Clash with the titans

The many civilians sitting inside the stadium also panicked and rushed out, wondering what was happening. They were worried that the building might collapse over them and bury them alive.

However, the sight that was waiting for them outside did not make them feel any better. Their bodies were trembling and their vision shook as they saw what was going on around them.

Lu Chen, Guan Ye, and Alex quickly moved near Qin Hua and Xu Meilin had also tossed Su Yan over her shoulders and walked towards them not knowing where else to go or if there was even any safe place left.

The land underneath them had given up. Four big cracks emerged and the next instant, the earth split apart through these four tremor lines. 

From these, bigger cracks formed which turned into four giant gaping holes. The four holes were positioned as if they were four corners of a square, enclosing everyone on the inside.

Everyone shuddered at the sight of these huge holes.