Sneaky Namara

"Fine! Whatever. It's up to you what you're going to do." It seemed that Master Orsley could not bear to rebuke or advise Namara. So he will free everything that Namara did.

"See you later, Master Orsley. After this I will go to Lindfen Peak," said Namara as she walked away. She was a little impatient to quickly enter the clan palace.

Master Orsley frowned upon hearing Namara's last sentence. "Lindfen Peak? Where is it?" He had just heard the name. Maybe he'll find out later.

"I hope you'll always be okay," Master Orsley muttered before finally disappearing into empty air.

Namara went to the palace of the Sun clan. Finally, after almost two months away, she could see the huge building again. She felt a genuine longing.