Pit of worms Part4

Terrible noises echoed ahead of them and both Alex and Xu Meilin dashed as fast as they could. 

These people had been frozen and helpless against mere tiny insects that didn't fight back, so they didn't have to imagine what was happening right now. 

They both did not have any expectations. They already knew what they were going to see.

Little white and Lu Chen were not with them right now, so irrespective of whatever was going on, everything was already out of their hands.


A loud noise echoed as the two women rushed back to the site of the main battle. Xu Meilin was afraid to even look up. She could only smell death in the air.

Alex was a bit braver and the only thought in her mind was to save whoever was still alive. 

She clenched her dagger and stared ahead, but unlike the blood bath and massacre they had expected, the scene in front of them was completely different.