Killing One Hurry

Namara's eyes stared coldly. A smirk appeared on her lips. She started to pick up the arrows that were on her back. Let's kill one game tonight.

 Namara raised her bow. Hiding behind a tree, she started aiming at the unknown man. This is a good time to test the dart's performance on humans.

 "Don't dream, Perth! I would never go out with you!" Hionthea growled. She tried to stand up even though the multiple cuts to her leg made it difficult for her.

 "Stubborn! Doesn't Castor just want to use you to suppress the Nores? If the Nores don't rebel then you won't die!"

 Hionthea snorted. "Who's going to believe your words? Nores knows all the rotten things Castor has done. You think Castor would want to keep a ticking time bomb by his side?!"