Eros Women's Election Day

Today Namara just got out of the bath. She immediately returned to the room to see how the result of using the magic powder for the second time. Arriving in front of the mirror, she immediately turned around until she saw the reflection on her back.

Namara immediately fell silent with all the shock and explosion of happiness. Extraordinary! She cheered in her heart.

All the scars of the whip had completely disappeared. No more red streaks, not one bit. Her skin was back to normal. White and smooth without any signs of being injured.

This is too great.

Namara was amazed by the results. The person who had created that powder must have been an extremely powerful Thousand Star clan master. Had she been allowed to meet he would like to express her admiration.

She was still admiring her back when she suddenly heard a commotion downstairs. With a sense of astonishment, she immediately dressed properly and stepped out of the room.

When the door opened she immediately saw Xanda walking toward her. "Why is it so busy? What's wrong?" Namara asked in surprise.

"The Eros Woman election is held today," Xanda replied.

Namara was immediately surprised to hear that answer. This shouldn't be the time yet, right?

Realizing the confusion on Namara's face, Xanda told her. "He changed his schedule. It was too sudden that many people were not ready. Just look at the many women who are in a hurry."

Namara also spread her gaze in all directions. Just right. She could see that many women were going back and forth busy with their interests. Some are busy styling their hair, applying makeup, or tidying up clothes.

Does Namara have to compete with all of them? Oh, it feels so embarrassing.

"Are you going down?" Xanda asked.

"Yes. Whatever happens, I will still follow the election," replied Namara.

Xanda took a deep breath. She deeply regretted Namara's decision. However, she also did not have the right to prohibit it. So she could only say, "I've told you things about Eros. Be careful."

Namara nodded. "Thank you." She smiled a little. Regardless of how she looked right now, she immediately descended downstairs.

Everyone seems busy now. Verna checked each woman carefully and arranged them to line up parallel. She frowned after arriving in front of someone.

"Can you dress properly? Don't you know what Mr. Eros's criteria are?!" Verna protested to a woman who wore such revealing clothes. Every curve of her body is visible. There was no mistaking it, it was Nera.

"Verna, just let me dress however I want. After all, Mr. Eros will like me," replied Nera casually. It seems like she is very confident in her appearance.

Verna grunted without saying anything. If Nera was rejected, it would be her own fault. After all, Verna had warned. Then she turned to another woman and reprimanded her again. This time it was due to the exaggerated makeup.

"Why are you guys so flirtatious?" grumbled Verna after realizing how they looked. After all the results would be troublesome if Eros didn't find his choice. She's the one who will end up in trouble.

While Verna is busy with rows of women, Ilene takes on a different task. The woman was standing outside the room waiting to call for the ladies to come in.

True. Namara did not see Eros' figure. Most likely the cold man had already entered the room he was used to. She became curious, what was that man going to do in there?

"You! What are you doing there?!" exclaimed Verna, pointing at Namara. Her face looked fiercer than usual.

Namara immediately took a step and stopped at the very end of the line. "Do you want to come too?" asked Verna.

"Yes." Namara nodded.

However, Verna's response was very unpleasant. The woman looked at her mockingly. "Yesterday you were rejected. Do you think there will be a second chance?" she scoffed.

"Of course. If Mr. Eros even gives me a second chance, why don't you?" replied Namara bravely. It felt like she was fed up with that woman. She wanted to get out of this godforsaken place quickly. There is nothing pleasant about living in a brothel.

Verna snorted. "Don't cry if you get rejected again," she sneered before walking away.

Namara just stared flatly at Verna. She swore, in the future if she could have power then she wanted to at least make Verna apologize to her.

At that time suddenly the door opened and a woman ran out. Her hands were holding clothes that looked torn everywhere. Her not-so-pretty face was already filled with tears.

The woman was crying loudly as she continued to run somewhere. The people who saw it became wondering. What happened in the room?

Namara took a deep breath. She had already been treated badly by Eros. So, she could still endure it if the man behaved badly again.

Little by little the queue started to decrease. Namara waited patiently and tried not to care what was going on around her. However, the commotion created by Nera managed to catch her eye.

Nera who was very confident with her appearance was suddenly kicked out even just seconds after entering. Her face was filled with disbelief, just like everyone else. They don't believe it either.

How could Nera, who was a men's favorite, be rejected by Eros?

"Sir! Let me introduce myself first! You will never regret choosing me!" shouted Nera. She ran banging on the door many times.

"Sir! Give me another chance!"

Ilene who saw that immediately dragged Nera away. "Stupid! If you have been rejected then somehow you beg, you still will not be accepted!"

"Impossible!" Nera denied frustration. She still couldn't believe Eros' rejection. Her pride was completely crushed just like that.

"What are you looking at, huh?!" shouted Nera when she realized that she had become a spectacle. Of course, she was embarrassed. Annoyed, she stomped the floor before finally walking away with a grim face.

Namara who saw this incident immediately snorted. After all, based on the criteria that Xanda had said, from the start she had guessed that Nera would not succeed. Now it's proven, right?

"Ridiculous," Namara scoffed. If Nera heard the taunt, that woman would have immediately inflicted a fatal blow on Namara.

Not long after that, it was Namara's turn. As long as she waited, there was still no sign of whom Eros would choose. So Namara feels she still has hope.

With great anticipation, she stepped inside. This time she was even more determined. Whatever the circumstances, she absolutely must not fail.

When Namara arrived inside, the sight that was presented was enough to make her wonder. The place was a mess, unlike the last time she walked in. There were lots of cloth scattered on the floor along with the women's jewelry knick-knacks.

Namara diverted her attention and immediately saw Eros who was lying on his side on the bed. His head is supported with the right hand, while the left-hand holds dark black fur. It was like the feathers on his wings.

"You still haven't given up," said Eros after seeing Namara's arrival. The corners of his lips were pulled into a grin.