Working Together

"It's just beyond this building," Geming explained as the group of them walked along.

"Ya. We know." Lu Chen nodded and Alex grumbled something similar under her breath.

In the next few seconds, they reached the facility, and as soon as they neared the main gate of the area, a few armed guards walked out.

Following these men, Generals Zemin and Bailong walked out as well. 

Everybody's gaze was directed at the trio who stood with a relaxed stance, not the least bit worried about whatever may happen. Was this arrogance or confidence?

Bailong was the first to speak and he loudly cleared his throat. "Ahem. Where is everyone else? I heard that there were totally about twenty or thirty of you?"

The General's eyes inevitably fell on Guan Ye as he was the oldest in the group and also was a bit taller than the other two. However, Lu Chen was the one who responded instead.