Training Forest

Namara patted the horse's belly lightly. She stared ahead happily, but after a while, the horse still stood still.

"Hey! Why won't it walk?" asked Namara. She looked at the male tenant in confusion.

"Maybe you're not hard enough. Just hit it hard in the stomach," the man replied.

Namara's brow furrowed. However, she tried to do as the person said. Her feet hit the horse's stomach hard. Finally, the horse immediately neighed and began to walk forward.

Okay. Looks like the horse is a little different. The treatment must be different.

The white horse walked leisurely through the existing streets. For a while, Namara still felt a little scared. However, after making it through the city center of East Kinglon she was able to adjust.

Thersea is located near the border between East Kinglon and South Kinglon. At that speed, it would probably take her seven to five hours.