Meet Leor

"Miss, there is someone who wants to meet you," said Elise after re-entering the room.

"Who?" asked Namara.

"That's Mr. Leor," Elise replied.

Unknowingly, Namara frowned. She was trying to dig up information about someone named Leor. Leor… who is he? It seems that the name is not so foreign to the ear.

Oh, she knows now.

"You mean Mr. Eros's brother?" asked Namara. She couldn't believe it. Why did he want to see her? Namara's feelings became a bit restless.

Leor couldn't possibly know her destination, could he?

"That's right, Miss. However, if you meet him, Mr. Eros will be angry," sighed Elise who felt a little frustrated. As a subordinate, she was sometimes put in difficult situations.

Namara was silent. "Then I don't want to see the man," she said after a while. For the sake of heaven and earth, she did not wish to deal with the higher-ups of the Black Wings clan head-on.

Elise let out an exasperated sigh. "Miss, you know yourself that he is a future clan head. It's not a good thing to make him angry either," she whispered.

Yes, she has to admit it's true. Like it or not, Namara had to meet him. She could only hope that Leor did not find out her true identity and purpose.

"Then I will meet him, but…." Only you and I know.

Elise seemed to understand Namara's thoughts. She nodded. "Let me take Miss there," she said. After that, she also led Namara to the garden behind the Star Palace.

Namara is very lazy to move. Her body felt limp and, ah, she just didn't feel like she was. Her back hurts too. Very annoying.

"Hatchi!" She sneezed again. Her itchy nose rubbed again. Luckily no snot came out. It's not elegant at all.

"Where? Is it still a long time?" Now her voice sounded hoarse.

"Soon," said Elise.

Throughout the room, they passed there was no one in sight. What is this? What Namara knew was that there were usually people on guard.

It's not luck. Yes, Namara knew she was never that lucky. So, chances are it was all arranged by Leor. Very nice! The man was quite careful.

Namara snorted and then sneezed again. It was very annoying for her. The good news is that the exit is in sight. She could peek a little of the greenery beyond the door.

The Black Wings clan people's taste in beauty seemed to be extremely low. The garden is not so fitting to be called a garden. No colorful flowers, no beautifully trimmed grass.

There was only a small pavilion that looked more like a rock hut. The garden didn't even look like a garden, it was more like a cemetery!

Among the green grass scattered many stones that have various shapes and carvings. Alright, this is better than just being cooped up in a palace.

From a distance, Namara could see the man sitting inside the pavilion. The man was slightly more mature than Eros and his face was uglier than Eros.

Yes, so far no one has surpassed Eros's good looks. Maybe this is the only Eros record that no one else has broken yet.

"Miss, I will wait for you here," said Elise.


You damn sneeze! No idea where and what Namara was dealing with.

"Okay." Namara stepped closer. Honestly, her heart was pounding. However, she tried to keep her expression calm.

"Sorry for making Mr. Leor wait so long," said Namara after arriving outside the pavilion. She will not enter unless ordered.

Leor looked at Namara then smiled kindly. Yes, that face doesn't look evil or cold-like Eros. Again she was comparing to Damn Eros.

"Come in," he said.

Only then did Namara walk in. "And sit down," added Leor.

Namara occupied the stone chair opposite Leor. Too bad her butt hurts when she sits down. It's Eros' fault! Okay. She had to focus on the problem first.

Now she was starting to feel nervous. Of course, that was because she was dealing with someone of a higher status than Eros. The risk of being threatened is even higher.

"Why did My Lord call me?" asked Namara. She could die wondering why Leor had summoned her here and why he could understand that there was a Namara in Eros palace.

"Good question. You're a very direct person," Leor commented. His gaze turned cautious and seemed to be investigating deeply.

"Your name is Namara?" Namara nodded.

"I heard that many women like you have had bad luck at the hands of Eros. So, I wonder how he treats you."

Namara didn't know what Leor's intentions were. He sounded very nice as if he cared about her. However, Namara would not believe the people of the Black Wings clan. She had to think about her words carefully.

"Sir, I don't know how Mr. Eros treats other women. However, as long as I stay here he is not as cruel as they say," replied Namara.

"Oh yeah? Did he touch you?"

Namara's face stiffened. Why did Leor have to ask such a thing?

"Err, Sir, I guess that should be predictable. Mr. Eros brought me from the brothel. So, I'm…." Namara hung up on her until Leor nodded.

"How many days have you been here?"

"At least four days," Namara replied. Then she sneezed again. It's the wrong moment. "Sorry."

Leor didn't react much. He was still observing Namara with an unreadable expression. At least Namara was relieved that the man didn't seem suspicious of her identity.

"In those four days, how many times has he touched you? Was he drunk or reckless?"

Disrespectful! Namara wanted to scream like that. How could Leor ask that in more detail? That's disrespectful.

For some reason, Namara felt that Leor was investigating her proximity to Eros. Or even that man was investigating Eros. What's with those two?

Feeling embarrassed, Namara finally pushed her hair back. This caused the red marks on his neck to be immediately visible to others. Those are kiss marks.

The movement is done in a very natural way so it doesn't look too flashy. Are you satisfied, Leor?!

"Sir, I'm ashamed to say," replied Namara shyly.

Leor looked at Namara's neck which had many red marks. He fell silent. 'So they did that,' he thought.

"Okay. You can go now," said Leor. He smiled faintly.

"Thank you," replied Namara. She smiled back before finally walking away. For the sake of heaven and earth, she did not feel at home with that man for long.

After Namara's figure left, Leor clenched his palms. His knuckles turned white.

"Is he that bastard? I doubt that. It would be great if he was, but what if he's just hiding his true nature?"

Leor looked quite agitated. When Falmos came he immediately asked, "Sir, what else is making you feel uneasy?"

"Stupid!" Leor growled.

"Eros is my biggest threat. If he's just pretending to be an asshole, then…. You just think about the consequences!"