I am raising a gluttonous pig! Part2

[Damn! Total of 20 mana ores!??] Qin Hua jolted up from her lazy pose and stood on all fours.

[Woof! Did you see it properly?]

[I guess you did. How can my clone lie to me?!]

[Woof! This is big news!]

She paced back and forth, asking the system in her body. [How can I absorb these things faster?]

[Then how can I improve my mana affinity? Ah! Is there another cleansing potion available?]

The list of items in the shop opened up, but unfortunately, there was no higher-grade body cleansing potion.

[Ughh. Sometimes this system is not reliable. Woof! Never mind, it's okay to spend some time here and absorb all the crystals fully.]

[Perhaps these things can even lure more beasts our way and we can train just by sitting on our asses. This should be a good experience. Woof!]