Namara Is in Danger

"Believe me I won't trouble you." Namara tried to convince Eros. She was really curious about the state of the Carax Forest.

Finally, Eros nodded. "I'll punish you if you get into trouble there," he said emphatically.

Namara nodded. Then she followed Eros into the Carax Forest. The cloth in her hand started to thrash about. "Can you guys let me go? This thing is over, isn't it?"


No one answered the cloth's question. Finally, it groaned in annoyance. "Are you two lovers? Why is there no warmth at all? It's disgusting."

"Don't say nonsense," Namara hissed. She followed Eros' way of torturing the cloth, by squeezing it.

"Ouch, ouch... Don't be so cruel to me! I'm just asking a question. Why are you so angry?" grumbled the cloth.

Namara pursed her lips in displeasure.

Then the cloth resumed its bullshit. "What's your name? I don't have a name yet. Can you suggest me a name? Of course, it has to be a cool name."

"White," said Eros suddenly.

"That's all? No, it's too ugly."

"More complete is Stupid White," added Eros.

Immediately, Namara laughed. Stupid White. A fitting name for that talkative fabric. She became surprised, how could Atne create such an annoying spirit?

"Hey! Didn't I say a cool name? Surely you wouldn't want me to have a better name than you, would you?" The cloth groaned.

"White, can you shut up?" asked Namara with the new nickname.

"What the hell White! I don't like that name!" The cloth protested. Namara just chuckled in response. Although the cloth is quite annoying, it is a little comforting too.

Eros ignored the two creatures. He kept walking until he finally arrived outside the Carax Forest. The location of the forest was indeed not that far from Selshi academy.

Namara was immediately amazed to see so many Carax trees. Each of them did have a very large size. Of course, they are very old.

Carax trees have a spiral arrangement of leaves. The size of the leaves is no wider than the palm of a human hand. The edges of the leaves are slightly jagged. The tree also has many hanging roots, like a banyan tree.

Namara had seen a Carax tree before, but it was much smaller than the one up ahead. That's a little crazy. What's more, the Carax tree is fairly rare.

"You guys have to be careful. I don't want to die, please..." White moaned.

"If you talk too much I guarantee you will die," said Eros. Finally White keeps its mouth shut.

After that Eros started to enter the territory of the Carax Forest. Namara followed behind him. There was no trace or sign of someone ever coming there. Maybe because time has passed long enough.

They walked through the lush forest. There is little sunlight that can penetrate the wide canopy of trees. The air becomes humid and cold.

"Where did the gap open?" asked Eros.

White was silent, unwilling to speak. Finally, Namara rubbed the white cloth. "Hey!"

"He said I was told to shut up," White protested.

"You can talk now," said Eros with tight jaws. He was already feeling irritated at the cloth spirit.

"Erm. Go a little deeper. If you see two Carax trees pressed together then that's where it is."

They went even deeper. The further they walked, the more uneasy Namara felt. It was like walking towards death.

Such feelings continued until she saw two Carax trees pressed against each other. More hanging roots than other trees make the tree look scarier.

She tried to find the gap in the ground that was told by White. However, the ground there looked completely normal. There are no cracks let alone crevices that can swallow humans.

Or maybe this is some kind of trap?

Eros increased his alertness. Instead of secretly investigating, he preferred to inform the tree of his arrival. He needed the opening in question to get inside.

His right foot tapped the ground several times. The wind swayed the leaves. However, other than that nothing happened. Could it be that some way is needed to open the gap?

Eros stepped closer to the two trees. His fists clenched and he carelessly punched one of the very large tree trunks.


Carax tree swaying. Some of the leaves have fallen. Eros punched again to provoke the tree. If the tree is angry maybe a crack will open.

Bang, bang, bang!

"Has that man gone mad? Isn't he afraid the tree will swallow him alive?" White was taken aback by Eros' actions. The man was looking for death.

"He's not a normal person," Namara muttered.

That's when suddenly the ground shook. Cracking sounds began to be heard. Namara stepped back when she saw the ground beneath her feet starting to form small cracks.

"It's coming, it's coming!" White was starting to look panicked. Namara herself raised her guard.


The two adjacent Carax trees were moving away from each other. Finally, a wide gap of dirt was created between the two Carax trees.

Black wings instantly appeared on Eros' back. He dashed toward Namara, intending to take the lady with him. However, the unexpected happened.

Before Eros could reach Namara, a brown root suddenly burst out from within the crack in the ground. With lightning speed, the roots shot and grabbed Namara's body and tied her tightly.


Namara's heart seemed to stop beating. She couldn't understand what happened next. All she could see were flashes of shadows along with the feeling of being pulled very quickly.

Eros was surprised to see this. He never expected that the one the tree would target would be Namara. Why does it have to be that woman?

He quickly dashed after the tree roots. Without hesitation, he plunged into a gap that was probably only 2 meters wide. However, the deeper he goes into the gap the wider it gets.

The walls of the gap look so rough. Now the air grew darker as he descended deeper. Eros' hand raised creating a spiritual light bulb.

He continued to descend to an unknown time. It is inconceivable, the abyss turns out to be very deep. It might be hundreds of meters before his feet finally touched the bottom of the abyss.

Even though Eros had already lost Namara, he didn't look panicked. He knew panic wouldn't solve the problem, it would just block someone's thinking.

Eros' hands started to come together. His eyes were tightly closed. Then the intricate hand seals began to be performed so quickly.

Spiritual light bulbs appeared one by one until finally there were so many of them. The place that was once so dark has now become bright.

Eros opened his eyes. What he saw first was….

Several bodies were nailed to the cliff walls. Huge brown roots bound their bodies and then its sharp, sharp tip pierced right through their hearts.

Surprisingly those people were still alive. Eros could hear their breathing despite being very weak. The bodies were stiff and pale. Green streaks seemed to fill their skin like tendrils of plants.

Eros frowned. This situation is simply not right. There is a certain purpose that the roots of the tree desire.

Eros's eyes immediately flashed with a cold light. This is not good. Namara is really in danger.