Becoming Madam Lavena's Maid

Namara had finished cleaning the grass on the surface of the tomb. Then she looked at the two gravestones in turn. "I'm leaving now," she whispered.

Her legs started to turn. She was just about to leave when she suddenly heard footsteps approaching. Her brows furrowed. Who's that?

She quickly extinguished the light in her hand. Then she jumped to hide behind the bushes not too far from her. Yes, she had to hide, she didn't want others to know about her arrival.

A few moments later the shadow of a man came into view. The man used fire as lighting. He walked over and stopped right beside the graves of Namara's parents.

From behind the bushes, Namara could see that. The man was none other than Vires. Why did this man come to this place? It was a good thing that Namara left immediately, otherwise, she might have been suspected by Vires.