounded the pod brown-haired man. Maybe it was because someone from the Ortiz Family who was a respected family called him with the additional title of 'Master' to himself.

Now Noah's feet stepped towards where he had to fight with a man named Gerald Gardenium. However, before he was about to reach the stairs, the man with pale gold hair walked in front of him.

'Is he that man?' thought Noah. Immediately he assessed the person's appearance and then concluded what attitude was in the pale gold-haired man.

However, these traits should not exist in Noah. He quickly shook his head and tried to shake off the thought. He shrugged his shoulders.

'We won't know how great his [Element] is, so I'll have to check it out in person.'

His feet stepped back to go down through the same level as the pale gold-haired man. Walked towards the arena and immediately prepared to start a fight with the dangerous [Fire Element] user man as Sean Harris said earlier.

After the two people were about to fight, the MC above, who was precisely standing on the balcony without using a mic and relying solely on [Sound Element] got a whisper. At first, he was about to speak, stopped when the person behind him whispered.

The look on his face was surprised. Even his broad forehead due to his slick quiff hairstyle was sweating. It looked like he was breaking out in a cold sweat.

After the person behind him finished whispering, the MC cleared his throat. Looking like he was trying to calm his heart condition, his heart suddenly beating so fast that it made him feel uncomfortable.

Surprisingly, after getting a whisper, his speaking style became formal. Be careful in his speech and his stance also looks formal. Of course, the people who saw it were confused by the change in the attitude of an MC who was friendly and used informal language to become stiff and formal. Well, the average person thought that this one who was fighting was one of the successors of the Gardenium Company.

"The fight 1 versus 1 between Altair Noah with Gerald Gardenium will begin. Please referee gives a subsequent decision," he said with a very formal language style.

Two people who come from prominent families are now facing each other. Staring at each other with defiant gazes. Noah looked at Gerald with his cold gaze, while Gerald looked at Noah with a look full of enthusiasm to destroy him. You can see it in his smiling smile.

'He's a child of the Gardenium Family.'

After seeing Gerald's appearance, Noah finally concluded. A man with pale gold hair, violet eyes. The violet color in his beaded eyes could tell that he was from the Gardenium Family. That was because only the Gardenium Family had that bead color.

Gerald Gardenium has a European mix. Because of that, he looks like a westerner, because his blood flows partly European blood. Which is a crossbreed.

Noah saw Gerald's appearance. A passionate smile, eyes full of ambition, an attitude that wouldn't budge and only relied on his [Awakening].

'Is this what the Gardenium Family teaches?' thought Noah as if he had become an authoritative parent.

"Hey you, how long are you going to be silent like that?"

Finally, the man who had the impatience and fiery spirit of his [Fire Element] let out his voice first. He couldn't wait to put up a fight that he thought would be fierce.

'What will I do after this?'

However, Noah did not answer what Gerald said and annoyed him. The violet-eyed man snorted. He quickly stretched his hands forward; which was pointing precisely at Noah.

"There's no point in you staying there. Or is it that you're not prepared at all to come to this place?" asked Gerald as if looking down on his opponent.

'He doesn't recognize me,' thought Noah which was a great opportunity to hide his true identity.

The black-haired man with midnight express eyes was still standing calmly on the ground he was stepping on. With his hands tucked into his sweater pockets, he didn't use any weapons at all.


Gerald cast his spell. Slowly [Fire Element] began to surround his wrists and feet. It looked so horrific, even the people who were watching this fight grimaced at it. While the person who experienced it was not in pain at all, even he felt proud of his [Fire Element].

"I'm sorry if I attacked you when you weren't prepared at all. Let's end this quickly and see who is the highest [Class]," said Gerald even more disparaging Noah because the man he was fighting had no signs of attacking him.

'He came here just to get a high [Class]?'

However, Noah thought otherwise. He was surprised by what Gerald said. Was Gerald Gardenium so ambitious to get the highest class in this Hunter Academy?

Noah took a breath. Closing his eyes and saying calmly like water,


At Noah's fingertips, the [Darkness Element] that he didn't mention came out. The shadow or looks like black smoke surrounds the fingertips and from a distance, it certainly looks vague.

Noah took it out because he was grateful that [System] didn't use [Element] like eye sharpening. In this world, [Hunters] would only have [Natural Elements] such as [Basic Elements] which were [Water], [Fire], [Wind], [Earth], and [Plants].

Why did Noah believe the man's words? That Sean Harris?

Noah not only trusted Sean Harris but from the results he had observed during his many battles, he concluded that Sean's words were true. All [Hunters] have various [Elements], but still come from [Basic Elements].

'Hope I can get it out,' he thought. Although there was a feeling of anxiety in his heart.

Noah slowly took out [Darkness Element] from his fingertips to his palms. He had only imagined that [Darkness Element] would surround his wrists dimly.

'I should be able to manipulate my [Darkness Element] into [Wind Element].'