
[Break! Break! Break!] Qin Hua barked loudly and stopped her body midway, jumping back into the patch of shadow she just leaped out of.

And as soon as she did that, a bunch of attacks hit the spot, including a bolt of lightning. Clearly, her presence here was doing more harm than good.

[What the heck? Woof! Do I have to fight these people now???]

She panted, wondering what to do now, when fortunately Lu Chen and the speed guy walked in, with the speed guy limping his right leg. 

"What happened brother Che are you alright?" One of the guys shouted and quickly walked over to him. 

Qin Hua gulped in relief after seeing them and once again stepped out. 

"AH!!! The beast is here again!" Someone shouted. 

[Woof! Too soon?] She prepared to leap back in, but luckily, this time Alex and Lu Chen both shouted. "The dog won't hurt you, don't attack it, stop! stop!"