Ch. 41 [Updating Data]


[Updating data ...]

[Main Mission

Defeat the Misty Ghost in the nearby Type D Dungeon.

There is no time limit on the Main Mission.

Immediately complete the Main Mission this time because slowly the darkness will devour you.


+10 Strength points

+1 Mortality Rest Potion

+Shade Dagger]


A breeze filled the room through the open window. The curtain that was used to cover the window swayed in the wind. His report papers that were on his study table were flying. Making the floor of his room littered with paper in a mess.

A man is lying on a bed. Staring at the sky- no. Staring at the rectangular shape in front of him. It is blue and gives off radiation that can damage the eyes. He stared at the hologram questioningly, implied by his midnight express irises. His brows knit together which indicated that he was deep in thought.


As soon as his voice commanded to remove the hologram from before him, the [System] that had always filled his brain responded. The hologram in front of his eyes shifted upwards and disappeared like the wind which was the same as the hologram. Suddenly disappeared and seemed reluctant to enter.

He had jet-black hair, with a piercing look in his eyes, an eye color worthy and beautiful like the night sky, shrouded in darkness full of mystery, the color of his eyes was midnight express. His skin is bright and even women feel jealous of him. His body is ordinary, does not have muscles like his friends who have a trained body. It was because he was weak, making him insecure to appear in public.

'I have to complete the [Main Mission] before I lose that [Darkness Element],' he thought.

Yes, that's just his mind. Because the [Element] that has been found by a [Hunter] cannot be removed. It's like a natural talent for people who experience [Awakening].

'That's just my wild thoughts. There's no way [Element] disappears.'

He chuckled as he thought about his strange line of thinking. He closed his eyes, then opened them again. Don't know what he was doing, however, doing that somehow made him feel calm.

Noah got up from his slumber. His once fractured back no longer hurt. Well, that's because he drank the [Healing Potion]. How many times has he drunk it? Ah, that's the second time.

Rising from his sleep, his hand gripped the edge of the soft mattress. The rooms are comfortable, with air conditioning, have spacious rooms, even in this room there is also a television that has a large screen. All of his hobbies are in this room, including chess which is near the window which is taller than the door of his room.

For a moment he tilted his head. Looked at the wall but the mind wasn't there. He thought of something, searching for memories that had been lost. Even though it had only been a month, how could he have forgotten something like that?

'How do I see the [Main Mission]?' he thought. 'Though it feels like yesterday I managed to summon him.'

He ruffled his already disheveled black hair. His charm did not change, even increased. That disheveled hair might drive women crazy.

His eyes turned to the blue sky through the large window. The view of the beautiful housing is a feast for the eyes.

His brain was working hard to find the memories he had forgotten. Since nothing came to mind, Noah gave up and sighed in resignation.

'I'd better try it in person.'

He took a deep breath. Guessing whether his voice will be responded to by [System]. Well, maybe he would be laughed at if the [Admin] or the owner of the game saw him acting childish. Remembering that he had once on a whim to summon [System] and ended up with his face turning red with embarrassment.

'If [Status] can be summoned by calling it [Status], won't [Main Mission] be the same way?'

Noah is still thinking critically. Either it's an important thing, or it's just a waste of time.


However, suddenly the sound that disturbed his hearing sounded again loudly. Noah spontaneously covered his ears with his hands. Grimaced because of the loudness of the voice that appeared in his hearing and made him have to curse the act of [System].

"Couldn't he turn down his voice that can damage my hearing?" he muttered.

Indeed, Noah's hearing is sharper than the hearing of other humans. If someone whispered from a distance of 1 meter, he could still hear it.

The black-haired man hates the advantages or disadvantages. Ah, that's indeed said to be an advantage or can be said to be a disadvantage. The advantage is that he can hear easily from a distance that is beyond the limit of human hearing, while the disadvantage is that he feels disturbed when he is in a crowd. Makes his head dizzy and throbbing.

