Finally Namara wake up

Helen walked over to Namara. She immediately grabbed Namara's wrist and checked her pulse for a while.

Her brow furrowed. She didn't find anything either. Everything felt very normal.

"Before there was a lot of blood coming out. It was a lot. I even wiped it many times. Luckily it has stopped now," said Hestia.


Hestia nodded. "Yes. Dark red blood oozes out of her pores. It's all over the body, not just any particular part of the body."

"Hmm. How did it start?" asked Helen.

"She drank the potion she made," Hestia replied.

"Are you sure it wasn't poisoning?" asked Helen.

"No, I don't think so. I've drunk the potion and the results are very good. It doesn't seem dangerous," Hestia said confidently.

"Could you get some for me?"

Hestia nodded. "I'll get it," Hestia replied. She immediately dashed into the kitchen to get the finished potion. A few moments later she was back in the room.