Slaughter Part5

Screee! Screee!

A group of five goblins were chattering and excitedly hunting a pack of wild mutated dogs. 

The sharp canines and the frenzied state of the dogs would have scared many people but the goblins seemed fairly casual about the fight.

They slashed their weapons at the dog as if they were beating down a bunch of pests that were not fit to stand in front of them.

Their agility and strength matched the frenzied state of the dogs and it didn't take them long to stab the entire pack to death in the cruelest and most sadistic manner possible.

Instead of finishing the fight by tearing away their throats, they stabbed everywhere else making the dogs yelp and slowly bleed on the ground to death.

They then chattered and laughed among themselves enjoying the sight contently.

Screee! Screee! Screee! Screee!