The hologram appeared in front of his face without his request. The blue light made his eyes narrow for a while before he could manage to adjust.

[Updating data...]

The hologram that was inscribed with those two words made his eyes widen.

'[Updating data]?' he thought. His mouth dropped slightly as he read it.

The hologram that said [Updating data] had never appeared in front of him. What happened? Why did [System] suddenly issue information like this? Then, are there any updates that are in the [System]?

He quickly grabbed his cell phone that was on his desk. Right beside the bed and his hand managed to grab it. Turning on his cellphone screen and making the light from the screen shine on his face. His hand shifted the screen, looking for data that may be what he was thinking was also experiencing the same thing as him.

'Did anyone else go through the same thing?' he thought. His hands are still busy sliding the screen, then pressing the screen. As if he got the right website.

His eyes widened when he found it and read it slowly. Read one by one the people who also experienced [Awakening].

-Message from Cococnutx, 09.00 am:

Did you guys experience something similar to mine?-

His finger swiped up, reading the next message. The website he visited was where the [Hunters] gathered. Discuss what kind of experiences they had while being a [Hunter].

The website was created by one of the top officials who are experts in the field of technology and communication science. Yang also experienced [Awakening] and he was even at one of the higher-ups of the Hunter Academy.

-Message from Hunterami_, 09.01 am:

Experiencing what?-

Once again, Noah's index finger swiped up the screen. Read the next comments which have now become hundreds of comments.

-Message from Ullyyyhun, 09.01 am:

Oh, that! The system suddenly updates the data! I wonder what happened even now it's still like that!-

Again, Noah reads the comments below. Just popped up and started following the discussion the name 'Coconutx' created earlier.

-Message from Jaehyung.Hunter, 09.02 am:

Honestly, I was amazed by how advanced the technology is. But, this annoys me! I was in the pool and I was having a hard time seeing the road in front of me! How to get rid of it!-

The person who wrote the message must be really upset. Noah also experienced the same thing as the others. He chuckled at the comment, comforting himself a little. After that, his index finger returned to its previous activity, namely sliding the screen up.

-Message from Papadontwannacry, 09.03 am:

So... Can someone remove this thing that is blocking my view? I'm losing my son.-

And the topic of the conversation was divided into two. Noah stopped his activities as a reader only. His eyes stared at the hologram in front of him now.

"The hologram they see moves in the direction their eyes are pointing. However, this hologram of mine only stays at a point. It can split into two or more,' thought Noah. His midnight express irises stared at the writing that still didn't change.

[Updating data ...]

There are only ellipsis marks that are on the hologram moving. To one, two, even three, then back to one. So on. It shouldn't need to be explained anymore.

Noah looked up. Staring at the ceiling, which is painted white. With the decoration of the blue lights, it made him have to re-adjust his head position. He looked back at the hologram and scratched the back of his neck that was probably itching.

"What should I do? [Main Mission] won't respond while [System] is [Updating data]," he muttered.

For a moment he was silent. An idea popped into his mind and his eyes turned to the side. He glanced at his closet which was full of fiction and non-fiction books neatly arranged by him. The hologram did not follow the direction of his eyes, he remained to hover where he appeared. After that, he turned his body, and finally, the hologram also rotated. Follow his body.

Noah, who felt what he was doing was fun, smiled faintly. The face that had looked cold turned into a happy one. It is a silly thing for him but can be entertainment.

He chuckled. But within seconds, the black-haired man realized what he had done. Fixed his position and his hand moved towards his mouth while clearing his throat.

'What have I done,' he thought, now embarrassed by his strange behavior.

His hand moved towards her head, ruffling her soft hair with her right hand. Perhaps he was frustrated with what he had to do to become strong other than the help of the [System].

'Apparently, this room has the potential to drive people crazy,' he thought imaginatively.

He rose from his seat on the bed. Stretch the muscles that had been stiff due to long lie down. With tousled hair, Noah walked towards the door to exit his room which had become a self-made palace.